The Reddit PTB From Hell is a Sign of a Much Bigger Problem – Dead By Daylight

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In this cringetacular DBD video we’re going to discuss the recent PTB where the twins and haddonfield were reworked by an army of glue sniffers.

Corncob by Kevin MacLeod
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45 thoughts on “The Reddit PTB From Hell is a Sign of a Much Bigger Problem – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Then they reworked Sadako again and nerfed her hard into the ground.
    Her power doesn't work, her time wasting is nonexistent with the tapes, and her range is awful (which matters since they essentially made her an M1 killer).
    There is no consequence to holding a tape. It takes 1 second to take a tape and 1 second to return it to a TV that the survivor can easily find since it's highlighted for them.
    Oh and how long TVs are turned off for when a tape is taken. Which, as mentioned above, HAS NO REAL CONSEQUENCE.
    You can try to say you like that she's weak but the reality is, most of us don't. We want to win because we have skill and lose because we make mistakes. We don't want to win because she's OP and lose because she's so awful that she is a laughing stock.

    TDLR: Sadako is in a poor state after this rework and it's not even because of the rework. It's because they nerfed her into the dirt just before her rework went live.

  2. I mean, if they make every killer A-tier it would be easier to then balance the rest of the game around that. You may enjoy mastering weaker killers, but you are not the average player. Most people that play don't have thousands of hours or make content on the game for a living. The game shouldn't be balanced around what veterans want.

  3. Yeah, but unfortunately people keep on playing. The number of people playing dead by daylight has increased so much that it went past 50,000 players a week ago.

    This specifically calls to survivor players, that In my opinion are valid in complaining that this game is unplayable. Congratulations you did nothing but keep on playing the game increasing the player count that to DBD is basically telling them you liked their changes.

  4. The community especially on the killer side (this is not to be taken as a generalization) is full of idiots they would much rather power trip while they can and cry when their main character is nerfed instead of giving constructive feed back the first time and helping this game go back to a playable state

  5. Your currency system also reduces variability. Your currency system does not fix the game. It makes things worse. Truthfully the game simply needs to stop looking for “balance” and go back to fun. A limiting currency simply to play the game is ridiculous. It’s not COD and it never will be, it will never work. I watched your other video having to do with this currency system in detail and you cannot convince me it would work because truthfully it’s a very shortsighted approach and fix for core issues. It looks good on paper but in practice I guarantee it makes the game even more boring. Stop bringing it up like it’s the end all solution

  6. You seem like a pretty chill person, but the thumbnail says a lot of about your character, and it is doesn't say good things.

    There is something wrong with you, but sadly, the self loathing and hostility to other men you show is pretty common in men.

  7. Choy bringing' the fire! BHVR recently laid off 45 of their employees. No doubt some of those guys that would of known better had probably been laid off and now absolutely no one has any clue how this game works at that company

  8. Killer has to be able to crush 1v1s. It is a 4v1 game. Counterplay can not allow you to consistently avoid getting downed forever. It's about time the devs started to understand this. Twins rework swung a bit far in the other direction but really the only issue is that victor recovers and catches up after hitting someone too quick and they'll obviously nerf the shit out of that for live and then some because of all the whining.

  9. I’m also going to say it. They are clearly aiming at a casual player base too. They are making changes to killers that make them waaaaay easier to master and a lot less time. I feel so sorry for new survivors coming through because the killers are getting harder and harder to counter now

  10. I still like your videos, but this video was an L. We should balance all the killers to a similar power level. Balance solo que info to as close to swf as possible. Then balance the maps. Then make everything around this new game. But playing weak killers feels terrible of the survivors are even competent. Its never fun to get stomped with nothing you can do to counter.

