The right time to GREED shack pallet… | Dead by Daylight

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In my opinion, you shouldn’t think twice about dropping the shack pallet super early in order to delay the first down and help the first few gens get done. However, there are a few situations where you might need to risk it and drop it only after squeezing as much value out of shack as possible. This match was a good example of that.

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27 thoughts on “The right time to GREED shack pallet… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I really hate those guys doing 3 gens or 4, not a singel chase and telling everybody else "what did you do all time". Well – we gave you time to do 3 gens and then die on first hook, man!

  2. I would greed any pallet until the very last second and abuse the heck out of the killer shack window and utilize shack fullest potential, after that go to another loop and do the exact same thing.

  3. Honestly, who cares if you did 4 out of 5 gens?

    The reason she was able to do it was becsuse you, the Jake and maybe the Nea(although not nearly as much) kept the Blight busy. You alone kept pressuing gens and trying to keep Blight occupied.

    Sure, technically speaking you may not have completed a gen but you made up for it with the progress you put on gens and looping Blight.

    Players like the Feng just dont understans the macro of the game and expect everyone to do one gen, get 3 unhooks and heal.

  4. otz, what aboud some singularity content? Maybe about coup de grace or smthng, i started maining it, and would like if you do some gameplay or something.
    Btw, everyone who plays hux, check out my favourite build: coup de grace, agitation, starstruck, awakened awareness. The point is that you always have info if you have good pods, and using that info you can carry someone to the hook close to the point of the map you want to pressure, and you know you need to pressure. Coup de grace and the ability to slipstream helps hux to catch up fast, so with enough pressure you don't even need the gen perks.

  5. as someone who also does a lot of gens while my teammates are looping (or trying to) i'm appreciative of every second they can get me uninterrupted on a gen to help us all get out faster

  6. well, she actually just said "not gg", it might mean that she got bored because she didn't get chased much or the killer left the chase early.
    Not Good Game might mean that she didn't have fun in general

  7. What the hell is happening at 5:25 ? I mean it's awesome but what the heck? 🙃 Play it in 0.25x speed. Is this a "Blight cant hit you on his first rush" thing? Is he blocking the Blight into the shack wall? At first watch at normal speed I thought the blight had swung and missed 😀

  8. Nothing tells me more about a player than walking at the start of the match. I knew the Feng would be the complainer from the beginning. "But I'm saving Sprint Burst for when I need it by walking for 90% of the match!" No. Just no. They're a low skill player that can't extend chases without that crutch.

  9. I do whatever needs to be done to win. Gens, hooks, looping, etc. I am also good at losing the killer. Well I had a game where every time the killer chased me, i would loop his ass and he would either drop or lose me. Well i kept doing this all game in addition to getting 4 gens done. However, just because I didn’t get caught have hooks like everyone else, they yelled at me for being a bad teammate. To me it just sounds like a bunch if skill issues on there side. Just goes to show the things people will assume though just to take the blame away from themselves lmao

  10. One time i was bamboozling blight at one gen for 3 minutes (then gens were 80s). And mostly i was hiding around one gen luring him and making him waste his time. i even saved dwight from hook with my head on. After match they told me that i was useless, i "should uninstal game and my life" XD. yea i had like 2k in gens, and 3k in altruism.

  11. It's a different game, but it's a similar perspective. In a game of For Honor once, I had a teammate who complained about needing to carry us through a game of Breach because my friend, another teammate, was "Off trying to anti-gank all game instead of playing objectives."

    What this means, for those of you who use your brains, is basically this salty teammate was saying that its the team's fault that he has to do "all the work" with objectives to win. Even though he would have been doing them against AI, virtually unopposed because my friend was distracting two or three of the four enemies almost at all times. He was complaining that he was the one who had to play objectives, completely fuckin oblivious to the fact that he had an easy time of it because the rest of us had the enemy team locked down.

    If you play a team-based objective game like this, and you think that because you get a lot of objectives and do good then that means your teammates aren't pulling weight… stop for a moment, put on your thinking cap, and ask yourself; "If my teammates aren't constantly in line of sight and the ENEMY is also seemingly never bothering me, are these things perhaps related?"


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