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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d look through the map offerings of Dead by Daylight and discuss the story and the meaning behind them. Let’s get into it.
Chapter 23 has been released! It’s Sadako Rising, a licensed chapter. The new killer is named The Onryō, and the new survivor, Yoichi Asakawa! Sadako’s gameplay is really fun, and Yoichi’s perks are pretty interesting.
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Vital Whales – Unicorn Heads
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Hope you enjoy!
Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):
Pied Piper By Creator:Augustin von Moersperg – This image scanned from 『ハーメルンの笛吹き男』 ISBN 4-480-02272-4, that was published by Abe Kinya in 1988., Public Domain,
Rib in the beef cut chart By Original uploader of PNG version was JoeSmack at en.wikipedia – File:BeefCutRib.png, converted to SVG, Public Domain,
Intro: 0:00
MacMillan’s Phalanx Bone 0:08
Azarov’s Key 1:30
Heart Locket 2:26
Charred Wedding Photograph 3:30
Strode Realty Key 4:25
Grandma’s Cookbook 5:00
Shattered Glasses 6:04
The Last Mask 6:42
The Pied Piper 7:48
Jigsaw Piece 8:51
Yamaoka Family Crest 9:45
Damaged Photo 10:38
Hawkins National Laboratory ID 11:38
Dusty Noose 12:38
Mary’s Letter 13:34
RPD Badge 14:41
Crow’s Eye 15:10
Outro 16:12
Also the Haddonfield offering being the key to the Myers house is a reference to when Michael first saw Laurie when she was dropping it off for her father. Made even more poignant by the possibility that the Michael and Laurie of DBD are still brother and sister.
You should have included the weaker offerings that were cut from the game.
Nice vid. An ultra rare addon story / meaning vid would be cool too, but there's a lot more of them to go through
Mary's letter was actually a blank piece of paper where James' cognition tricked into thinking was a letter from his dead wife saying she was waiting for him at Silent Hill.
Saying that he killed her spoils the whole ending, but saying it was revealed to be a selfish act was a half lie. He believed it was selfish, but Mary tells him it wasn't and that she still loves him and forgives him. Or at least that's the ending i got, I don't know about the others.
You're pretty spot on with Mary's letter. She had an estimated 6-36 months to live from her illness. Of course, James did love her, but near the end, she pretty much verbally abused James when he brought her flowers to try to cheer her up, which might have pushed him over the edge. However, he did leave her hospital room and she was crying as if she didn't mean to say that horrible stuff and did want him to comfort her. Near the end of her life, she was planned to be released to enjoy her remaining time and she wanted to go back to the Lakeview Hotel with James that they went to when they had their honeymoon, which James had seen in its original form before realizing it was burned down. As a result, it would have made more sense for the offering to send you to the Lakeview Hotel instead of the elementary school, but there might have been some issues with it. I don't think DBD has ever had a map with any elevators, which would be one thing that might need to be addressed. Plus the map might be worse than the RPD in terms of size for an indoor map, but it might have some advantages in its burnt state.
The Pied Piper was mentioned in a documentary about the creation of the 2010's ANOES remake. He was inspired by the authors of the film when creating the image of Freddy. I didnt understand what the the Pied Piper had to do with Springwood before either
May i suggest a video where you rank the back stories of killers. So like, which you find more interesting compared to the others. You can take tome lore into account altho it gives them a bias. Also make one for survivors too maybe?
As for the russian speaking guy I found your pronunciation of "Baushki Bau" kinda fun. Originaly in russian language we call this words with an accent on the highlighted letters — "bAushki baU"
Great video as always
You mind if I recommend a video idea where you go over every single killer add on and perhaps explain their relevance and references to the killers themselves
It would be very informative video
God, How I love your content. Please never stop 💜
Mary's letter also isn't actually real. It turns out it was all apart of James imagination and inner guilt as when he checks the letter later on in Silent Hill 2 its blank.
The head shape in the Hawkins Laboratory looks like Martin Brenner who was sort of the main villain or cause behind the events of season 1 and he runs the lab so maybe its his because this would hold significance for the map.
Every silent hill fan crys inside when you read Marys letter
What amazes me about Mary's letter is that it has the same words, but different emotional implications depending on which Silent Hill 2 ending you get. One constant of Mary's letter is how it shows the couple had a strained relationship because of her illness. It marred Mary's beauty and made her weak, both of which turned her into an angry, bitter woman who lashed out at James until he finally stopped visiting her at the hospital. However, depending on your actions while playing as James, his different intentions in killing Mary emerge, ranging from wanting to spare her suffering to possibly having affairs with other women. The Executioner is James' personal monster, a product of James' psyche and the power of Silent Hill. Bringing it to the Entity's realm likely widens its purpose to afflict any guilty conscience.
