The WAR On PERKS | Dead by Daylight

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26 thoughts on “The WAR On PERKS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. stbfl stacks are earned made for this isn't their argument is invailed and no stbfl isn't good on every killer that's false made for this is dead hard 2.0 and that's why everyones wants it gone.

  2. Idk i think made for this is pretty mid especially when you do the math and compare the distance youd get from it compared to sb but i do think the perk can be strong when paired with the right perks like hope resilience dh etc i do think the endurance is the strongest part of it when paired with the right perks or in a swf

  3. I think, what perks of Killer should be stronger and cause greater effect, than survivors, simply because this is 4 vs 1 game, there are not must perks, what can be a comparable or even stronger in survivors side, because they could got this perks multiple times, combine them and simply got more, than 4 really good perks. Specially, with haste effect, what is a core of this game, then a Killer should chase, catch and down surv to win. A Exhaustion perks is good and balance for me because they last a short and needed some condition, what not so hard, but also applied debuff, what can affect your build, restrict in choose of your perks. With Made for this this restrictions is joke: getting unjured not bad, because of really good and numerous perks, what give second chances and others, what could help to stealth. And Exhaustion, what this perk cannot apply yourself, even if Surv was hit on Endurance state, so it's not a big problem. This perk work all time while you unjured, so it's not have any significant downsides, what other similar pekrs had, and Killer, in most time, cannot deactivate this perk and cannot force survs healing, because, again, no really downsides. And this is only haste effect, also it give endurance, 1 of most powerful effect, for healing another surv. from dying state, what give you another chances for win the game. And so, in conclusion: 1)This perk a pair with strong Killer perks or even stronger. 2) It not have really heavy restrictions and downsides to use. 3) It have really good singles effects, what combined in 1 perks. This is, in my opinion, the most problems with this perk and it should be rework by any mean. Ty. for reading, not so good in eng., so I could miss something in my thinking.

  4. You can’t even compare these two perks. Stbfl stacks can be taken from you, the killer can’t take away mft unless you are playing an insta down killer. It’s absolutely comical to me the length ppl will go to say mft isn’t an op perk when it’s literally the new DH. Takes 0 skill to get free value. U made a video about buckle up a few days ago and for majority of that video u can substitute the perk buckle up with mft and it’s the same video. Swf / not shit players get insane value for playing the game, at least with killer perks u can either counter play them ex swf making u hit the obsession so u lose stacks or ur perks can be takin away from you ex shitty hex perks being destroyed 😂. What am I supposed to do about mft run mind breaker ohhh wait it lasts for 5 seconds of exhaustion, run blood echo a garbage’s bin perk that maybe affects 2 ppl at once. This isn’t even an argument surv perks r just better than killer perks and they get 16 to work with killer only gets 4. Killers should have stronger perks but the devs don’t operate that way. If surv had to use there brains as much as killer does 99% of the playerbase would play like rank 20’s. When they nerfed DH and Ds surv we’re literally deer in headlights for about a week bc there crutch perks were taken from them however BHVR being BHVR they gave them new crutch perks and in combination with the old perks surv were back to there usual selfs 😂. It’s crazy how the easiest side in the game literally plays on autopilot and they still win most of there games bc the perk design map design and majority of the killer design is ASS😂.

  5. I feel like my issue with Made for This is like you said, that it’s indefinite. Instead of being a window of power that you can play around, it’s just a near permanent 3% boost provided survivors aren’t exhausted. Sure you don’t get a sprint burst but that 3% adds up over time and opens all kinds of looping possibilities. Like a lot of survivor mains who I’m assuming are lower MMR or less playtime say 3% isn’t that big of a deal but if they added a perk that just gave 3% Hindered or Haste on the killer side they would be pissed, even if it didn’t make much difference against some killers. It needs some kind of condition or timer or just something so the killer isn’t playing at 112% for simply hitting the survivor. And haste stacking also really needs to go as well, survivors should not be able to run at 110% speed consistently even if it’s an endgame specific thing. Also the perk design just doesn’t make sense, is it meant to be the Haste perk or the Endurance perk? Exhaustion perks shouldn’t give such strong utility. Imagine if Sprint Burst just gave you Endurance for idk, healing someone while Exhausted, it would be silly.

    Save idek what to say. It’s annoying and strong, as survivor, yeah Save annoys me especially against something like Clown but I don’t think it should be nerfed too harshly. I think perhaps 6 stacks only would be fair to bring it back to the old value. It was always fine before they buffed the basekit but didn’t look into Save.

