The Secret Life Of Bots In Dead By Daylight

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Bots have a strange life of their own in Dead By Daylight. When a survivor DCs they get replaced with a bot to help their team survive, but are they actually helping? I followed some bots around to see what they’re doing all day

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20 thoughts on “The Secret Life Of Bots In Dead By Daylight”

  1. I'm genuinely afraid of getting in chases with bots. I usually play with my friends in private lobbys and we all have this joke that the Renato Lyra bot is better than all the other because he always loops so well and even managed to blind me as spirit during my demanifestation. Broh got literal wallhacks

  2. Bots insta-leaving is so dumb. They should come back to help teammates since they're bots, no one benefits from them escaping the trial.

    Except people who care about counting escapes and deciding whether the killer "won" or "lost". But ignoring that, I'd rather they always go trade with a hooked real player.

  3. The killer side of me, wants the bots to just open the gates and leave. I hate it when survivors 99 the gates and drag the match out.

    The survivor side of me hates it when bots just open the gates because that often seals my fate given how often I'll die 1st hook and the bot is more likely to save me than human survivors

  4. I used to play a lot of 4 man custom games, so we'd have a bot in every game to fill the void (1 killer 3 survivors 1 bot survivor)

    The bots had TERRIBLE decision making, but they'd be INSANE at looping and tricking the killer 😭

    Then they'd run out of the loop and run in a straight line in the open waiting to get downed

  5. I had a bot that opened the gate, ran all the way to the other side of the map and unhooked a survivor, healed the survivor that was unhooked and went back in to get another unhook before leaving the game. I feel like bots could either be absolutely useless or a damn hero.

  6. Bots are actually super OP and will gen rush, pre run, and loop perfectly…..sometimes. othertimes they'll crouch walk into a wall. I actually kind of like it because you basically have to treat them as a real person since you don't know if its gen rushing bot or a dumbass bot lol

  7. From 2v8 bots I would lose them ALL THE TIME as a killer because they were so erratic, they were so random they would just go in some random direction around a corner in a chase and they'd crouch away leaving no scratch marks. I was so baffled


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