#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
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What's crazy is that I also ran into a Ripley like that too. Every time in chase they'd vault something then I stg just disappear. I'd lose them every time.
Nah I need a detective quietkills series now lol. But nah she def cheating … there's a cheat I seen today where you crouch walk as if you got permanent balanced landing speed
Idk why there is a cheater spike rn its so lame. Cheating in a game like dbd is some loser energy
I'm more suspicious of the Yui. The Ripley at least had a combo of perks that if used perfectly would've allowed her to run fast without leaving any trace. There's at least some explanation for her. The Yui though, no explanation for how she was able to move undetected.
i figured it out so at 11:30 Ripley stays to let u see her turn the corner towards the right to enter the tile again while Yui made huge distance. blood stains last slightly longer than scratch marks and frankly lets honest their base kit BT is broken. honestly that map is horrible with scratch marks. that Ripley mostly likely has other characters she does the lightweight, light-footed combo with so she has a fat amount of experience on how to lose killers. if anything sus, it would be the Yui.
could be plausible it wasnt cheats. scratch marks only last 8 seconds before they start to disappear. scratch marks take 1 second to appear and 1 second to fade. 1.) at 11:35 you can see ripley through the door way above the fire, i'm assuming yui was also on that side ( seems ripley might have tried to get you to chase if you went to that side early) 2.) it took you almost 12 seconds from the unhook sound to get to the corner where you could see the fading pools of blood (because you were looking around etc.) 3.) if you time your own movements it took you almost 9 seconds to get from the corner of the wall at 11:41 to the doorway at 11:49ish and you can see her in the opposite doorway still running. sooo it might be possible without cheats to get from the hook to that corner in 12 seconds if she just ran straight there as you approached… that said she still could have used some slight speed cheats again it would give her the advantage of being able to check you at spots and still run to that corner. i do see more subtle cheats these days. also let me know if i seem wrong on anything.
I'm not well enough to spot cheaters, but as far as the floating traps go, I think just the map. The angry, metal, trapezoid's torment trail floats on the map just the same.
I’m with you bro definitely sus. I’ve personally watched cheaters match’s where they can see through walls and get a speed boost like they freaking flash. And for their perks not to even be leveled up, definitely sus. Like you said it’s like they knew where you were at all times🤷🏽♂️
So i'm not the only one getting sus matches ever since the new update? Bro anytime I'm killing it in a match against a bully squad or a swf that's pretty cocky whenever I Koby back from no kills to 1 or 2 at 3 gens the servers disconnect. Idk if it's a bug from al the survivors DCing at once or if it's behavior cucking me. Maybe since I'm a singularity main I'm targeted? idk.
@QuitKills I played a game recently where I downed someone vaulting a window. When I walked around to pick up I couldn’t find him, no pools of blood anywhere. When I did he was getting picked up like 3 to 4 tiles away within 10 seconds
Most likely a cheater was playing survior today and seen p100 alan on my team i reported them i was like no way we get in game they were running speed hacks and still died didnt even loop for 30 secs we left them to die and let killer tunnel her out and all of us mass reported them. 20 mins later bhvr said they ban for exploits ik that p100 was bs.i hate fucking cheaters they can all die on hook
simply not possible bro but that yui just looked faster then normal now ive faced alot of survivors and played alot of survivor but she just looked faster also her scratch marks disappearing right off hook literally isnt possible because she didnt have off the record even with the new basekit bt its not possible especially around the rock that was 100% a subtle cheater like the base speed you'd need along w basekit bt to make that kind of distance that fast AROUND THE ROCK but ill entertain it for a second you get 10% haste with borrowed time base kit across 10 seconds that would probaly only make you like half that distance so youd probaly need 118% speed to get that far and the scratch marks are also simply not possible with such little time out of you're fov its just possible
At first i thought that Yui had maybe lightweight bc of how fast the scratchmarks disappeared but bc she had nothing for that and she made a lot of distance after being unhooked is kinda weird indeed. However in the start of the match she didnt look any suspicious to me. Might of been that the moment she got unhooked she just b-lined right in that direction, otherwise im not rlly sure. But wp regrdless mate, eyrie is hell
Brother one of the stranger things perks give you 7 percent haste and leaves no scratch marks but yea Ripley was mad sus.
16:30 Im thinking maybe she had lightweight. That makes you scratchmarks like that
What's crazy is that I also ran into a Ripley like that too. Every time in chase they'd vault something then I stg just disappear. I'd lose them every time.
