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#dbd #singularity #thesingularity
The Singularity was showcased during the 7th Anniversary Stream. Here are some clips showcasing his animations while walking, hitting, chasing, and carrying survivors. You can also see the animation that The Singularity does when grabbing a survivor from a locker, plus a teaser of his Memento Mori.
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►Music used is courtesy of Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
►Outro Song: FALLING APART by Jacob Lizotte
This video was created with Movavi:
I love how the music syncs with his head swinging, it makes it look like he’s grooving
he looks sick
I hope hes incredibly strong. Im so tired of new killers being underwhelming (besides wesker and maybe dredge). I want this guy to shake up the meta with his power and perks.
im a sucker for sci-fi horror, his animations and design look scary and cool and i really hope his gameplay pays off
I hope he makes noises
he really is the goofiest gooper in the solar system
I feel like he would get nerfed right away cause of power. Like a cooldown or something
I'm hoping it doesn't really make a lot of noise when standing still, but walking has a loud metallic sound to it, could even be scratching similar to pyramid head dragging his blade.
Also, people misunderstand the power. It's going to be more like Pinhead, and less like Skull Merchant.
You first throw out the turrets, and then must MANUALLY control the turret and fire on survivors. It is not automatic.
The only part that is automatic is the spread of the infection if survivors get close to each other while they are infected with the material.
Think of Pinhead if he could throw his chains from across the map because he placed the portal there first, and on successful hit, is allowed to teleport to someone like Hag at any point while they're still infected.
I wish they would've entered a new system where he pulls you out of the locker so hard he makes you fall on the ground and drags you by your leg and instead of wiggling you would squirm around trying to kick his hand and stuff trying to get free
he should be imune to flashlight stuns I mean realistically how tf are you going to blind a robot with a flashlight
Dredge 2.0
Still sucks tho L bhvr
I’m very excited for the PTB to release, but I hope BHVR does this right…
Edit: This killer really gives me SOMA vibes, and that game is awesome.
Bro design is goofy, character sketch looked good now bc of the animations it's just hilarious to look at blob of some electronics and meat, I see no creativity in that but the plot behind the character. The map is not creepy or scary as they say in the video, nothing but phallic weird-looking dongles around the map with bright colors. It does not look like alien sci fi horror at all. I think rainbow is in each of their brains or they took something in group to boost their lazy ass creativity. This sci-fi introduction will bring more Fortnite Brazillian butt characters for the skins and is not good for nor fit the game. They even name their patch notes bugfix and introduce a couple outfits, that's literally the most recent one. And event with pallet manifesting and bloodlust exposed effect? The most creative shit I've seen in a decade, wow, took them prolly good year to work on that system event. And its bs that they listen to the community. They have the best analysing, loving, creative community that can work for free with them and for them, but they don't even take in account any reports players provide. The whole company literally needs to be replaced with other people.
New dredge skin looks lit
A new killer is introduced and yet the game will still be cancer
See this should’ve been what the skull merchant should’ve been instead of a knockoff predator
Be hold… Dredge 2.0
This killer is just super unique and amazing!!! Instead of being a living breathing person or alien type organism, its an ai robot thats been corrupted by alien tech. And that walking and carrying animation is SO GOOD!!
carrying survivors looks awesome lol
i feel like for the pallet break animation he would like spread his goo and it would fall apart or something, more then just kicking it
He would make a cute couple with dredge (im just joking, please dont kill me)
I think its really bad it just doesnt look good or scary. It looks like some flesh iron mess
First predator now Aliena ripoff
He looks like a thing from Virus (1999).
Who tryna play together
mori will be normal lobotomy operation
This has to be the movie VIRUS
The robot cyborg virus Origins
finally, some good fucking food.
this got half life 2 beta vibes
Do u guys think this is a 4,4 killer? imo it is, given that he can immediately teleport.
If I had a penny for every time, the DBD team released an abomination with a scythe hand on the anniversary, I would have two.
That doesn't sound like much, but it's weird that it happened twice
What if a dead space collab comes this year????????
Bro is this release 11pm or 11 AM?
When does this release?
I love how he just drags you across the ground, the disrespect lol
Because of the way the Singularity's legs are bent and it's overall posture, I have a feeling it's going to become the new demodog among the community