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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be discussing the newest arrival to Dead by Daylight’s cast of Killers, the Trickster! We’ll be looking at the specific niche of horror that our murderous K-pop idol fits into, his visual and aesthetic design and my love-hate relationship with his backstory.
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I've been hoping for a collaboration with Evil within to add Stefano for a very long time (all his time stopping gimmicks would've been amazing imo), but only because dbd was missing a "crazy artist" character. Too bad, I don't really see him ever coming now that the Trickster is a thing
Personally I like the tricksters lore but it’s certainly fun to hear your opinions
I think this might be the weakest killer in the game entirely, I've never seen a killer so underpowered in my 4 years playing this game.
Older killera got their rework for thear stories wraith and hilabilly cries in traper
He does have the best icon in DBD so far
wait what this guy enjoys twins and plague? mad man
Ah you tease I was hoping you'd cover Yun-Jin also, I haven't read up much about the new chapter because it's more worth it to wait for your videos and input
David king could end this mans hole career
Couldn't resist the amount of clicks you would get for this killer huh;)
"probably not as fun as the twins…."
5:58 I actually have a theory for that. Since they were working with 2 kpop producers, I think they'd either have limitations on the horrific stuff happening in the kpop academies or they didn't want to explore it because they felt they'd insult the producers
Most comments that I’ve heard about this killer have either been racist, or racist. (I’m being dramatic I know.) It’s nice to hear some fresh perspective. When I read his lore I just felt incredibly underwhelmed. The entire trope that you hear so often of this one encounter made our character find a taste for murder all of a sudden is just kind of stale to me. The desperate need for attention and a want to be the only one on the stage, I can roll with that. That’s realistic. But like you said, so much more could have been done. Picture this: an innocent kid with a bit of talent and big dreams gets picked up by a talent seeker. After years of grueling abusive treatment, he slowly begins to lose himself. His dream and the spotlight becoming all that was important to him. All that mattered. He had to make everything he went through worth it. He felt like he got the pay off when he got in a popular band, but it wasn’t worth it. After everything he went through, this was it? They tortured him to he could be a side character in stage? When a terrible fire started, his band member’s lives were in his hands. Part of him desperately wanted to help him. The other part of him desperately wanted more validation. He went catatonic. Their screams traumatizing him as he sat in his husk of a body. After, he wasn’t the same. Years of trauma, and that one event weighed too much on him. He became obsessed with his own trauma. Wanting to relive it. Re experience it. Become bigger than it. He was a star! Nothing could hold him back! No fear! No trauma! No longer would he be abused! He would be the one in power. He began to kidnap people, starve them, beat them, torture them and listen to their screams. Thinking of it as a therapy he deserved. Eventually he gained a great taste for it. Weaving it into his craft. His mastery of his trauma (as he called it) was part of him now. It was his identity. It was what made him a star, more than the screaming crowds. He would show everyone how powerful he was. That’s what this could have been in my opinion.
The mad artist trope isnt in DBD
Leatherface and his finely crafted skin masks: am I a joke to you?
Missed opportunity to give him a disguise ability I would make sense too becuase you could say,he was very skilled in make up or some whiz
When I read the Lore, I saw him going back for Yun Jin Lee as a mercy kill; I read it as him killing her to tie a loose end instead of torturing her. I feel like if they explore his more human side in the Tomes, his relationship with Yun Jin Lee and how she seems to be the only person he "cares" about, they could make him more than a one note Killer
He only appeals to Tumblr people.
I feel like a part of the Trickster's design that was always strange to me was just his overall power and how it is referenced in his backstory. A small snippet is used to describe how he used to throw knives as a child and then suddenly, even with the majority of his lifestyle in the K-pop universe, it is so important that they made it his power. With the teaser trailer that was shown there seemed to be a hint of rewinding which could have tied into his musical profession more. Most of the previous killers have had their power hinted in one way or another with their teasers, but in this case Mr. Flamboyant just really likes knives. Because a small sentence said so. I feel like Behavior missed the mark on making him mesh with his lore more by giving these blades instead of some other kind of power. That aside, though, it is a LOT of fun to riddle a survivor with the knives.
Trinston was here. .
The exaggerated swagger of a K-Pop idol.
A lot of his backstory reeks of "we'll add it in the archives" which is the DbD equivalent of saying we'll fix it in post I'm sure we'll get something in his backstory about how he was the only one who took the K-pop training seriously and how he sabotaged somebody who he didn't think deserved it. maybe something about how he worked harder than anybody else because he wanted it the most maybe he engineered an accident that didn't just ruin somebody's potential career but their whole life by crippling them
I'm glad he's so different. I just wish he was a girl. I want a waifu killer
His character is flatter than paper.
