The Power of the Dredge – Dead by Daylight

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A quick game showing good uses for the Dredge’s power.


24 thoughts on “The Power of the Dredge – Dead by Daylight”

  1. On console, all i have to say is when the nighttime mode activates I am literally playing blind. Its not like hindered vision, but literal blindness. The game is unbearable and I wont be playing until the killer dies down a little

  2. I didn't know Scott played DBD! The Elden Ring content is what I'm used to but I would definitely stay if you started making DBD content, too

  3. I think it's much better than the Artist "mindgame" situation, since the Dredge is moving at like 92% while holding his power. @1:12 if Laurie ran around the outside of the shack for instance, wouldn't she force you to stop channeling and catch back up? Personally, I don't think it's as bad as as The Artist or any of the other hardcore anti-loop killers


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