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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

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37 thoughts on “THANATOPHOBIA HUGE NERF! NEW DEVELOPER UPDATE! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I played survivor 60% and killer 40% with my most played killer being Legion so you could call me a survivor main and I'm not happy with the patch at all. The Than nerf just makes it useless on those killer who can't keep survivor's injured, I'm confident in my Legion play to still get value outta Than which is 20% if everyone's injured. Mettle of Man was nerfed into the ground making it useless why? Because killer mains was freaking out over the "tank meta" that never happened? The Pain Res Merciless Storm combo wasn't near as bad as the Dead Man's Switch Pain Res combo which was the whole reason they nerfed Pain Res so now they just reverted the change basically so everyone's just going to run the same meta as before now with Pain Res and Dead Man's. So not really happy at all with any of these changes for either side.

  2. So basically:
    "We nerfed Thanat because a few killers were exploiting the 'we think gen regression is oppressive so we buffed gen regression' patch"
    "We nerfed Mettle of Man, an already awful perk with very little use, because somebody somewhere used it in a weird way"
    "We're reverting our changes because we didn't expect people to use Merciless Storm."


    But seriously that Mettle of Man change makes 0 sense. "Ohey their aura is constantly visible. They have mettle of man. I might as well ignore them for now because they can't do anything of value for the time being without wasting that perk."

  3. This ain't nice, I was mad when they took the bp increase from bbq, and now thanatophobia, must it always be survivor sided, and also, they say to make killer put more effort on the Nerf description, the survivors legit dont need to do anything but bully the killer, but we killers cant bully them. It's just wrong tbh

  4. Man, the thana nerf sucks. They could have done this cool rework with way different numbers and it would have been cool!
    Not feeling as strongly for the other changes but definitely not up to the standard the main update set
    3:55 Especially this. You could have made it so Merciless is only active for as long as the gen remains at more than 90%. Instead, you murderbone an amazing perk that was recently made playable. BHVR braining with their elbows

  5. Thana hurting Legion mains? ROFL
    Been a Legion main since he was released in 2018. This doesn't hurt us. This hurts everyone else trying to use Thana. Thana+DL is still going to be very oppressive. This doesn't address what people are complaining about Thana for. Legion can still easily get to 4 injured, and if you don't heal (Remember the big thing you're not supposed to do against Legion? Mmhmmm) If you heal that means you're not doing a gen. If you're not doing a gen the match is taking longer. By the time you mend and heal I can return and injure you again before running off. This fixes nothing about Forever Legion.

    Edit: Yes, if someone dies or DC's then it loses value. The real issue is still gen regression stacking to upwards of 50%. All this is going to do is increase the likely hood your team is in a 3v1 from the start like most SoloQ is right now. This. Changes. Nothing.

  6. maybe im late to the party, like but when the fuck did they nerf thrilling tremors? i dont remember it being a part of the list on this new update… on top of that its you get like basically no irridescent shards, so for someone like me whos got an average amount of gen regression perks if they want to get more well… i can just go and fuck myself.

  7. Kills me they nerf thana but not all the survivor perks that rush genes 😂 these devs I swear maybe it’s time to rework the maps make them smaller or rework the tiles it’s so easy but they don’t understand it

  8. Well… I guess I'm back to being a nurse main.

    Also thanatophobia used to provide a 20% slowdown before the buff. They just added an additional 2% overall which is an additional half percentage point to each injured survivor. Thanatophobia is essentially a dead perk, dying light is a better choice but it relies on you hooking everyone for each cycle which can take an entire match. Thanatophobia worked because with legion's synergy it was almost instantaneous.

  9. thana nerf wasnt needed, survivors just needed to get good at the game
    the extra 10 seconds to gens and the extra 2% to thana was literally NOTHING cuz mfs still gen rush or bring prove with BNPs lmao

  10. Overall terrible changes.

    Thana got gutted, MOM is useless and DMS/Pain Res combo was taken out for a reason but back cause they'd rather tweak perk numbers than fix the issue some are causing.


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