This build works WONDERS with the Artist | Dead By Daylight Artist Game

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Taken from a stream at Live every weekday at 11am British time.


20 thoughts on “This build works WONDERS with the Artist | Dead By Daylight Artist Game”

  1. may ı ask you something?I am not kiddding but you look like a cartoon chraachter ı used to know and watch.Thats why your face expressions andd speaking style looks so warm to me.Did anybody but me say this to you?you really look liek a chrachter from past.

  2. I made one comment on your twitch not even trying to be negative and you actually made a massive ordeal out of it calling it “snide” I actually quite liked your content but Jesus dude if that’s how you treat your viewers then i will gladly waste my hours elsewhere kindly pull the stick outta your arrse next time you have a match that doesn’t go your way instead of lashing out at a fan


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