This build makes Nemesis A+ tier! | Dead by Daylight

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This build makes Nemesis a strong A+ tier killer! You’ll be reaching his maximum mutation rate extremely quickly!


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23 thoughts on “This build makes Nemesis A+ tier! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Discordance is usually a better go to than BBQ+C since the zombies get alerted to the highlighted gen and can camp it, as well as tell you where to go next if you watch the zombie’s actions. Also if you’re looking for a more reliable add on combo, swapping tyrant gore (I think that’s what it is if I remember right) for the admins wrist band is much better for information and camping the right areas, even hooks. Also #buffghostface

  2. How are people still saying knight is unbeatable in 1v1? It's the most exploitable power in the game. Guards are a joke. I genuinely get happy when I play against the Knight because I know I'm gonna do some shit he hasn't seen before because no one else actually bothers to learn counterplay.

  3. The way you play against knight is basically the same way you should play against hag or trapper. One person constantly going around harassing their power while someone else is in chase.

    In other words, another killer that is near impossible to properly counter without the comms to let people know what you're doing.


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