  11. If they just implemented the quality of life changes from the PTB onto the original Twins design, the problems of slugging would probably be alleviated. Most Twins players want to hook the people they down but also, 8 seconds is enough time for efficient survivors to end all or your momentum as killer, so it's much easier and beneficial to just continue on with Victor until you latch onto someone healthy to make up for that time you spend in cooldowns. Plus, there's a lot of different aspects to Twins that make them incredibly unique that are getting tossed in the trash. Twins were so cool because of the way that they are a surveillance killer (which we don't have much of) and it sucks that it might go away. Also, despite the pick rate being so low, it seems like this is the most talked about killer rework we've had in a long time and it seems like everyone agrees that the Twins were not properly executed whether they played, mained, or never played them, so i genuinely hope that they pull a Finisher Mori update and hold off on releasing this.

  12. Stuff like this happens because unfortunately, the game has no true competition and the competition that they did actually have shot themselves in the foot.

  13. I don't think the Huntress movement speed change was as bad as you made it out to be. I think their intent was clear with giving her more wiggle room for pulling up a hatchet since doing that slows you down immensely, giving the Survivor another loop if it doesn't result in a hit, and the change alleviated that (too much, of course).

    Clown having more bottles is fantastic and many Clown mains are loving it, because now you have more versatility with bottle usage, than having to save all 4 for chase (2 for each health state). It doesn't change the chase dynamic vs him at all so I don't see the issue.

    Hag traps activating at closer proximity is necessary because otherwise Survivors can just trigger your traps at the edge and run away outside of M1 range (there's already an intended mechanic for removing her traps). Now it's a bit more balanced so you can't do it freely and never be punished (ignoring the exploit that exists).

    Pig's dash was pretty terrible vs anyone decent and largely ignored. Now it's worth using and has some mindgame potential, which only seems like an upside to me for more interesting chases.

    Trickster's rework I agree missed the mark on improving gameplay for the sake of making him 'stronger'.

    I don't see how making these Killers better is getting rid of their charm when their identity is still there (besides Trickster, sort of), and keeping them worse makes them less enjoyable to play for the majority while being boring for anyone who knows how to play vs these Killers due to them being too easy to counter.

    If you enjoy a challenge, then you have access to that via your loadout. Most I see don't enjoy weak Killers for being weak, they enjoy them because of how they play, and their lack of strength is seen as a price to pay in a way that's frustrating because you do encounter way more unwinnable scenarios than stronger Killers even if you're running a strong loadout.

    I seriously don't understand the Unknown critique. I've seen a lot of people regard him as one of the best-designed Killers because his projectile is quite easy to dodge, yet has unique properties unlike any other ranged Killer, giving him and Survivors creative ways to play tiles. Removing Weakened is very easy to do with a forgiving linger duration (too forgiving IMO), and he's punished massively for missing his M2, rewarding Survivors for outplaying him and incentivizing the Unknown player to keep improving. I think all of this is healthy Killer design, and the only thing I see as being possibly unhealthy is the teleport.

    To be fair, regarding no one asking for these changes, a lot of these Killer changes happen because players request their main be changed positively, so BHVR is encouraged to do it, but they often interpret this as there's something deeply flawed about the Killer design as a whole, rather than aspects of it, and decide to rework entire mechanics or remove aspects that were loved about them. Their reasoning is frequently a mess, listening to biased Survivors, players who don't even play the Killer, players who are incredibly biased in favor of only one playstyle, etc. The Twins rework is a travesty and genuinely is character assassination at its peak, ignoring all the existing Twins mains and what they love about the Killer, which puzzles me due to how long we had to wait and how much feedback was given.

    I'm not dismissing your possible reasons for why they do all of this, but my philosophy is we can only try to rationalize for ourselves why these decisions are made, because BHVR isn't transparent, or reasonable enough, to give us a consistent answer whenever these issues pop up. I feel it's not worth dwelling on since while your arguments make sense, we don't know if BHVR is genuinely being that rational about it, which has led to disappointment in the past when the conclusion we reached was suddenly turned upside down by a statement they made.