I feel like the Hawkins Lab ID might also have been one of the ID's that Jim Hopper used to enter the underground lab while holding the scientists at gun point, during the first season.
Video idea: Every Killer's sound effects from annoying to satisfying (using abilities or hitting a survivor)
Idk why you didn’t include the brown and yellow OG offerings since they still exist in the game and can be used and accessed, just not gotten from blood webs anymore.
First, thank you for making these videos. I learn so much from them. Also, I hate rpd map because I can get so lost on it. I know the map is no longer available, but the Hawkins map will always and forever will be my favorite map.
There is one think that interest me in dbd, how do you think every day look like there, is ther some free time betwin the trials and then survaivors and kilers can do thier stuff like exproling the realm?
Hawkins id card is Bob from stranger things?
is it just me or does the "and goodbye" at the end keep getting more and more drawn out.
In terms of Mary's letter, James actually DID kill his wife but the reason why he did that is up to how the player interacts with the game, for example, there's an ending where James did actually kill her for his own selfish reasons and where he ended up leaving silent hill with Maria (a woman who looks a lot like Mary which seems to be carrying the same disease Mary did had) while there's ending where he kills her to end her suffering for good and he ended up making peace with himself and going on with his life while there's an ending where he was so obsessed with Mary to the point that he can't go on without her that he took her lifeless body and put it his car and drove away committing suicide so he can be with her forever, overall the sin of murdering his wife haunted him with silent hill and Pyramid head however how he concluded his journey is most important imo.
why do they even bother including those 2 brown offerings that let you see the basement hooks. Most useless things ever.
4:26 funfact, in the original movie, Laurie's father asks her if she could grab the Myers house keys, and give them to the new owners, that is how Mike Myers gets to know about her, that might be the reason behind the Haddonfield offering being these keys
Crow’s Eye:
Bully Maguire: I gonna put some dirt in your eye.
Also, for the Pied Piper offering, Quentin reads the story in the library before he falls asleep when he’s meeting with Nancy.
Can you make a theory why the observer is missing please?
Video Theme: Are the Killers invincible? They can get stunned and "injured", so that would be interesting
Just gonna say this: you purposely subtitled pin head for memes
I love how his "good bye" is getting slightly longer and longer each video
Ok but the fact you got Mary's letter lore to the T is amazing
ummmmm…. what about the brown and yellow map offerings?
Hawkins, is that a new map?
13:32 it’s a gallow! Why don’t people know this!?
The idea with Mary’s letter
Is that it either existed
Or didn’t, there’s really no way of knowing
It is what Mary wanted however
I love videos like this for the small things. I did only a few videos like this but it was just for RE and I did stuff like what all the add-ons and perks reference and the quotes on the bottom of them as well. You should make those next!
2:40 Dwight is using the Entity's power to turn into Nea and you can't tell me otherwise
I remmeber Marys letter being the letter that asks james to come to silent hill. But theres also another letter that laura gives to james which seems like the one you described
Next one can be the perks icons, names and what they do realated of the lore character they belong
Heart locket: E+M is from Hillbilly's parents
MegMillan shippers: Evan + Meg 👁👄👁
I have an idea, can you rank what you think the killers Favorite cosmetic is? like out of all of them which one do you think the killers would like the most?
Azhymovs: I'm not sure about silent hill so let me know if I get anything wrong with mary's letter
Silent Hill 2 players: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
The idea behind Mary's letter is cool, but the elementary school makes no sense, James never enter in that school and it wasn't the "special place" of the couple. So yeah this video has big spoilers on SH2 but piramid head and Eather never enter to that school, so it's a little confusing. Also, the map is original, no silent hill contain that map with that atmosphere, on SH1 is completely different
The dusty noose is dusty because it is Caleb's and he outwaited his death by making a deal
The strode realty key is actually seen in the original movie (Laurie drops it off at the abounded house the day of Halloween)
i dislike map offerings, why are they still a thing when you can just pick a map on customs and they want random matches to be a competitive thing looking at how they love their garbage "skill" based matchmaking
Hey I got a question maybe Mary is the person inside the bathroom