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This Build Blocks Every Generator in the Entire | Dead by Daylight
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This Build Blocks Every Generator in the Entire | Dead by Daylight
You could do a similar build with Caulrophobia and Sloppy.
They take forever to heal, and you can make them scream when you want to interrupt the heal and make the progress regress.
You are going to get these perks nerfed 😂
I loved usin thrillin n deadman’s wit my dr..I could try this wit him..😭
Yay. Another build for every wesker I'll ever face to use for the next two months straight.
Use Doctor with DMS, its so fun on small maps
Ill gladly take a new calm spirit meta over whatever the hell this mft nightmare is
Activating dead man’s switch with ultimate weapon is genius. I’m going to try that right now
bro thats crazy
What a wholesome killer. Preventing the survivors from having to do those boring gens, and letting them interact with the killer more, which is what they want! Right?!
Coco pleeeease, my survivors are crying in the bathroom and won't come out now.
When are we getting Rapid Brutality Myers? Evil Incarnate 😂
Dbd content creators making essentially the same build over and over for years on end
Try this with doctor who can also run add ons to increase his terror radius.
This man is a DBD evil genius
The one Calm Spirit gamer: Hue hue hue hue hue 😈
Was watching this and thought…could this work on Doctor with a couple modifications like Grim embrace, Hex Ruin, Deadmans switch, and Thrilling Tremors
That build on doctor with addon for the aoe shock CD
Blame the map, not the build
Now do the Same on pinhead
Stop being disrespectful to people on Dead by Daylight
i made it 1k likes. proud of coconut!
6:59 i cant😂
That hand 🖐️ covering the screen doe 🤣🤣🤣 2:10
this is cool and all, but anyone could win on this particular map with wesker, no perks even…it's probably the most kllr-sided map in the game & my alltime personal favorite, even when playing survivor…it's just such a cool map
Wouldn't this be better with doctor? You could do double calm add-ons and replace distressing with grim embrace lol. 46 meter terror radius (4 meters less than this one) with the added benefit of after all 4 survivors are hooked, all gens lock for 40 seconds.
did not know dead mans switch and thrilling tremors worked so well together
Soooo… is this not just pain-res/deadman’s with extra steps?
Love how he's opposed to making TCM like DBD but also tests DBD like a crazy asian.
I had a build with freddy that was similar to this.
Pick up survivors with thrilling tremors, then fake teleport to gens being worked on with dead man's switch.
I genuinely will run this on killers I hate playing now.
This is actually a good gen regression build because if the killer is good he's rewarded. If they're not it's useless
I've been running a variant of this (which I should do a video on) that uses this concept I've drafted since Xeno's perks were announced, only better—and it works great on the Doctor.
Ultimate Weapon, Deadlock, Merciless Storm, and Deadman's Switch, 2x Calm add-ons.
It does this times a thousand with more on-demand information, activity denial, and trades off Xeno's mobility for the Doctor's built-in slowdown. Xeno dropping completed it. Sometimes I'll swap out Ultimate Weapon and DMS for Lethal and DMS, swapping the lower-tier Calm add-on for Restraint.
"It's genius." <- Negative, just a lot of good killers out there aren't 150k+ subscriber youtubers making it look like it's smart.
Laughs in calm spirit
Not the MFT user killing herself on hook after getting caught 😂
What are they doing? 2 dead and 4 gens to go. Playing for hatch lmao
I was waiting for this LOL
I would replace distressing with face the darkness.
Oh no he is using the herb addon… better use the video conference device bcs its way better
6:59 the fucking balarina tech LOL love it
LOL this is why I left DBD boring killer builds like this
Rebecca seems like a cheater, 3% doesnt give you this much distance.
She was going as fast as MFT + Hope in the endgame, MFT should not have been added to the game.
How am i supposed to know whos cheating and who isnt, fuck sake man
Do this with doctor and TR increasing add on 😂 no wait, I'm gonna do it.
You forget corrupt 😂
Too bad you gota booner 😂
With all of the new screaming perks. It makes me glad to be calm spirit abuser
This is why I use Calm Spirit every match now 😂
you could also do distressing and ultimate weapon with trail of torment for that unexpected stealth