    I know you love bringing up your currency system, and I applaud you for the thought put into it, as it's one of the better concepts for a reworked loadout system, but I feel it's still flawed, and not the easy solution to DbD's current problems (I won't go into great detail due to the length of this comment already). I think my biggest issue with any of these concepts is I don't know if they want this game to be competitive or casual, which your system I feel leans heavily into balancing the game competitively, and I can't say if we should even go that route due to currently only having one game mode, as it may alienate the mostly casual playerbase we have further when SBMM has done a lot of that already.

    Overall, I relate to your concerns about the game's health, with disagreements about what specifically is concerning, which is fine. I try to be optimistic about the game since they do make good changes at times, but lately, I feel there's more skill expression being deleted from the game via techs or mechanics changes, and I dislike that a lot as more ways to express skill leads to nuanced gameplay and helps combat the stagnation that frequently plagues DbD due to the gameplay loop being largely the same for most of its existence, and meta changes being incredibly slow for a game with fewer ways to separate yourself from the rest of the cast (IDV, for example, has unique Survivors and their Hunter designs are quite creative).

    The changes they make from the PTB will determine my mindset going forward because Twins is one of my favorite Killers, and their design is unlike anybody else, so if they go through with killing what makes Twins the unique Killer they are, then that'll be quite telling of their design philosophy, and whether or not I want to continue going along with it.

  14. Twins is where you draw the line? Spirit is ten times worse, Unknown counterplay is fine, it’s just the fact he can teleport to catch you off guard, get rid of that or nerf it heavily and he is fine as he is.

  15. I’m never in a favourable position against spirit, she literally can make the wrong read and still catch up to me because of how fast she is compared to survivors plus she gets that ridiculous lunge as well to help her. What about Wraith’s lunge? Why give her that and not Wraith who is considerably weaker.

  16. 7:54 That’s a typical true match alright, these high MMR, high calibre comp players lol. It’s baffling how somebody with his win percentage still gets teams like that, if he lost 5 games in a row maybe it would make sense but he genuinely hasn’t in probably close to four years at this rate

  17. Twins rework would be fantastic if BHVR did all of the changes EXCEPT Victor's pounce mechanic. I never felt slugging was more predominant in a Twins match than against any other killer, I felt their power was fine. It was their bugs and jankiness that kept them from being picked, they felt horrible to play and for the most part I feel like they actually fixed a lot that with the rework.

  18. I haven't played dbd in over 2 years. Yikes that's its changes this much. It's a shame tbh. DBD was most fun when each side had strong perks and fun techs. "Strong" not "Oppressive" like old skill check based Hex Ruin or Undying/ Old Wiggle DS. Etc. If I ever return to DBD it would be to literally just for my immersive Myers. Killer designs are so lazy. They all seem to have similar type powers that shut down chase or loops leaving survivors with only 1 thing to do. Drop pallet and leave loop. Sooo engaging.

  19. Okay guys, if you want them to do something, you need to stop giving them money. But what we can do, to stop others from doing that? Well there is very mean, but solution. So, to force others to quit, every killer just needs to play in meanest way possible. Something like billy hook on hill camping, nurse with 4 slowdowns playing etc… You may ruin their week or two with that, but after straight week of that sh1t, they just quit and will start to have fun in their real life. Works for me, at least. But, this is nothing but dreams, too hard to do that with a lot of people…
    Fellow surv main here, btw.

  20. Choy gets it and I believe his system will help the game get back to being fun. I have 4K hours in DBD and I just do not play it anymore, it's not fun in solo Q. Almost every game is a stomp because all it takes is one weak player (i.e. someone who gives up or DC's) and it's a 3v1 at 5 or 4 gens.

  21. They should revert latch back to how it was. Keep invulnerability when sucessfully hitting a injured survivor and they should take away the haste and take away the invulnerability when using victor at pallets so if the survivor stuns victor he dies. And fix the clunkyness, and I think they'd be fine. Also, take away victor baskit speed. I'm fine with having to run add ons to make him faster.

