The Trickster is now A+ tier! | Dead by Daylight

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The Trickster’s rework is on Dead by Daylight’s newest PTB and he is completely busted! Definitely an A+ tier Killer without any question!
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20 thoughts on “The Trickster is now A+ tier! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I love that he's so lethal now, and it should stay that way, but they need to make a little room for error I feel. Tune down his amount of knives to like… Dunno, 24? Just to make sure you're still using it at the right moment and accurately. Main event should probably be bumped up to 12 knives for it, still less than it was originally but not just getting it basically every single time you see a survivor basically, lmao. Otherwise, yeah, keep the speed of everything, Iri could just cut the knife count down to 18 and the main event requirement down to 8. My opinion though.

  2. I agree that there's a strong knee-jerk reaction that's going on, and I don't think people understand what bhvr is going for. To use terms from other games, they're trying to turn Main Event from Tricksters Ultimate ability to just a normal ability. I see people suggesting them to raise the number of knives it takes by a lot and split the difference but that isn't what they're going for. I think this direction is an interesting design space and I want to see them try to make it work rather than just split the difference.

    I also feel like the strong reactions are comparing how strong he used to be to how much better he seems now (and for this video specificially, with double iri's), forgetting how weak he was and how strong other killers can be. I think all killers being in the high B to anywhere in A tier range is a good impossible ideal to strive towards, and that it's good to encourage bhvr to design things in that direction (especially when reworks are what it'll take for many killers to get there).

    I think making his main event more of a normal ability than an ultimate is a cool idea, I just think it needs some fine-tuning. Some change ideas could be:
    – Perhaps slightly increasing the total number of knifes it takes to damage someone and slightly increasing the number of knives it takes to charge Main Event would push things in the right direction, just making chases slightly longer. It's an interesting idea to make it charge before dealing a damage state, the intent being so you can with perfect accuracy shred through the last 2 knives of one health state and then another full health state. I think it's fine to keep it like that, the above changes making it actually require near-perfect accuracy.
    – Reducing the duration of Main event by like .5 or 1 seconds and recuding the window you can hold onto Main Event before it goes away by a significant amount would make it more of a strong but difficult to use ability.
    – The reload iri seems to have been designed around the old Main Event so maybe they could make it reload every other use of Main Event so you actually need to be a bit careful/intentional to never need to reload.

  3. Honestly I think testing out these insane changes alongside a new killer in the same ptb is maybe a bad idea? Like I feel like they should just keep the no recoil part but maybe they should properly test the rest of the changes in the next midchapter

  4. I think the idea was they wanted u to use Main Event to confirm health states, but if they change the knives needed to 12 then it’s only used to confirm downs, which would probably be better

  5. Making it so the reload triggers after 2 or 3 main events should be a nice adjustment for the add-on, counting the short downtime after the main event will make up for the feel of lack of balance I think

  6. As a Trickster main from what I’ve seen in the ptb, his main event is only problematic. I like how they’ve made his main event a confirm for downs, so tuning it down to 12 will be fine.

  7. As a trickster main it feels good seeing him go from occasionally c tier to just a or b tier, I think if the main event was tweaked to 12 knives and they figure out a balance for death throes he’ll be fine, the rest of the changes seem pretty solid and work in tandem (like yeah ME is online a lot but the laceration meter increase means that your ME is pretty much only ever guaranteeing 1 health state at base duration)

  8. One thing I'd like them to look at now that main event actually gets used is the cooldown afterward. The ability to perform interactions seems to return after the ability to M1, which doesn't feel intentional


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