The Rework Trapper Deserves | Dead by Daylight

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rework for trapper in dead by daylight


17 thoughts on “The Rework Trapper Deserves | Dead by Daylight”

  1. im also a p100 trapper main. Some other ideas i had other than the ones you mentioned are 1- cloaking traps: the first 3 traps you pick up grant the undetectable status effect for 10 seconds OR gain 30 seconds undetectable at the beginning of the match (stealth helps with survivors harassing you early in the game, allowing you to p’ace traps) and 2- heavy traps: traps gradually sink/blend into the ground (or sand for erie or crows) over time, eventually making them tremendously less detectable. Above 50% of his addons offer virtually 0 value, there’s so many interesting things they can do with his power so we need an addon pass ASAP

  2. i knew im not the only one enjoying trapper. hearing all those reasonables changes from a PRO player is much better than hearing some random dbd ytuber talking about reworking every killer. these changes are all pretty good and seem balanced. also making trapper spawn with all of his traps is too much i think, he should spawn with 4-5 and still gather the rest of the traps from walking around the map, however i wish the traps spawns were more located in the inside of maps or even at some loops.

  3. trapper only really fell out of grace when BHVR decided to stop giving a shit about graphics, and made putting traps in tall grass impossible. I think you are looking too much at making him feel supernatural, if his traps are going to be obvious, and we want him to feel grounded, I think all traps should just start open, he should start with 3 basekit so he can bring some actually good add ons, and additional traps either start within 10 meters of gens or must be obtained in lockers. Better add ons like to give haste/oblivious in the ways you described sound fine, but that is once again, predicated on him being able to start with/carry a good number of traps basekit

  4. I think the last addition would be a bit pointless, with the adding of grass around the trap to hide it, as some maps have so little grass seeing any sort of thick grass cover would alert survivors anyway that there would be a trap there but other than a few name changes and stat tweaks seems like a good rework of trapper

  5. I see many problems with this change.

    One: Trapper is meant to be the starter killer, he's meant to be weak (which sucks bc I main Trapper as well) but we can instead buff his current kit

    Two: Too many changes can be too much for a beginner player to understand, making it very complicated for newbies

    Three: Immersion, I know it sucks having to pick up your power but there is a purpose for this. New players will have to explore the map in order to use their power, learning how things work or where they are placed at (buildings, windows, pallets)

  6. imo its WWAYYYY 2 many basekitchanges i hope u meant that some of these suggestions and not all are implemented but i didnt come off like that in the vid. I could imagine 2 or 3 of those changes being good tho. Some of the changes sound kinda rndm like giving rndm haste when someone gets trapped is way 2 op if u are in chase its like a free "coup de grace" but just better. The oblivious and deepwound effects sound like good changes tho. And the reseting all traps addons also sounds kinda op if u play around it with basement and some perks. Overall some intersting Suggestion 😀 and some that sound just straight up awfull for balance.

  7. I was thinking that Trapper deserves a secondary ability where he grows grass so he can naturally change how he sets his traps but doesn’t deviate to hard from his intention.

  8. These are spme really great ideas! The only one I don't agree with is the Oblivious status when a survivor is in a trap. Trapper was a killer whose presence befell all, as according to Unnerving Presence, so to take away the sense of him coming would not suit him. Plus, everything is oblivious or enduring these days. Make him stand out a little.

  9. Before i watch the video here are some ideas ive had

    – At the start of the trial, have his spawned map traps be set up at random pallets and behind vaulting locations, mainly focused at center this would help him early game by having atleast some loops blocked and give access to traps.

    – Have the lockers allow you to modify how traps work, heavy is harder to disarm, hidden would change its color, big would change its size.

    After the video
    – I love your haste idea, giving him a speed boost when someone lands on trap is great. Not only for chases but also to get to the trapped survivor too.

    – base kit hindrance is nice to giving then a 5 second slow down is awesome


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