I've stopped playing Legion. Here's why. | Dead by Daylight

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I’ve been playing Legion for the last 3 years, and I’ve now stopped playing them. Here’s why I won’t be playing Legion until their gameplay update.
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog


45 thoughts on “I've stopped playing Legion. Here's why. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I've noticed like i never go against legion anymore that's sad, usually its the michael's and ghostfaces are the one that are rare to see but now i don't see legion anymore, hopefully the Dev's still remember that they said they will rework legion and ghostyboi

  2. I actually feel this way about Sadako tbh, I had a SWF earlier who had 1 player just turning off all the TVs and they didn't care about Condemn simply because they can just run to the TV they need and all you can do is:
    – M1 them and watch them cleanse of Condemn in your face

    Her teleport is just bad even with Bloody Fingernails its still not that impactful since chances are the Survivor just did a 180 and your right back to where you started and her Demanifested (undetectable) status is garbage since she has a lullaby…. for some reason….

  3. Yeah I understand your situation. Im playing legion for a few months and yeah im struggling now cause of mmr and it sucks I just have to tunnel someone or camp or else they 4 get away. For now Im taking abreak from dbd.

  4. I just dont know what they can do to rework them outside of a Freddy type rework where they change everything about them. I just hope they dont bring back a version of old Legion cause when they came out is when i got really sick of the game and needed a break. They felt so bad to vs when they came out. Im sure you understand that sentiment.

  5. Well I can't say I blame you. Legion is for sure one of the worst killers, but also you kinda shot yourself in the foot when you made your channel revolve around Legion (don't take this in a bad way just pointing out something here). I don't think you should stop playing Legion, rather just throw in other killer's you enjoy as well into your streams/gameplay. You would probably still enjoy them somewhat and don't have to feel guilty about switching to another killer. Regardless I'll still be watching you no matter what. You are great dood and I look forward to watching whatever you post.

  6. I feel the same way about killer in general lately. I main blight/ billy and lately its constant pain to the point i actually have to stop playing dbd for couple days after less than 5 games. Due to updates i dont evne get 60 fps anymore i play billy and blight with speed and see powerpoint slides and its horrible. whatever i do i just constantly lose and idk what the fuck i should do at this point

  7. Honestly, you’d think Circle of Healing would completely cuck Legion, but in my experience, it actually helps him. Survivors will always run straight to the boon after you Frenzy them, and constantly running to the same location means they’re constantly grouping up to get Frenzied again, making the time they spent mending and healing absolutely pointless. Legion is one of the few Killers who can actually turn CoH into a waste of time.

  8. I used to play legion as a first killers and kinda even enjoyed but only on low ranks. higher rankbase players know how to counter legion overall and hate being full escaped on red ranks.

  9. How I would buff the Legion: remove that thing where when he m1s a survivor he loses his power gauge, make legion run 5 to 10 percent faster, fix frame lag on console legion bc he's practically unplayable with it, fatigue should only be about 3 seconds to 3.5 seconds, and make the deep wound timer more punishable, like if you're doing a gen while deep wounded, it should almost kill you immediately

  10. I'm on the same boat but regarding Ghostface, long cooldown, massive weaknesses, can't counter meta, still no update. I've tried moving on to Pyramid Head but the same general problems are there for every killer so i haven't logged into DbD since November 23rd and i honestly see no reason to return to the game ever again, BHVR will never change how they operate meaning they'll never ever fix their game, they've already accomplished 5 of their supposed 7 year plan for DbD and the game is a a Success, as broken as it is they made it financially successful thus they've won. We're already nearing year 6 so if the 7 year plan is a real thing then there really won't be anymore meaningfull changes to system or killers.

  11. When Sadako dropped in the ptb, for the first time since I've started watching, I heard legitimate joy in your voice.

    I don't blame you for dropping Legion for now. In fact I'm happy for you, and that you've found renewed joy in this game.


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