This Build Blocks Every Generator in the Entire Map | Dead by Daylight

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This Build Blocks Every Generator in the Entire | Dead by Daylight


46 thoughts on “This Build Blocks Every Generator in the Entire Map | Dead by Daylight”

  1. this is cool and all, but anyone could win on this particular map with wesker, no perks even…it's probably the most kllr-sided map in the game & my alltime personal favorite, even when playing survivor…it's just such a cool map

  2. Wouldn't this be better with doctor? You could do double calm add-ons and replace distressing with grim embrace lol. 46 meter terror radius (4 meters less than this one) with the added benefit of after all 4 survivors are hooked, all gens lock for 40 seconds.

  3. I've been running a variant of this (which I should do a video on) that uses this concept I've drafted since Xeno's perks were announced, only better—and it works great on the Doctor.

    Ultimate Weapon, Deadlock, Merciless Storm, and Deadman's Switch, 2x Calm add-ons.

    It does this times a thousand with more on-demand information, activity denial, and trades off Xeno's mobility for the Doctor's built-in slowdown. Xeno dropping completed it. Sometimes I'll swap out Ultimate Weapon and DMS for Lethal and DMS, swapping the lower-tier Calm add-on for Restraint.

    "It's genius." <- Negative, just a lot of good killers out there aren't 150k+ subscriber youtubers making it look like it's smart.

  4. Rebecca seems like a cheater, 3% doesnt give you this much distance.

    She was going as fast as MFT + Hope in the endgame, MFT should not have been added to the game.

    How am i supposed to know whos cheating and who isnt, fuck sake man


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