When you described 'lip gloss' horror, I thought of American Psycho. That's not wierd right?But compared to Caleb's story [my personal favorite lore], I agree. The Trickster's story is pretty generic. Like you mentioned, all we can do is wait until his tome.
I dunno what the perks would be, but I'm waiting for a killer who's "weapon" are brass knuckles and other ways to punch people. Someone who, maybe like david, was a bare knuckle boxer, but after killing someone accidently got addicted to it. Starting fights and delving into that area, before going full on murderous. I dunno, I just like the thought of someone punching down survivors, pallets and doors.
can you do a video on the trapper? he is the poster boy of the game and people just dismiss him
He is a re-skin of Suicide Squads joker played by Jared Leto…
"trickster doesn't fit in dbd" -bunny feng min and school girl spirit mains
Something that I noticed as a fan of k-pop, is that trainees that are naturally good looking and/or rich, have it a lot easier than the others. That would probably explain why his training has been only described as "draining". His dad spent lots of money from their restaurant to pay for his academy and, as far as we know, Ji-Woon is naturally good looking. Also, there's a certain level of realism when it comes to the jealousy that he felt towards the rest of his group, and that was only amplified by his own vanity, driving him to leave them in the fire. In real life (and as far as I know) there has not been a murder, but many cases of severe bullyng because of the jealousy that some idols felt towards each other. Still, I do agree that his lore does feel a bit stereotypical, and I personally think that he may lack some redeeming qualities. In some future tome, they could explore his gratitude with Yun-Jin, or maybe his relationship with his family, it would probably help.
I personally was disappointed because I felt Ghostface did the whole narcissistic killer who leaves clues for the police bit better. And yeah, BHVR kind took the cowardly way out by not going into the torturous idol schools, but at the same time, we've already had a bunch of killers who were pushed to the brink by their jobs (Trapper, Wraith, Doctor, Deathslinger). I do think he's a decent deconstruction of "the star who gets away with everything," especially in a post #MeToo world; guy literally left his own cufflinks at a crime scene and Yun-Jin suspected he was up to no-good, but swept it under the rug because HER success depended on his.
Me: likes Kpop and has liked DBD since it first released
DBD: releases a Kpop themed killer
Me: wtf is this 🤢
The "No-Spin" part about ScottJund was the obvious choice, but it gave me a good chuckle.
I feel like someone in the office likes k pop and they indulge them, and I hate it
Lore wise he is fairly boring. Merely a cash grab on the kpop craze
Hey dude, awesome video! I love your talk about Lip Gloss Horror. I’d never heard of the term but I dig it
Would Silence of the lambs be considered 'Lip Gloss Horror' to you?
Actually, on some degree, Ghost Face was technically the first killer artist archetype that BHVR brought into the game. He would report the murders that he committed on newspapers, and he also viewed his murders as a work of art. In his lore, he says: "I enjoyed bringing my ghost stories to life. But don’t worry: I’m not done yet." However, Ji-Woon Hak is a different take on that aspect. While he shares similar traits to Danny Johnson, he records the screams of his victims instead of taking pictures of their mutilated corpses and reporting their deaths. It both got to the point that everyone began to realise that both Ji-Woon and Danny were involved in their own murders. While Ji-Woon revealed his true colours before entering the fog, Danny left a vague response to see if anyone would guess that he was, indeed, behind The Ghost Face murders. They share something in common, but I personally think Ghost Face did it better.
I think that down the line when they add on to his story they’ll give some more depth. You said it yourself, a producer from the industry was there to help them so there’s obviously so much they can’t say. Give it time. They’re playing a long game. Don’t be so impatient.
I really hope when he eventually gets Archive story that his tomes explore the true nature of the K-Pop industry and the damage they do to these young artists purely to shape them into any money-printing image. I think using his treatment in the K-Pop academies and at the hands of his executives to be a motivating factor for his Magnus Opus. It really disappointed me that this wasn’t a story about a vulnerable young man damaged to psychotic madness by entering the world of harmful practices of avaricious k-pop execs who abuse their idols while maintaining the image of just being a cutesy romantic but rebellious music genre
this is sooooo good
the legion would make a fine musical group
I really enjoy the fact that the survivor and killer are so close. We get a truly human looking killer and a survivor that almost seems just as dark in her own way. All of her perks are very selfish and self preserving which align themselves with the Tricksters own selfish nature. Very interesting concepts but I want to see more from the killer.
