The Singularity (HUX-A7-13) Origin Lore | Dead by Daylight

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The Singularity (HUX-A7-13) Origin Lore | Dead by Daylight

Narrated and Visualised Origin Lore for The Singularity (HUX-A7-13) from the Character Bio in the game of Dead by Daylight.

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2 thoughts on “The Singularity (HUX-A7-13) Origin Lore | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I feel bad for this chapter. It definitely has flaws just like the previous two, but BHVR does deserve credit for trying to create an ambitious sci-fi story. The Nostromo Wreckage map being set on Dvarka is a cool way of trying to merge the two universes, but unfortunately most people are now just going to view this chapter as nothing but a drumroll for Alien. Also, if Chapter 30 is Predator, Skull Merchant's existence is going to become even more scorned. I think it's a mistake on the devs' part if every future anniversary is going to be original. I understand if they feel that the anniversary should be a celebration of their work, but Years 3-5 were such huge licenses and it's hard to break that expectation that they sewed into the community. Both Roots of Dread and End Transmission are clearly suffering because of this. I hope I make sense. Thank you if you read. ❤


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