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24 thoughts on “THIS IS HOW TOP MMR SOLO GAMES SHOULD LOOK! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Honestly this looks horrible for the killer, he got almost a 12 hook, spread hooks apart, yet he only barely ends up with 1 kill. The game should encourage spreading hooks, but you end up spreading hooks and just getting punished at the end of the game for it.

  2. This isn't how a top MMR game should look. It's sad that as well as that nurse played they barely got a kill for all of their hard work, if the game was made with the killer actually being in the power role you guys should've lost at least two people and had to work to get out. I bet whoever that nurse was had to take a break after that one.

  3. It hurts to see where the game is at right now,how have they managed to completely ruin killer,now its the killer getting chased by the survivors is this even a horror game lol 😪

  4. As a former tournament winner and semi professional Halo player (had a child early so had to quit playing) I can notice your subtle movements and I think that alot of people who criticize you and talk smack can't even see these subtle moves you make, which speaks volumes in their skill levels as well as to the skill levels of streamers they glorify (no offense to those streamers). But when watching your gameplay and seeing your movements and the movements of the survivors and the way you all mind game and how the survivors know how to perfectly extend loops shows just how big of a difference in skill your matches are vs others.

  5. Ayrun, jrm and a few others 100% lower mmr off stream. It’s obvious to players who have a lot of time in the game but not to newer players. It’s kinda embarrassing tbh because those content creators are genuinely good.

  6. Seeing this good nurse player only getting one kill shows how unbalanced the game is. When a top tier killer only takes about 10 seconds to chase a survivor down and most survivors still manage to escape, that shows how survivor-sided this game is. Imagine playing any killer beside nurse – you're getting demolished

  7. Theres something so wrong about 3 survivors running up to a hook and the killer stands there in fear trying to figure out which one will do the real unhook. Its like the roles are completely wrong in this game.

  8. Does anyone actually know how laws work after someone files a report with government officials?? Obviously nobody does apparently… I seriously and really filled reports against behavior interactive and dead by daylight with the federal trade commission, the f.b.i internet crimes unit and the better business bureau, now this is whats going to happen. They are going to make them shut the game down, then they will have no choice but to fix all past and current problems or issues with the game before anything new can be added… I really wish people would believe me, just like when pinhead was coming into dead by daylight I was the only one who kept telling everyone the pinhead was coming to the game, and nobody wanted to believe me… this is another situation where you need to listen and believe me.. if you don't want to believe me that is on you, not me.

  9. 2:45 then another gen pop at 3:01 then again at 6:02 the next one popped at 7:12 the last one finished at 7:53 i cant tell how he did with other chases but he did good prediction with tru3 but chases did last a long time it seems and the average gen takes 80 seconds with no perks or other survivors over all this killer played really clean no slugging and tunneling i feel bad for the killer that being said time is the killer friend the longer gens last the higher chance you have for more kills this game was very close if the survivors didn’t have the skills they have for hook saving I guarantee he’d have gotten 2 kills but like i said very high survivor skill in this match

  10. This comment section shows how retarded most players/tru3 followers are. You morons think the devs should balance the game around the top .1% of players. The changes they make to the game is to make the majority of the playerbase's (low-mid elo) games be competitive. This game isn't a competitive game, get that through your head. It's a fun arcade game meant to fuck around in. It will never have balance changes catered to the high elo players


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