This is why Myers needs a rework | Dead by Daylight

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This is precisely why Myers needs a rework and modern coat of paint in Dead by Daylight!
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32 thoughts on “This is why Myers needs a rework | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree, I think Myers should have a 50% buff for getting out of tier 1 and while in tier 1 he shouldn’t be so slow (but make scratch mirror slow him down). I also think there should be a button to activate tier 3 like Oni and last but not least I think when a surv is maxed out on stalk (red) they should go back to 0% the more they do objectives or over time. I haven’t played Myers for years bc he’s so out of date; why play Myers when you can play legion or wesker

  2. Myers is garbage until you put tombstone piece on him. Then hes suddenly one of the best killers in the game because that add on is broken af

  3. I think maybe Tombstone should be tied to endgame or last gens. I wouldn't mind getting Mori'd at endgame compared to at 4 gens cause my teammates gave him stalk. And unlimited Tier 3 with 1 hit down is just brutal to go against, at least Ghostface is tied to certain survivors and Bubba/Hillbilly take precision. I'd rather be downed by Iri Clown or Iri Huntress

  4. Literally everyone keeps suggesting things that don't fix Meyers here's the three things that'll fix him
    1. Since hes slow in tier 1 make it so he can't be stunned in tier 1 or make scratched mirror see through walls effect base kit but at a slower stalk speed
    2. Remove the stalk cap on each survivor the idea of stalk running out is so outdated it's crap
    3. As he gets closer to tiering up and each time he tiers up make his stalk speed incrementally faster so each tier up feels more rewarding essentially making longer matches against him more dangerous because every consecutive tier three becomes more frequent

  5. Myers just feels really outdated. When he first came out her was REALLY strong. And tbh he still is. But now against good survivors who know how to play around such a basic m1 killer it’s not unusual to get really bad games back to back

  6. My idea for a Myers Rework.

    While standing still you stalk faster by default.

    While stalking you have the Undetectable Status effect that lingers for a few seconds.

    Tier 3 now works differently. Instead of having to fill up your stalk meter and then having to 99% it you stalk for duration and activate it with a button press like Oni.

    So instead of getting a Base duration the more you stalk = longer duration.

    That way you could just get enough stalk for like 10 seconds of duration if you only need those 10 seconds.

    Your Stalk will however decrease not over time, but by the distance you have to the Survivor you stalked. And if a Survivor is on the Hook.

    For example: while in a Chase you won't really lose much of your stalk because you are still near the survivor. But once the Survivor is far away from you, you will lose your stalk really fast.

    That way you can't just suck someone dry and then go for someone else because that will deplete your stalk.

    However, Survivors will also be able to regain their stalk when they are far away.

    That way, a Myers will also have to leave Survivors alone if he wants to stalk them again. (This is mostly for anti tunneling and anti Camping)

    Also since your Stalk will deplete while the Survivor is on the Hook you will want to leave them aswell so they don't become unstalkeble while you have no juice left.

    There you have it. Myers can now get his Tier 3 from any Survivor but also needs to be able to end the Chase quickly because if the Survivor loops you for too long, you will run out on stalk on them if you keep chasing.

    Instead you are encouraged to split between multiple Survivors and get them downed quickly.

    But Survivors will also not be punished by their Teammates letting themselves get stalked.

  7. i love playing myers, he's not the strongest one for sure, but he isn't mindless easy, as you discovered you do have to be mindful of how much stalk you take from survivors, when not to tier up and who to kill, you don't generally want to end up in a situation were you kill comeone who hasn't been stalked and ending the game without being able to tier up, sure you won this game, but this lobby was a joke, you shouldn't have gotten any kills playinbg the way you did if the survivors were any good 😅

  8. Myers is my main, and I love him for his versatility. His tier 2/3 vault speed buffs are fun to play with, the varying terror radius'.. he's not the strongest, but I find him entertaining.

    I could see them removing the limited Evil Pool from survivors, instead making it infinite, but it slows down.
    Also getting a breaking shit bonus would be nice. If he could break and vault faster, that's not bad in a chase.

  9. myers is more of an outdated variant of ghost face, ghostface has a choice to stalk, sneak, and zero terror radius. Myers relies solely on the stalk but hey that’s myers. Unless they give a buff, plus you’re playing myers wrong.. you need to save your tier 3 last second when you’re right behind them.

  10. Dude why do you take M&A on a Killer that has no TR, use sloppy without Nurses or another Perk that gets use out of it and use this garbage Demo Genexplode Perk i forgot the name of, then wonder why you loose on a surv biased Map with bad RNG and then demand a rework! Ridiculous!

  11. Sad that the devs recently said; "We don't have plans for any changes. We thing he is in a fine spot."
    One of the most iconic scary slashers being one of the worse (without instakill) in a game about killers. :I

  12. I love how thematically Myers is probably the best killer they've ever done. His tier icon makes it look like his head's slowly coming out of the shadows, growing more and more threatening every second he can observe you, his music, his motions, it's all spot on and still makes him feel threatening in a way no other killer in game does.

    And then gameplay wise he makes me want to mori myself anytime I play him against a halfway decent team if I don't have tombstone piece or an iri addon.

  13. Myers was the thing that got me into dbd, and to see him never be played and be considered D tier by everyone is just sad. Same with Freddy. Those two could get big reworks

  14. I’d like it if you always go back to tier 1 but they buff it. Then make it so you manually spend stalk with L1 to tier up and give tier 2 and 3 unique benefits that way it’s like you can go from this sneaky boy to a more loud hard hitting killer when you feel it’s right


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