Nah I need a detective quietkills series now lol. But nah she def cheating … there's a cheat I seen today where you crouch walk as if you got permanent balanced landing speed
Idk why there is a cheater spike rn its so lame. Cheating in a game like dbd is some loser energy
I'm more suspicious of the Yui. The Ripley at least had a combo of perks that if used perfectly would've allowed her to run fast without leaving any trace. There's at least some explanation for her. The Yui though, no explanation for how she was able to move undetected.
nah not sus dance with me makes it so you dont leave blood or scratch marks after a vault and lightfoot makes scratch marks not so much either
Bro that wasn't sus at all. She literally brought 3 perks to reduce her trackability.
Are cheaters invading consoles too?
i figured it out so at 11:30 Ripley stays to let u see her turn the corner towards the right to enter the tile again while Yui made huge distance. blood stains last slightly longer than scratch marks and frankly lets honest their base kit BT is broken. honestly that map is horrible with scratch marks. that Ripley mostly likely has other characters she does the lightweight, light-footed combo with so she has a fat amount of experience on how to lose killers. if anything sus, it would be the Yui.
could be plausible it wasnt cheats. scratch marks only last 8 seconds before they start to disappear. scratch marks take 1 second to appear and 1 second to fade. 1.) at 11:35 you can see ripley through the door way above the fire, i'm assuming yui was also on that side ( seems ripley might have tried to get you to chase if you went to that side early) 2.) it took you almost 12 seconds from the unhook sound to get to the corner where you could see the fading pools of blood (because you were looking around etc.) 3.) if you time your own movements it took you almost 9 seconds to get from the corner of the wall at 11:41 to the doorway at 11:49ish and you can see her in the opposite doorway still running. sooo it might be possible without cheats to get from the hook to that corner in 12 seconds if she just ran straight there as you approached… that said she still could have used some slight speed cheats again it would give her the advantage of being able to check you at spots and still run to that corner. i do see more subtle cheats these days. also let me know if i seem wrong on anything.
I'm not well enough to spot cheaters, but as far as the floating traps go, I think just the map. The angry, metal, trapezoid's torment trail floats on the map just the same.
Now they be hiding their names so you can't report them.
I’m with you bro definitely sus. I’ve personally watched cheaters match’s where they can see through walls and get a speed boost like they freaking flash. And for their perks not to even be leveled up, definitely sus. Like you said it’s like they knew where you were at all times🤷🏽♂️
Look at quiet over here I’m like I need something to watch so I don’t go mad quiet over here giving me the good content
I can’t wait until the day I face QuietKills
So i'm not the only one getting sus matches ever since the new update? Bro anytime I'm killing it in a match against a bully squad or a swf that's pretty cocky whenever I Koby back from no kills to 1 or 2 at 3 gens the servers disconnect. Idk if it's a bug from al the survivors DCing at once or if it's behavior cucking me. Maybe since I'm a singularity main I'm targeted? idk.
@QuitKills I played a game recently where I downed someone vaulting a window. When I walked around to pick up I couldn’t find him, no pools of blood anywhere. When I did he was getting picked up like 3 to 4 tiles away within 10 seconds
100% Hacks
Most likely a cheater was playing survior today and seen p100 alan on my team i reported them i was like no way we get in game they were running speed hacks and still died didnt even loop for 30 secs we left them to die and let killer tunnel her out and all of us mass reported them. 20 mins later bhvr said they ban for exploits ik that p100 was bs.i hate fucking cheaters they can all die on hook
If Ellen have a Lv. 3 Lightweight u have absolutely having hard time to follow scratch mark on that Map.
I’m done with these survivors gang I NEED HELP IM GETTING CLAPPED
simply not possible bro but that yui just looked faster then normal now ive faced alot of survivors and played alot of survivor but she just looked faster also her scratch marks disappearing right off hook literally isnt possible because she didnt have off the record even with the new basekit bt its not possible especially around the rock that was 100% a subtle cheater like the base speed you'd need along w basekit bt to make that kind of distance that fast AROUND THE ROCK but ill entertain it for a second you get 10% haste with borrowed time base kit across 10 seconds that would probaly only make you like half that distance so youd probaly need 118% speed to get that far and the scratch marks are also simply not possible with such little time out of you're fov its just possible
No perk combination would allow that Ripley to get so far with no scratch marks OR pools of blood.
At first i thought that Yui had maybe lightweight bc of how fast the scratchmarks disappeared but bc she had nothing for that and she made a lot of distance after being unhooked is kinda weird indeed. However in the start of the match she didnt look any suspicious to me. Might of been that the moment she got unhooked she just b-lined right in that direction, otherwise im not rlly sure. But wp regrdless mate, eyrie is hell
Ellen was subtle hacking the house, everyone are speedy but bill.