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This build allows you to easily keep track of that little trash talking munchkin with wall hacks during chase… Looks like size doesn’t matter huh…
Thumbnail render by ME 🙂
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So getting downed by Chucky with an entire build to counter him he's definitely A tier easily
can't wait to go against Chucky, he looks so fun to play as and against ☺️
11:17 DBD community try not to complain about something challenge: impossible
ppl dont like chucky because hes stronger than a normal m1 killer its the same w/ xeno
(oh no i cant loop a killer for 5 gens that means hes op and i have to sh*t my self) xD
his tiny aura with that big ass knife it’s so unserious it’s not even scary ☠️
His nopers are so silly
Wish more killers had voice lines like him and wesker
Oof, I've been waiting for You to upload surv vids. Great content as always, Man.
Casually counters him 3 days after release:
Bro what? How do people not like this killer. They prolly just don’t like getting sworn at. This is probably the most fun killer they released since Wesker. I personally find him more fun than Wesker to go against. I don’t even love Wesker as much as everyone else, I don’t like the whole side quest of finding a spray every time he hits you
Definitely the coolest killer in the game!!!!! Besides demo!
Key with aura add on + more time is goated against him
They need to make it where you can’t see his footsteps
I think Chucky is a great survivor and Billy and Huntress are still better (including addons), he's okayish but not absolutely bad
Very good! Already found a way to counter it, legend
with yui perk pallet chucky cannot go under pallets
You're my favorite killer main Baz <3
Wait i thought Chucky didn't have a red stain, can someone explain it to me?
People complaing because they’re too lazy to be willing to learn how to play against killers. They want easy swf games full of bullying killers. But they’ll have to learn. Or quit playing. As simple as that. 😎
I do think Chucky is a strong killer but he’s not overwhelmingly op. The people who complain about that are either going up against good killer players or they’re bad at playing survivor
Exited for the release on the 28th along with the Rainbow Six Siege collab. Tanks for already making counter builds baz! Lots of love ❤