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#dbd #deadbydaylight
please never stop making content, no matter the genre, it provides me so much entertainment throughout the day and especially at night. much love señor skermz, you are hilarious!
Jimmy I need attention plz heart my comment. I’ll stop making skermz is the type of guy jokes if you do
2:31 not seen: skermz killing his teammates and throwing the game for the failed overcharge 360
why do you sound like noob3 with a voicechanger. same way of talking similar editing and the voice just sounds the same on a bit higher pitch XD
Skermz the type of guy to text his friend and say “ready or not, here I come!”
Sup brotha from another motha
Skermz just simply the best Dbd YouTuber, You should do another vid wit Ayrun
Skerms the type of guy to ask a girl "wheres my hug at?" when she hugs her friends
Skermz is the type of guy to tell someone to take a Borrowed Time hit after unhooking them without Borrowed Time
Skermz the type of guy who wants his subscribers to stop commenting the “Skermz the type of guy” comments
skermz the type of guy to rub his friend’s back while hugging
Yo Skermz if you don't want to play tombstone can you make a tombstone compilation? Pure entertainment.
Omg k pro
W adrenaline
Bro where are these killers when I play survivor 😂😂😂
skermz i apologize for everybody saying “skermz the type of guy to…”
Man i want u to know that i love ur videos thanks
if you don’t hear this while shes topping you, she ain’t the one
It wasnt Suzie, it was Julie
Skermz is the type of guy to laugh at his own jokes
I can't even loop jungle gym and this man loop in a f*cking corner of the map!! 😀
What kind of nvidia filters do u use , tell me please
Skermz the type of guy to say "flower tech" when buying his girl flowers
New probzz?lol what a spins
Babe wake up! Skermz uploaded.
u also could use the nancy's perk to heal in a locker when u do bones
you bullied that legion
2:57 LOL
Skermz the type of guy to say “You’re on thin ice buddy 😡” when he gets mad
i Love you skermz ☺
Skermz no1 Dbd player no capalap
wait so if u get off the record active before the last gen pops it still stays active? this whole time i thought once the last gen popped u can’t use it at all
Skermz the type of guy to make a honeydew joke
hey skermz can i get LESH GOOOOO please?
idk if you will take this as a compliment (i would) but you're the one i choose when i need to watch a video while eating my lunch and dinner.
The thats crazy as you slow vault into the blight was so funny
Does this tech work on console?
I am
Honestly confused af 😭😭😭
Does the perk even do anything? Doesnt it reveal gens and stuff? Wtf is this entire video ur spinning everyone so hard 🤣🤣🤣
skermz the type of guy to take his shades off to get a better look at the sun
why dont u u se clairvoyance in a corner tech and go through them? Or are u not able to go through them unless they destroy or vault a window?
Ive really seen everyone of your videos bro Im addicted help
Skermz is he type of guy to misname Legion members
You're my favorite dbd YouTuber besides noob3 I still watch everyone else even woohoo my sim but yours is what I fiend for lol