  22. Happy about most of the Killer buffs, Huntress didn't need buffs, Adrenaline nerf is deserved, Twins OP, DS broken. Lots of bad and good things, but this recent PTB is sad. Thankfully it's just a PTB. Also, the Unknown does have counterplay, as I have countered him. However, this Twins rework is just beyond broken.

  23. I am mostly disagree. I mean yeah, huntress didn't need that crap. But many killers need some bufs. Just because you personally enjoy sucking with a weak killer (i am an Amanda main so I know what I am talking) means that it is ok that there are many killers who you rarely see in the game because they are so weak nobody wants to play with them.

  24. Big part of the issue is the dev team does not play test their own game in public matches. I confirmed this through a ticket with them. How can they be competent with developing anything but cosmetics for their game if they don't play their own damn game?? What makes them think that people will continue to stick this out and keep playing their game when they don't even seem to want to play their own game?? Why are we allowing bhvr to make us act as their unpaid game testers that they barely even listen to??

  25. While there are some key issues with this PTB I still believe it is infinitely better than how they did things in the past you can get mad at some of Bhvr's changes but at least they are trying things and experimenting with what works which is a far cry from what it used to be like where they were too afraid to change anything for fear being bombarded with hate snd and criticism, overall bhvr has been working really hard and making some great content and if botched PTBs and bad ideas they want to test out now and then are the cost then I'll pay it everytime!

  26. I think its good that theyre buffing weak killers even if we get the occasional twins ptb, i think bhvr thought they were cooking up another billy rework with the twins so id rather they go a little overboard and then rein it back instead of killers coming out weak and being ignored forever.

  27. TBH, i think the problem with some killer receiving buff is far deeper than what you debated on the vid.
    Aside from every killer having counterplay – which i think its fair – i don't see a problem in them buffing low tier killers to make those killer more viable. The problem is: a strong killer for the great part of our community is not what is a strong killer for BHVR. Like, the buff on Huntress was completly unnecessary; the buff on Hag/Doctor/Clown was fine.

    We need to be aware also that survivor players are getting smarter and better as the time goes on, making low tier killers harder to play. Like, i was playing Wraith for fun these days and most of the survivor where going down in "comp corner" whenever i was close to down them. DBD is quite old right now and the survivors we are starting to face are far more experienced than years before.

    I will discuss some of the killer you talked in your vid:

    Hag/Clown: they were kind of forgotten killers. Clown mains usually complain about the low bottle economy and how stressing was to play with only 4 bottles; Hag (i am kind of a main) was a problem to play against people who knew the running backwards tech to disarm traps and was kind of depedant on range addons.
    Billy: they missed their point in the rework with such low cooldowns. Billy can get 10 saws wrong and still catch you at the end. Aside from that, for me Billy is fine.
    The Unknown: to me, its the best designed killer since Wesker. There is kind of a mindgame against his M2 where you can bait the projectile. People are just running into to him to counter his M2, so more experienced Unknown players are just "baiting" the power. I don't see a problem with his M1/M2 transition, specially since his M2 takes 2 hits to take a health state.

    In the end, i am a part of the community which like this design philoshy of trying to bring forgotten killers to the game again, since the game nowdays is kind frustating to play with Low tier killers (even the mid ones can get very stressfull sometimes). I hope they keep buffing those killer but giving a very good margin of gameplay to survivors, aside from the "do gens before you die" that seems to be the Twins PTB counter.

  28. I wish some quality of life stuff they would do is take a older killer like doctor and fix is wobbly cam when kicking down doors which makes me motion sick or give some of his stuff like morti killing survivors a 3rd person view so i can actually enjoy skins i have purchased for him and stuff instead of only seeing a small glance of it in lobbies or start of matches. What is the point in buying skins on killers you hardly ever get to see them on.


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