The music definitely adds some ambiance and unnerving feelings to the video, great vid, keep it up 🙂
So, to start I just want to apologize for the size of this comment. Whenever a video really gets me thinking (almost always lore videos) and I want to share my thoughts I just keep going and going, I like sharing my ideas and views but it's always too much and I don't expect anyone to actually read it all so I don't even know why I bother, but either way I apologize
Before talking about lore, I do want to talk about gameplay. I can't play on the PTB so I don't have any actual hands on experience, but man he just looks way too much fun. I'll definitely be playing him a ton when he comes out, though honestly as you said the best part is just his whole character and personality being so expertly expressed through gameplay, even before the game starts with the wink and then in game with…well everything. I find it just so damn cool (but I agree there are some changes that I would really like to see to give him more oomph)
And also before getting to The Trickster himself I did want to mention Yun-Jin Lee and how awesome it is to not only have a survivor who is actually selfish and kind of a jerk, but also the closest connection a killer and survivor have had ever
So now, onto Ji-Woon. I absolutely fucking love him, first of all, and the gameplay stuff is definitely the biggest reason, with his flashy design and modern horror tropes also doing huge favors. And honestly I still find his backstory to also be quite cool, I like it. But I 100% understand your gripes, and wanted to give my thoughts on it.
I think the best starting point is to say that I hadn't noticed what made me love some of the killers in the game until you pointed out what makes the best killers special, it helped me open my eyes and gain new appreciation of them. That unique spin that makes them great. And I can see what you mean by Ji-Woon fitting into an archetype instead of being more than it, I mean Jhin was who inmediately came to mind while reading the lore with the killings and making a piece of the corpses. But I think it's the actual musical part of his art that I like so much, how he views his music in his mind. It's more than just simple bloodlust, it's about infusing true human emotion into his music. Of how the final words of his former bandmates was the sreams of the desperate, how their whole being was filled with the most powerful desire of all, to live. I think what truly made him adicted was the fact they were screaming HIS name, when he kills his victims entire attention is of him, so it's also another method to feed his narcisism. It's clear how much he believes he stands above the rest, how the pain and suffering of others is their humanity at its most raw yet also comparable to the sounds of animals. How he has "SEEN GOD". I know all of that is probably nothing special, but for me he was the first musical mad artist I knew of, so I also must admit there is a heavy amount of bias in all of this.
And this leads the other point, the sad underutilization of the kpop angle which is what I completely agree with the most. I'm not quite sure why one of the worst parts of his industry was skimmed like it was (and I would like to believe it wasn't self-censoring) but it's absolutely true it was wasted potential. How a monster like him would truly act in an already monstrous industry, that wasn't really touched on at all. But on the other hand I also really find the implications very interesting, his indulgence in both fame and murder making him act even bolder and making him loose favor, how it's possible he was able to lure some of his victims thanks to his celebrity status, or how the police probably didn't suspect of him even with the obvious clues because "yeah he looks tough on the outside but has a big heart on the inside, yes he's a trickster like the dokkaebi spirits but he's a good guy, how he mourned for his friends yet still had the strenght to keep going. Besides he would never do something like that, his life would be finished!" How he saw Yun-Jin as his ally, not as someone who would understand him but as someone who knew he was important, that his music was special. That twisted bond he shares with her.
But that's the problem, those are the IMPLICATIONS, or in other words just what my head made up to fill in the blanks that it thought would be cool. None of it except his relation to Yun-Jin is actually said, none of it explicitly stated, and even with all of that and more it still doesn't really touch upon the horrors of kpop (though to be fair, I don't want him to have gone mad to the pressure of the industry or something similar, I like the idea of him being crazy because he was born that way and found the perfect way to let it out. Yet there are still other ways it could've been greatly elaborated upon). On a final note about lore, one last detail I find super intriguing is about one specific line, of how so many would experience him, see him, be killed by him, would scream for him. Yet he mentions a "million eyes", that with the fact he winks made me believe that maybe, just maybe he is aware of a deeper truth of the Fog, one that he might not even uderstand…but that is actually just bullshit theories that have nothing to do with this lmao
In conclusion, I love him, I love Yun-Jin Lee, love the music and love the chapter but I can fully admit his lore could've been so much better. It's not about it being bad because I fully believe it isn't, but about what could've been. I definitely agree a Tome could spice it up a lot and elevate him, but that it shouldn't be necessary (though comparing him to the really old killers…not sure about that honestly). While in my mind he isn't a one-dimensional character (which isn't a bad thing either) again that's just in my mind, my fully subjective view. Since this is a critical analysis of his story, you could say that I achieved nothing but ramble on and on uselessly about "what I think happened" but just didn't, none of the details I just typed out actually exist or matter. Yet I still wanted to put my thoughts on him out there, since discussing lore is always fun and I just really wanted to type it all out lol. Bottom line is, while I find him more interesting and love him more than most it is undeniable that his role as a kpop star is disappointingly underused and he doesn't bring that much to the mad artist trope that would make him really stand out among the rest. If a future Tome does focuse more on the kpop angle and gives him more depth and originality that would make him more than his archetype, hooo boy that would be incredible
PD: Lip gloss horror eh? I like the name and the idea behind it, I loved Parasite too. I think I have some new movies I could check it out…if I wasn't so awful with horror