This Is The Biggest Problem In Dead By Daylight

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25 thoughts on “This Is The Biggest Problem In Dead By Daylight”

  1. I love :
    – Oni
    – Complicity between killer and survivors (rare but make BEST games ever)
    – We can play the way we want. Competitive, casual, meme… and choose our own victory conditions and objectives

  2. Soo.. About the things i absolutely love is –
    1) The PvE aspect of the game. Can't wait for killer bots and hopefully we will be able to add a difficulty.
    2) As a surv main, i think ppl are going to agree on that with me and that's jumpscares sometimes.. Basicly the horror aspect of dbd.
    3 ) All the skins and customisations available, so i agree on u with that. 😀 (just add some more for Haddie pls)

  3. One thing that happened a few days ago that made me smile while playing : got a message on Xbox from one of the survivors at the end of the game saying " you're an insane Billy gg" which I really didn't expect since I'm new on Billy 🙂

  4. 1] i love the stories, thats the reason i started a second channel in german
    2] i love wholesome and farming games.
    3] maps have sometimes really cool and frightning details. [just recently found out, that in the game map in the freezer is a frozen to death girl]
    4] i love having peeps pop in in the stream to chat 😀 some are really nice!
    5] i love hard games that challenge me from time to time
    6] most of the CCs are cool! 😀
    should i go on? xD

  5. 1. I love playing spirit
    2. I like the new prestige system (almost p100 Spirit)
    3. I like the salt in the endgame chat, especially when its people complaining that I play this specific killer >:)

  6. (Aldwyn here, the seal. changed the name)
    Complaining about perks is quite ridiculous in general.

    I think the biggest problem is the growing toxicity and the entitlement.
    I come across more entitled survivors than I do against killers.
    Survivors only say ggs if you let them all escape or let them bully you, rarely you get ggs when you get a 4k. Instead you will have survivors complain about your perks, your addon, your killer etc and it's getting to the point where I wonder what they want?
    ALSO the amount of survivors who DC on first hook or as soon as they get downed is also very ridiculous, it puts the team in quite a bad spot. And if they have friends they will DC too.
    I am a killer main but I also play survivor often, I just enjoy playing killer more. But the rising toxicity is just a lot and honestly I am not surprised it is rising. Looking at many DBD streamers that I came across, 98% of those are highly toxic survivor mains and of course that will transfer to the game. People adapt their opinion to the one of their favorite streamer and don't look past that wall.

    Things I love in the game:
    1. The character designs and ideas behind them as well as their background stories. The different appearances and backgrounds, I enjoy that.
    2. You can play around with builds, you aren't restricted from combining two perks, you can play Burger King Bubba or you can play high visibility. Really no restriction.
    3. I love the sounds! The smexy armor of knight, the running of survivors – all the sounds are so satisfying to me. Not to mention the killer music! Huntress Lullaby, the chase music from Legion and so on. I really like those.

  7. 1. Representation – I love having so much variety in who I can play as from various different creeds and backgrounds.
    2. Cosmetics – the customisation is great!
    3. Icons – play as or against horror icons and possibly surviving with/against them is very fun 😀

  8. I can't lie, i think it's weird to be whining about any perks. As a survivor main yeah certain perks can be irritating to deal with, but I pay it no mind cause it's a video game at the end of the day… I can't stoop to get myself frustrated for any games cause it's never gonna be that serious. To attack people for using dead hard and eruption is kinda sad.

  9. 1. I like playing as Michael Myers in Springwood, or as Pyramid head in RPD the crossovers are what keeps me in the game
    2. I like doing meme builds on both killer and survivor.
    3. Despite sometimes being frustrating on both sides, I like the chases it's a very good feeling when you juke the killer or when you finally catch that annoying survivor.

  10. Why do people play the game if it gets them THIS frustrated? I will never understand that. Do I get frustrated? Hell yes. But I can mostly leave it in the game and move on. If I cant, I STOP PLAYING.
    And I will never understand the mentality of "us/we" and "you" either.

    1. the friends i made just by playing the game
    2. always had a deep passion for horror and horror figures
    3. WHOLESOME ENDGAME CHATS!! recently i've had more wholesome than toxic EGC which makes this game A LOT more enjoyable knowing that the other side also enjoyed the match as much instead of being salty!

  11. Its a similar comparison. Eruption stops survivors from doing things for 25 seconds. DH can extend a chase to oger 30 seconds or straight up deny a down by needing to leave the survivor.

    I play both roles. For sure now more than ever tunneling is necessary. Gens getting done way too fast at high mmr. The only reason why most killers use eruption and brine is because they literally nerfed all the other gen defense perks. Like pop, pop encouraged people to get hooks but now you have 30 whopping seconds to use it which is barely enough time to hook a survivor, break a pallet and then travel to a gen and kick it. Its pretty worthless now

    They need to add more objectives to the survivor and then adjudt gen speed. Maybe like looking for gen parts or something in the map.

