This Mechanic Sucks in Dead by Daylight

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26 thoughts on “This Mechanic Sucks in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I’m gonna play devils advocate here and say that I actually don’t mind this given that Singularity is one of my mains. Before the pitchforks come out, let me explain my thought process.

    It’s a risk to take when entering a biopod right after a hook. Do you risk trying to teleport right after hooking someone, getting value if you’re successful, but at the cost of being punished if you can’t complete the teleport with being slowed down? Or do you play it safe and walk away a little bit first, potentially missing a teleport but not getting punished with slowdown if you do miss it?

    There’s some instances in which I instantly enter a biopod to try and tag and teleport someone, such as with Friends Til The End. But there’s a risk in which if I can’t get it off, I will be punished for it, and I like that.

    Out of the things to make fixing a priority, this one is low for me, way lower over faulty biopod placements, global EMP on biopod noise (thankfully being fixed next Tuesday), and going to a biopod that was further away than the one that’s directly in front of you. I don’t care either way if they remove this, but I like the risk element with it, and it’s countered by just walking for a few seconds before getting into a biopod, if you dislike the slowdown and don’t want to take risks.

  2. The mechanic is fine though. CVause if it didnt exist, you could just be in a pod right under a survivor, see an unhook, and just get out and instantly hit a survivior. It exists spefically so you cant camp with your body as well.

    Also no, its not just signlauiairy now. Twins will have the same thing. Its a new system. I just feel like your complaining about a non-issue that doesnt exist

  3. I get the frustration, I really really do. It feels awful to play as and when you aren't trying to camp, it feels hyper unnecessary.

    The reason why this mechanic exists, though, is the undetectable bit like you said, but there's a bit more nuance to it. This mechanic exists to prevent Singularities from being able to scout the map & seek chase while simultaneously camping the hook. If somebody unhooks while the singularity is scouting, without slowdown the singularity just wakes up and gets a free hit. It's not just that Hux is undetectable, it's that he's actively surveying the map and trying to get value from his power while simultaneously camping.

    I like this as a compensation to solo queue, because the survivors would have to be pretty coordinated to counter this strategy and somebody not on comms might just run up to singularity and get downed because they didn't realize he was just waiting for somebody to go to the hook, turning off the anti-camp measure. On comms you might be able to get by, but solo queue would fall for this strat hard.

    BHVR could make the anti-camp timer much shorter, expand the anti-camp radius, and show anti-camp progress to all survivors then get rid of this and I think it would be fair.

  4. I get this is a nitpick kind of thing (and it’s really not a huge deal) but this thing genuinely has made me quit playing singularity for a while on multiple occasions, so I thought it was at least worth a video to rant about

    Anyway enjoy the video gamers, hopefully new stuff soon 🙏

  5. I also have criticisms against the slowing the speed of locking on when a camera is near a hooked survivor, it may be a niche scenario but I've had times where I got a survivor hooked in the middle of the map, chasing another survivor, and then they go near the hooked survivor so now I'm not allowed to use my power because the survivor brought me to the hook.

  6. YES. I love playing Hux but this one annoying and constant nitpick has bugged the crap out of me ever since the PTB. That and the biopod direction is still wonky, just fix those two things and He’ll be infinitely more fun.

  7. punishing you from not managing to find people? damn
    maybe its to not give you godly pressure? you already can cross map if people arent avoiding the pods, not that they are careful to be exposed you want no consequences of finding them?
    the slow makes sense, maybe not a slow that feels as bad but its there for more then just stopping it from being a free insidious

  8. Twins lost their anti-camp slow in PTB since they added the anti-camp unhook, so I'm really looking forward to Larry losing his anti-camp once he gets a slight tweak pass in 2027.

  9. You state that you being slowed by the hook happens to you a lot. If this is true, that means you don't find survivors when you try to do it. Why do you keep doing it if it fails most/a lot of the time? You'd literally save time if you stopped trying.

    When I play The Singularity I am cognisant of this mechanic, so it never affects me because I always make sure to move beforehand.🤦

  10. I main Singularity and knew exactly what this video was gonna be about the second I saw the thumbnail :'). Not only are you right about the whole "being punished for trying to get away from the hook" thing, but now we literally have an anticamp mechanic baked into the game. Initially this kiiind of made sense, since I don't think the devs wanted people to be watching cams and camping at the same time, but now you just fill the survivor's anticamp meter if you do that anyways. BHVR actively recognized this when they decided to give Twins the ability to swap between Charlotte and Victor when near a hook, so why don't killers with similar "near hooked survivors" debuffs like Singu and Dredge get this too?


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