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This video overviews new Art the Clown news that surfaced for the Terrifier-Dead by Daylight collaboration possibility. Damieon Leone revealed 2 unknown video game collabs for the Terrifier franchise that are yet to be announced.
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Oh I'd pick up Art for sure.
When they add this I will be happy forever
We need Art.
I did not like that movie but… Also, why would fans even want him in this game?
His whole thing is like, gore. And this game famously avoids too much of that because of censorship in other countries and such.
So why would they even want him in the game? It isn't like he would be represented well, right?
Am I missing something…?
Omg I have been dreaming about this haven’t watched the vid yet but I’m pretty sure even the creator wanted it to happen but I think the chapters will be booked for a bit but we could see him in like a year or waaay longer since the tools of torment chapter took 1 year or smthin
waiting for the day the title says FLEECE JOHNSON confirmed
AHAHAHAA poopyarm is the one who brought this to my attention
You could make the clown cafe or the mall his map
your hair looks the same every vid tho…is there something i dont get?
I love this guy, hope they make him not underpowered like most killers.
He was so unique and funny, in a wierd way.
I hope Art comes next year I am really interested in seeing what they for for his power
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
all i want is jason
They made an art the clown game. Schmuckles please do some research
Waiting for day the title says FRIDAY THE 13TH CHAPTER CONFIRMED
Would be enough for me to check out the game. Hope Terrifier is a proper chapter release with Art as Killer,Sienna and Jonathan as Survivors and the Terrifier Haunted house as a map!!
Hey schmuckles I would love it if you could run the idea that Mortal Kombat is the next crossover chapter for dbd because in mortal kombat they just revealed ghost face in their game and he has the dbd devil mask.
I'd think Mortal Kombat is more fitting than DBD, as DBD has such restrictive gore for Art the Clown to be done properly
Bro really got me with the click bait title 😭
i just hope he makes absolutely no noise besides his steps. i don't even want to hear breathing or a groan when stunned
we NEED art and sienna !!!
I’m still waiting for the day the title says
”Slenderman CONFIRMED!?”
Leaked: T-Rex with 2 raptors patrolling the map will be next..
If they going to do this, they need to bring brother and sister character into DBD
The mori better be the longest and most brutal one
Its important to note that this cast and crew listen to the fans. The fans wanted more story so they added in SIenna and Jonathan in Terrifier 2. People wanted a shorter run time so they cut it down 30 minutes in Terrifier 3. Point is if the fans want Terrifier in DBD (the poll confirms this) Damien Leone will get it done.
the problem is, some time ago they said negotiations fell through for DBD as much as both parties wanted to have ART in the game.
I really do hope they revisit it, and consider adding him, it would be interesting how he would tie in in the DBD universe, especially since DBD already has a "clown"
Don’t get too excited, Art is getting a game of his own. It’s an arcade type side scroller. This may be what Damien was referencing.
Art is so lame bru hes cringe
If they do an Art Collab I'd want it to come around christmas time so we can get an Art the clown Santa outfit cosmetic
Me when I lie
Still waiting for Predator and hopefully they delete dollar store skull merchant
Art is a stealth killer, with his bag adding different powers. I would main him for sure
I knew it!!!
"We have to appeal to a wider audience" WHYYYYYY, it's already a success the way it is.
Waiting for this comment section to be free of“ waiting for chapter to be confirmed in the title”
Why is everyone obsessed with Art the Clown? Seriously, we already have a clown killer.
I think it would be cool if they had a killer that could turn into other killers at random and use their power for a given amount of time. Like tsang sung from mortal combat. R maybe play as toro from mortal combat. Last suggestion. What if we could play as the violator from spawn?
He should have more than one mori and also different stun animations. There should be one where he acts surprised, one where he sticks a middle finger, etc. Would honestly be so cool
If cod a shooters can do why couldn't dead by daylight? A more suitable environment for the evil clown.
Art would be perfect in DBD!