The TRUE Villain of Dead by Daylight | EXPOSING @SkyFactionYT

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It seems that Skyfaction has taken a page out of Drake’s book, so allow us to be the Kendrick.

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Title: The TRUE Villain Dead by Daylight | EXPOSING @SkyFactionYT


30 thoughts on “The TRUE Villain of Dead by Daylight | EXPOSING @SkyFactionYT”

  1. The fact he’s trying to bring up your real name already tells me how malicious his intentions actually are. Would love to see a irl boxing match between you two, that’s usually the only way these dorks learn.

  2. The Mods in his discord RIGHT NOW Are freaking out, shouting about taking down stuff and "cracking down" on moderation. That's disgusting. I hope he loses his followers.

    There's a difference between being edgy/cringe, and actually telling minors your gonna go "jerk off". Joke or not, that's nasty as fuck.

  3. swizz is truly the problem child of my discord, glad someone is calling him out on his behavior 🙏 W vid as always, keep it up king 👑(my single mod is scrambling to delete all the discord evidence, please don't join the discord until then! 😭)

  4. I watched his video it not rly change me because everyone have different opinions and people dislike about you because you make videos about tunnels pride/blacks whatever related to humanity, but to be honest most of your videos take hilarious, like you need to understand like your most part of troll than hateful towards people and no one is perfect but the point is your community is more about troll and I understand that most of people don’t like to play against cheaters but it really interesting to watch how somebody is cheating, but to me I always love to try win against cheaters with my hillbilly because it’s extremely rare to play against cheaters for me but anyway keep going and not let somebody pull you down

  5. tbh not a huge fan of your content void and thats ok its just not for me. i first heard of you through sky's vid and i never understood why go so far in to somoenones personal life when the main topic is targeting minority's in a video game and posting it on youtube to get a reaction.
    i dont like cheaters and i dont like people who target minority's but in the same breath i dont like people who go beyond themselves to dox and shit talk about somones life just because you don't agree with how they play a game and what they upload on there channel.
    when people say dbd community is "toxic" i believe is moments like this when people take shit waaaay further than it needs to go. if you dont like the targeted minority's dbd videos just don't watch or create a conversation around the topic that dosnt go beyond said topic.

    hope yall are having a nice day tho
    p.s. sorry for my bad english

  6. Genuinely who cares? Know what i was doing at 14? Making jerking off jokes. Same as all my friends. Same as when we were 16. 18. Now 25. I will still be joking about it at 35, and at 35 im sure i'll be joking about it for the rest of my life.
    I get trying to call the other side a groomer is somehow a "get out of jail free" card for being a shitty person. But at the end of this video all im left with is the impression he's immature and you're still a scumbag to the dbd community.

  7. It’s funny because they want representation and just to be accepted… but don’t want the other end of the stick literally just for banter.

    They want representation… but they want just be accepted… but then they other themselves… but then iNcLuSiOn!

    Like, they literally wear a whole set of rainbow charms – blatantly to flex their “progressiveness” but also have an inbuilt excuse to yell “tunnelling” – and they wonder why people find them boring: they have ZERO sense of humour or self awareness if they’re the butt of a joke.

  8. i watched some of his videos before and i did like them but this is just dumb 😹 why do these ppl make videos about you since you literally do not care omg 😭😭😭 maybe they lowkey want the cheats too cause obviously they want your attention

  9. I know you are a coward who needs constant validation, so would not be even mad if you delete this comment (like you did with others)
    So, you cheat in video game, you are harassing other people (which is also violation of rules) but you also uploaded your PRIVATE DATA (such as name+surname) and you are crying about "being harassed"? How stupid you could get to do this, no wonder you have problems irl (and other problems are coming, wonder how big pile it would be)
    nice ratio btw.

  10. Honestly to me most of the discord stuff seems like edgy jokes more than anything. Although yeah talkin about people's family is a step too far I definitely agree. Joke or not. But the stuff with the kid it just seems like he's makin edgy jokes and they're makin edgy jokes back. A bit hypocritical to get mad at you for bein adgy then do this in discord tho.

  11. Bro what was this dude yapping out in this video(not void) the other dude he said why show your face but it’s like why not show ur face😅 keep it up void definitely subbed for this


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