  12. I stopped streaming DBD mainly because of this Topic, I'll play my ass off as survivor and will usually get the killer coming into chat bitching and moaning about how bad i am. Never ever get any other survivor coming in to say nice things.
    Also my three favorite things about Dead by daylight would have to be the art design obviously, the intense chases are so fucking amazing it what keeps me coming back, and third is a tie between the music and lore. Plauges lore for example is full damn creepypasta and it awesome

  13. #1 – I like to main Hag 🙂(please dont hate me)
    #2 – As a killer main, I love looping killers when I'm on survivor
    #3 – I like having very good/close games where both sides still say gg

  14. 1. Well I guess the first I like about Dead By Daylight is well meeting new people. In a weird way I got make some interesting friends. I usually don’t talk to people all that much but it was nice to play and meet new people.

    2. The second thing I like about dbd is well also playing popular horror characters. I mean without this game I probably wouldn’t of tired out playing Resident Evil. A game franchise that I thought I wouldn’t enjoy but ended up really liking it. Also I would be able to also play Ghostface another horror character I also ended up really enjoying playing.

    3. The last thing I like about Dead By Daylight is well the bot matches. While it’s really nice to play with others. I also like the option of playing with bots. It also helps me practice more and not stress as much as I do in since I kind of have anxiety issue and sometimes in public matches I kind of work myself up sometimes. But with these bots I was able to also chill a bit more while playing killer.

    But yeah in short even though I do tend to my issues with dbd. I’m also glad I got into dbd cause without it I again would of not met more people like me who have similar interests in me and Ghostface and Resident Evil franchises more. So yeah I’m thankful for dbd for helping me kind in way be more opened minded.

  15. 1. I love trying different killer powers out! Some of them are very unique and challenging and learning their base kit regardless of the match result is fun for me.
    2. I love the DBD art team. I think they do a fantastic job with cosmetics and the design of all the characters/maps. Visually stunning!!
    3. I really like the reworked prestige system. The game is a lot less daunting now we have it and I think it's always interesting to see uncommon survivors at high prestige (I saw a p100 david tapp the other day and thought it was really neat!)

  16. I have so many things I love about dbd. You said three of them and the others include the fun you have playing with friends, or the rare chance of a friendly killer. A few more examples woul be dead hard (it's perfect were it's at in my opinion) and being a friendly killer is enjoyable especially during holidays. The last two I'll give would be the variety of ways you can play a match, killer or survivor (ex: trying new perks for huntress for a different play style, or going from being chased all match to being stealthy the next survivor match.) ,and the community is amazing, I have made many friends through the game and make fun custom matches. The games best in customs because you can be the most chaotic and trolling with your friends or people you just met, trying new perks and playing a different character.
    What I dislike about dBd tends to be meta builds and constantly Going against the same killer or perks on repeat. The idea of a meta kinda makes the game more similar instead of the infinite possibilities there are.

    I'll end this with saying, yes I'm a killer main, but I play survivor probably as much because of the friends I made during my killer matches.

  17. I don't really have a problem with people bringing perks because they're powerful. I have a problem with every match for weeks on end having the exact same builds. Dead Hard is in a better spot but is still sitting at like a 33% pick rate. Significantly above even the other exhaustion perks. And notably more common than Eruption. Eruption not even being the most common killer perk last I checked. That being said, Eruption could probably use a tweak as well, but so could many aspects of DBD. Neither of the perks are as bad as map balance or strong addons in a lot of cases. But people want to be able to play on auto-pilot while simultaneously expecting their opponent to work their butt off.

  18. 1. I love the build potential on both sides of the game you can do basically anything and after the perk rework almost every perk has a function that isnt so obscure that its pointless.
    2. Killer options every killer has such diffrent play styles that there is basically a killer for everyone.
    3. Because of all the perks and addons etc. games always feel fresh since you can go against so much from a blight running their best addon on a open map to a scratch mirror myers on lerrys it makes every game feel diffrent.
    4. (Since i can) the maps every map vissually i really enjoy they feel really diffrent from each other from the very open cold wind to the tight corridors of lerrys they all play so diffrently its great and it encourages both sides to adapt to their surrondings

  19. 1. I love how much variety there is to the game, I do love whenever I play as killer or survivor. I have no idea what skill level or perks I might be going up against, I love having to make plans on the spot to counter the unexpected.
    2. I love the fun times between the two sides. Like when Maurice came back. All the survivors and killers took a few moments or goof around. I think those moments are special.
    3. I love the forms of self expression. Weather that be your name, charms or cosmetics. You can let your interests and personalities show in really small ways. We've all giggled at a funny name and have a favorite cosmetic for our survivors and killers

  20. The games are just no fun anymore… People are so mad playing DBD right now that both sides go out of their way to make sure nobody has fun. We became a comunity of bitter little twats 🤦‍♀️ We play like dicks and then find anything to excuse that rage and hatred.

    1- Personnaly, I love the feeling I get when I manage to be useful to my tezm 🙂
    2- I love the details and hard work that is pu i every character's lore, sometimes its literally insane :O
    3- I love the possibilities and all the hilarious situations that you can only see on DBD


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