  6. I honestly disagree about the idea of nerfing STBFL, it's powerful but it's in a good place for several reasons.

    Most top tier Killers (Blight, Nurse, Wesker to some extent since using M1 too much makes him miss out on passive slowdown, Artist etc.) don't get much value from it. Sure on Spirit or Slinger it can be devastating but that's 2 out of over 30 Killers (and quite frankly Slinger is pretty meh outside of very good players without it).

    Weaker Killers that need the extra "oomph" to their chases and have no mobility to speak of (Trapper, Pig, Oni etc.) benefit from it greatly (doubly so if they have a power that can spare them some stacks if they come across the obsession like Demo and Nemy and soon Alien). Good perks on Killers that aren't already insane without them is good.

    Since the removal of hook grabs, a fully-stacked STBFL is pretty much the only way to still make Survivors need to think their rescues through, and even then the Killer has to hit the rescuer about a second before they reached the hook to prevent it being a trade (as even a fully-stacked STBFL isn't enough to get two hits in before the Survivor unhooks).

    STBFL is arguably now the only "soft counter" to the FTP+Buckle Up combo, as after downing a Survivor the recovery is quick enough to either hit the would-be-healer before they use FTP or pick up. It's not even guaranteed to work anyway but it makes it tougher for the Survivors to just delete your chase.

    Unless the Survivors take an absurd amount of M1 hits very quickly (so either babies or Survivors messing around) then it will take time to get 6+ stacks. Good Survivors won't give you those stacks so easily. Not to mention that, as you said, the Obsession can go out of their way to body-block/take chase to deny stacks, and isn't interaction with the Killer better than doing gens? Even as the Killer, you don't have to completely ignore the obsession, you still have 3 other perks and you don't lose every stacks if you M1 the obsession, a hook is a hook after all.

    There aren't many good perks that are arguably better on average/weak Killers than on top-tier Killers and it shouldn't be made weaker as that removes yet another good option for them. It already takes some time to build up the stacks and they are easily lost if the Survivors catch on and start playing around it (Obsession harasses the Killer while others play safer/immersed and pre-drop everything).

    It's also a perk that incentivizes the Killer to chase people and not just guard a 3-gen in the hopes of winning by time-out.

  7. What if made for this was based off getting unhooks like WGLF? When injured, you are 3% faster until you heal someone and gain endurance, or until you go down. Then the perk turns off until you get another unhook

  8. Why the hell are people Complaining about stbfl man? YOU NEED TO BUILD STACKS TO GET VALUE. Not to mention you basically have to let the obsession do what they want or you risk losing stacks. You have to lose something to gain value. YOU EARN stacks it’s not GIVEN to you.

  9. Killers got the extra two STBFL, Survivors got a decreased speed boost after a hit, plus reduced medkits, Dead Hard, DS nerfed. Sure survivors got base kit BT, and now a perk with a 3% haste. Even with the new Pop and Pain Res together which are very strong, Killer has legit never been easier since I’ve played this game…

    And we wonder why after that patch disconnects increased so much that we had to add bots… it’s so easy to loose hope in a match as survivor because killer is way too strong.

  10. My stance… It is an opinion, so anyone is free to disagree as they please.

    Made for this is just 3%. That… That's 1% more than Dark Theory, which is seen as a trash tier perk. It applies to everyone yet takes one perk slot.

    It's just 3%. Hope doesn't do too much and it's 7% regardless of health state.

    And STBFL requires you ignore one player to do as they please or shoot your stacks in the face.

    We have SIGNIFICANTLY bigger problems in the community than… Two perks with clear downsides whose upsides are, let's be honest, are easily overshadowed by a plethora of perks.

    Why would I take SVBFL when I can take Jolt? Why would I take MFT when I can take Sprint Burst?

    I feel like these are being bombsrded like this to excuse certain mistakes or ignore certain problems. I've gone against MFT many times and… I've never noticed it. Like, at all. And even then to get 'value' you need to, in essence, be Exposed at all times.

    I'd much rather be healed and not be moaning and downed in one hit at any time.

  11. I will admit fully that I prefer the killer role, but it's largely because I think playing against a lot of killers isn't that fun, so I am sympathetic to the survivor side of the game. I also play a fair amount of survivor, usually solo queue, to complete archives and challenges.

    So all of that said, I agree that MFT is not as overpowered some older perks, like old Dead Hard or even the reworked Dead Hard before it got nerfed again. But strangely I think it's even more unhealthy than they were. I actually enjoyed playing versus old Dead Hard to a certain extent, because I liked the mindgame aspect of the survivor trying to bait me to swing while I tried to bait them to waste Dead Hard, that was pretty fun. It was an interactive experience (when it wasn't just used for distance). It also protected survivors against the stronger killers, who would often have no choice but to get through Dead Hard, while not affecting lower tier killers as much because they could often bait the DH.

