The Only Problem With Springtrap Coming to Dead by Daylight

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Remember when this had happened a few years back? Can that come back to stop the potential of Springtrap coming to DbD?

Thank ya’ll for watching! Love ya’ll!




21 thoughts on “The Only Problem With Springtrap Coming to Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ay man! You're right man,totally right!even tought i think that even Pinhead had created beef between the community because of Pinhead being an NFT at the time,now i think The licence went back to Clive Baker and co. But i think that if Springtrap got into Dbd It might be either the same story and then the community Will Just suck It in oooor…everyone Will be Happy,aside for FNaF deniers that Will cry over Springtrap being in Dbd and doxx every Springtrap main probably!

  2. cool points. but i think scott has apologized in his retirement post he made. and since the fnaf movie is actually being made i think scott will be way more open to collabing
    so it just depends if bhvr wants to forgive him or not

  3. I’m honestly 100% sure that Scott did not donate to those politicians because of their views on LGBTQ, he said that he did so for other reasons like them being good leaders, and it honestly makes sense since he’s worked with many people in the LGBTQ community (like hiring a lesbian to help write his book) and he’s openly accepted the fact that his community is LGBTQ-friendly.

    I kinda think him being canceled was unfair and that it was blown out of proportion.

  4. "its up to bhvr if they want to collab with someone who donated to anti lgbtq' two things. One, he isn't anti lgbtq being he donated to those groups without knowing their full politics, he is clearly supportive of lgbtq people, and two, if we are REALLY gonna use that logic, that means disney the owners of alien and predator wouldn't get in either because they help funded the don't say gay bill, among other atrocities with human rights. Kinda funny how no one brings that up in these disccussions ain't it?

  5. It could be seen as anti-LGBT to refuse FNAF since Scott donated way more to directly LGBT causes. We could easily say 'What, don't want the character of someone who gave to al these charities?'

  6. Great video leek!

    But yeah, I agree with you Springtrap definitely fits into DBD Hands down. I honestly believe FNaF would be one of the top selling chapters to ever hit the DBD market and would make them tons of profit.

    His donations to those not in favor of LBTQ+ to me aren't horrible (Saying this as a person apart of the LBTQ+ Community). He's donated to pro LBTQ+ charrities before, and I feel that makes up for it. (Atleast in some regard)
    He's proven to me at the very least that he's a good and kind-hearted individual who is humble and cares alot about his community and those he's associated with. (Including Collabs)

    I do think that Springtrap will be one of the most controversial chapters. I don't see much hate on FNaF as it was a few years ago, but I think it'll stirr up something if it does go into DBD (Especially considering its such a big game, collaborating with an ever-growing franchise)

    Now to answer the question: "Is Springtrap coming to DBD"? : Short answer from my end, is "Most Likely". FNaF has a high chance and has been rated as one of the most wanted chaptes/killers in DBD's community. There's no doubt people want it (Including some staff at Behavior itself) Scott also knows about it (Even Dawko has attempted to ask him about it, and im sure he has responded but Dawko can't say much- assuming from how he never brought it up again after it was mentioned.) It's also clear that this chapter would bring in lots of money on DBD's side and also opens FNaF to a more horror theme. Plus the undying potential it has with everything in its franchise, it could be a insanely cool killer if don't correctly with an incredibly cool map. Scott would most definitely work with them side by side to make sure every last detail for the chapter is done correctly and make sure its up to his own standards and obviously Behaviors.

    I do not think FNaF will come anytime soon. However, i'm assuming it might come to DBD sometime during 2024-2026. (Just a guess, based off of the multiple other collabs they can do that fans want.)

    Besides that, that's my take… haven't really looked into FNaF being in DBD in a while!

  7. I know people are talking about if Springtrap will be added or not but i wanna skip that part and just say what, in my opinion, would be the ideal FNAF chapter.

    Springtrap (FNAF 3) as the killer, Vanny as a Legion Skin.

    Survivor: Vanessa/Henry/ Michael Afton (Henry's canon look is in the books, and he's Springtrap's nemesis.) As for Vanessa, well, she's the only human character in the games that is above 18 and has a confirmed look. And Michael could either look like the actor from the upcoming movie or they could make their own michael, like the survivor from the Ring chapter.

    As for Springtrap, while i did say FNAF 3, i believe they could give him their own spin, like ghostface (i believe i said this in your last video). Burntrap and Scraptrap are…….eh, i'd rather them not exist lol.
    His power could be a mix of a stealth killer and a "brute" type of killer, like Oni. What i mean by this is he could start the game as a stealth killer and by endgame, he changes into a brute (This power considers how in FNAF 3 Springtrap hides from the camera to reach your office, and, considering how fast he is in FNAF AR and the FNAF 3 animation when he jumps infront of your monitor to kill you, he is REALLY fast.

    As for the map, well, most FNAF locations aren't really that large for DBD. So, we could either have a unique location with elements from all the games, or, the map could be the Mall from Security Breach (not the whole thing, maybe the entrance area + Daycare + 2nd floor.)

    Perks, well, i can't really make new ones but i'd assume they have to fit the character. Killer perks would be themed around Springtrap's sadism and past, while survivor perks would depend on which Survivor behavior picks.

  8. I do want springtrap but I feel like he would just be a stand alone chapter. There’s no survivor to add, the map would probably be too small for gens so maybe something like sister location or security breach. I feel like seeing circus baby chase you would be slightly scarier anyways

  9. The fact that people even made it an issue to begin with is what's wrong with the whole Scott situation. If his works had any inspiration from his political views, then maaaaybe…but even that's a really slippery slope, and as most of the other comments have pointed out, Scott isn't a one-dimensional cartoon villain. I don't know much about FNaF but I'd be open to Springtrap as a killer….but omg the amount of pointless salt that it might bring is ridiculous.

  10. I think by the time he had donated, most political authorities seemed best fit to protect and help the country, before saying anything homophobic. People gotta separate the art from the artist, even though personally I ain’t got a problem with scott

  11. Are you sure animatronics can't be killers because they're just kids, purple Guy suits dead by deadly more than the animatronics themselves Springtrap suits in Dead by daylight because well he's a murderer / child murderer and animatronics reason why the killing night guards it's because they thought it was him

  12. Five nights at Freddy's The originals animatronic doesn't suit s in Dead by daylight because you have to switch every single animatronic in code of FNAF 2 and I think it's going to be annoying for the devs to make that mechanic because it will be a lot of campers they will be always be glitches will be always be awful for the game and also it's going to be a very annoying to buff and nerfed to the characters


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