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28 thoughts on “THIS IS GOING TO BE EASY…OH WAIT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I'd personally buff her stealth so she isn't slow and make it so it's not time consuming for something you might not even be rewarded for and I'd buff her dash somehow too. Maybe make Johns medical file base kit. Then do something to make RBT more consistent

  2. Hi all , what are your thoughts on matchmaking at the moment ?
    I'm on console, have got survivor to iridescent rank 2 , but the killer is always lower rank , and it's also very rare if my teammates are same rank as me.
    Was just wondering if other people were having the same experience with the matchmaking.

  3. In my opinion, I feel that she should have unlimited head traps but they slowly respawn/she has to pick up more from a locker or chest. Her having a limited amount plus the fact that rng could be or could also not be on your side hurts her pretty badly. Her 4v1 disappears entirely depending on her trap rng.

  4. How pig traps RNG works? Do the game choose a random box to have the key when you put the trap or is chance based like first one 25% then 50% , 75% and the last one 100%?

  5. I like how there's always an excuse on his part. Either the map is shit, the RNG is shit, the killer is shit, or the perks are shit. It's never the way he plays or the mistakes he makes, except when it's so undeniably obvious that he doesn't have a choice but to acknowledge it. I've been watching his content for over 4 years now and I've observed how his ego steadily bloated up to an insufferable amount. I wish he was more humble as he was back in the day…

  6. This video is a great example of just how fucked this game is when it comes to playing killer. Even if we ignore the killer's mediocre kit — surv hit boxes are shit, so it registers hitting the wrong person, sometimes it'll randomly stop your attack cause the game THINKS you hit them, etc.

  7. 🤓 Why not just have the head traps unlock in stages – like 1/3 at each box if solved successfully!
    +You fail a skill check your progress made on that very box is revoked and it locks permanently (for you only!) and you'll have to go to another one.
    >>means: 3 random boxes min to go to for each trap put on!


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