    MFT just makes the survivor a bit faster, it's really hard to tell when it's in play and it makes you constantly wonder if they have it or not any time they slightly beat you to a pallet or window. It doesn't help that much against the stronger killers but is really effective against the weaker killers.

    As for STBFL, my only opinion on that is that I think lethality perks are healthier and more fun for both sides than regression perks. I'd rather STBFL and other lethality perks be meta over trying to stack slowdown effects.

  12. It feels like it was completely glossed over that unlike with made for this, you actually have to EARN those stacks for save the best for last.

    Other than the fact you have to earn the stacks. You really shouldn't be earning them that fast unless people are body blocking for some reason, or you just have really bad survivors (and i mean REALLY bad survivors). In a typical chase you gain two stacks at max from it. . . In return you know what the survivors get? As long as they are halfway decent they get anywhere from 1-2 gens done, sometimes 3 (unless you're playing a top tier killer like blight, spirit, or nurse. In which case the perk isn't that good on them compared to other perks so it still isn't an issue). It feels like people are really over exaggerating how hard survivor is for them to even consider save the best for last an issue. As primarily a survivor player the fact a single chase from me should last MINIMUM one entire gen to almost two gens as long as it isn't a meta killer is more concerning on what it means for lower tier killers than it is that they have a perk that typically isn't even allowed to get to max stacks to begin with anyways.

  13. I still prefer balanced landing myself. Opens up pathing and escape options that no other perk does while not being so easy to burn like Lithe or SB.

    Made for this help a lot no doubt with looping, but is only really effective when you already know what you’re doing and most survivors don’t tbh.

    I’d much rather keep resilience over MFT too. You basically go super saiyan when you’re injured. Doing everything faster EXCEPT running is crazy good.

  14. I think that killer mains should be more open to understanding that 1)this is a game-and by extension how the game works

    2) what’s fair is fair on both sides.

    I will use both points interchangeably since I can’t organize them as separate factors.
    Aside from the point you mentioned at the beginning of your video about save the best for last (this also being the main reason for my second point).

    The main point of this game in that how it was made-initially survivor perks were created to counter their respective killer’s power. This became an issue as dbd grew because now with all the killers that exists the chances of coincidentally going against a killer with perks the were created to counter that specific killer are low.

    For example calm spirit was created to counter dr. This perk is extremely useless against almost all the other killers but great against dr.

    Another example is made for this: singularity has that overdrive mode and insta vault/break pallets.

    The game is now so expansive that killers are “unintentionally” feeling that dbd is fundamentally broken. You make extremely difficult and uncounter-able killers:survivors will at least get one perk to make going against the killer feel less of a chore.

    Killers are OFTEN (not always) quick to whine why a survivor perk is too strong instead of realizing that it is the trade off for creating killer characters that are not fun to go against.

    All that whining does is make millions of customers waste their money (example Mikaela who was literally sold by herself as a paragraph for her selling point being boons which are now mostly unused since COH nerf) When biased whining turns into a nerf.

    My parting words are: it’s fun until it happens to you.

  15. What's the point in needing made for this when the xeno is bringing in the counter to it also if they are gonna nerf it why not just revert the hope buff put hope back to 60 seconds in rhe end game. Made for this by itself isn't a problem

  16. It's crazy that every 4 months, people randomly start hating on Lightborn. And now, I've even seen people hate Windows of Oppurtunity. They're nice perks to have but they're not OP. In fact, they even become less useful the higher your player skill reaches.

  17. You do realize that the save the best for last need to be stacked and normally after the first chase meaning that you left with two generators, then base of the skill of a survivors you may left with two or even one generator. Meaning you would have 4 stuck in about 2 the last two generators at best otherwise isn't bad will be completed in the last one at worst. Now having a perk that activate at the end of the game strong as this I think is very bad. And don't forget if you hut the wrong survivor you lise two.

  18. My way of thinking has always been if theres something in a game you dont like, adapt your way of playing to counter it, ive never been on the nerf everything you hate or cant deal with band wagon.

  19. You do realize that the save the best for last need to be stacked and normally after the first chase meaning that you left with two generators, then base of the skill of a survivors you may left with two or even one generator. Meaning you would have 4 stuck in about 2 the last two generators at best otherwise isn't bad will be completed in the last one at worst. Now having a perk that activate at the end of the game strong as this I think is very bad. And don't forget if you hut the wrong survivor you lise two.

  20. MFT is broken, just admit it. If it did nothing against high-tiers like you claim, no one would be running it.

    Putting MFT on a timer like Lucky Break only removes 1/100 problematic aspects. Committing to chases against MFT, especially your first, would still not be viable, Hit 'n Run even more incentivized.

    And then you want to nerf STBFL because it's too good on Spirit…pubstomp balance advocate exhibit A.


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