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#dbd #commentary #rant
0:00 Intro
0:56 Title Card
0:59 The Usual Side Versus Side Debate
1:47 The Evidence to Both Takes
2:16 The “Winning For Free” Versus “Healthy Longterm Gameplay” Side
2:26 Revvium Accidentally Brought This Up
3:04 Bullying The Other Side Has ALWAYS Been In DBD
4:11 DBD’s DNA Is CODED With Winning Without Skill
4:43 Unbalance Is An APPEAL, Not A Problem To Some People
5:40 An Explanation For People’s Weird Takes
7:07 How Have You Seen People Desire This?
7:28 Outro
On this episode of our Dead by Daylight commentary videos, we have a discussion about how there’s another bias versus bias fight going on in the Dead by Daylight community that’s almost as prominent as killer versus survivor, just not as loud!
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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – Vintage
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring
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ohhh when fnaf joins this game, we're gonna see so many survivors and killers sweating like their life depends on it
That skit in the beginning… def do that shit more
See I love feeling unstoppable but I want it to be a skill think.
I ran a killer all 5 gens? Hell yeah! They should have dropped chase but they didn’t.
Killer I prefer closer to balanced cause stomping on survivors is VERY boring in my opinion. There’s a lot of skill issue moments that can happen from survivor as well. I main a killer that stomps in a solo queue environment and there’s nothing that can be done about that. (Besides taking some damn tapes will ya)
I freaking knew there was something going on with scratch marks. I knew it! Feels good cuz my friends were saying I was just crazy
This game's community is and has been for the longest time (likely forever, though, I feel like 2016 felt a bit different. But maybe because it was a much smaller game) been the worst part of the game. So much so, that over the years I lost any interest in being active regarding most things DbD outside of the game itself. The online/social media presence of this game is weird and outlandish most of the time, and I just can't get behind reading about people living in their little fantasy bubble anymore. It exhausts me… a lot.
The entire us vs them crap could be resolved so easily by two things:
1. Have survivor mains AND killer mains play the other side for an entire month to see things from their perspective
And 2. Have one game mode eventually that's basically 5v5. The killer working together with their survivors, against another team of killer and survivors. May it be mini game based without any of the usual objectives, or just one massive trial where the survivors have to try to avoid the enemy killer, while supporting their own killer with ratting out the enemy survivors. While the killers have to try and protect their survivors, while taking down the other ones and hindering their gen progression
I agree w/other comment = I love the skits – it really makes everything so funny!
The skit at the beginning 💀
I think it stems from people's concepts of fun. For many, fun just means winning.
As someone who doesn't have a competitive bone in their body, I play killer for the love of the game so to speak. Imo, If I'm the only one having fun I don't see the point in playing a multiplayer game at all.
I play sweaty in events because I know killers will tunnel at 5 gens. If 3 gens pop though before 1st hook I usually chill out and ignore gens for a while.
Personally i just think it makes no sense than in an asymmetrical horror game a somewhat decent or gen efficient group of survivors are more of a power role than the actual killer, specially if they are on third party comms. There is also the massive disparity between different killers, some are almost doomed to fail from the start if they get a bigger map. As a killer main playing against a swf is easily one of the worst experiences the game has to offer, specially if you made the mistake of playing lower tier killers, so you feel like you have to sweat from the start every match because you have no idea what you are going against and before you know it there's 2 gens left and everyone is still alive. I would happily accept if BHVR made it impossible to tunnel or camp someone if they also made it unnecessary in order to win as most killers. Same thing with gen defense, if you bring no gen defense you are basically begging to get gen rushed, but people keep complaining about gen defense perks and BHVR keeps nerfing every single one of them instead of thinking why people are using them in the first place. Design and balance the game around hooks and 90 seconds gens, get rid of mechanics that allow survivors to pop gens in 30 seconds while you are in your first chase. Rebalance the most broken maps in the game like Garden and Eerie, no map needs to be that massive. Rebalance the amount of pallets that spawn, there is no excuse to have a map like Meat Plant in the game. Prevent powerful loops from spawning one next to each other, some maps have Jungle Gym into Jungle Gym into shack or stupid stuff like that, nobody likes losing to Tbagging assholes because of bad map rng and game design.
3:33 Evil D-Strike be like
I just like playing cool characters and doing funny things, like slowly turning to look at someone who's hiding, or do something nice, like giving hatch to the last survivor.
I just want fun, thats all ;-;
An unbalanced game can be super fun. Don't get me wrong, if it's too unbalanced or unbalanced in a bad way then it won't be fun.
Looking back at a number of the multiplayer games I used to love playing, and all of them were unbalanced in some way and I fell out of love for them once they started being more balanced.
Or in the case of R6 Siege, once they started nerfing everything into oblivion making nothing in the game fun.
Seriously, be careful where you ask for nerfs. If the devs get too nerf happy or they take the nerfs way too far, very few people will be happy.
The only exception would be cases where something is pretty universally hated like old dead hard, in which case hitting it into the ground is fine.
can we not put old dead hard in the same sentence as old bnp and old decisive? the most overhated good perk. And the nerf made it better until they nerfed it again. Stop bandwagoning .
The worst part about this is the additional undercurrent of this whole "chill cool people vs powertripping bullies" that adds a whole another layer to it, making it even worse:
Players who assume the other side is a candy-stealing bully, based on a myriad different scenarios: like a killer seeing a survivor using a second chance perk and assuming that survivor is an [insert expletive] out for their blood, or a survivor getting hooked twice in a row because they're the only one the killer could find in a squad of Blendettes and thinking the killer is a tunneling Ultra-Hitler. And that's using exaggerated examples. Short-fused "assumers" like that are usually the kinds of lovely people who go out of their way to harass other streamers, which we get horror stories about like… Jesus, is it every week by this point? Sure feels like it…
Thanks for the video, dude. You're one of the most sensible voices in the community.
Oh wow Revvium mention what the hell! W video Bran, I really hope these "autopilot" type of builds continue to be addressed at a much faster rate!