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Oh this is going to be fun
"The game is balanced"
Hey now it’s 4pm
I’ll be back in an houe
As someone who's playing alot of hillbilly lately because I heard ALOT of complaints about him, I don't think the overheat is that bad at all, it's not hard to work around and I've rarely overheated. I might be missing something but as I've learned him he's 1 incredibly fun and can be really powerful thanks to his mobility and curves at loops. I hope I'm not missing something I think it's the overheat mechanic that people are complaining about. (I also think it's good for a killer that can oneshot)
Jeff should have a shirtless skin
Legion is SO boring to fight and a good one with the right add ons can lock down the game worse than skull merchant. It’s just mending and trying to keep the randoms from putting him in power
I'm going to need bread 🍞
Hot Take: Furtive Chase is a good perk and its one of my favorites
Hehe he reacted to mine
Hot take number 1: I'm tired of perks getting nerfed just because they are used frequently. Sure some of them deserve their nerfs but others don't. Most perks that people complain about are complained about because they are easily noticeable. People continually go to the next perk that's used a lot when the one they were complaining about gets nerfed. My point is that people need to complain less to justify their lack of skill. Even after the most busted perks got nerfed people went to Fing WINDOWS sometimes even head on and call them op perks to justify them losing when it is actually just a skill issue.
Hot take 2: Dead hard was over nerfed and should have stayed in its .5 second haste state instead of locking it behind hook stages. Now hear me out the problem with the earliest version of dead hard was that it was too easy to use for all players and the skill ceiling was low. Whereas the second version was the most balanced because it was extremely fun to use as it insentivised baiting and mind games. The problem with it was using it under a pallet and being too easy to use not the amount of uses it gave.
Hot take 3: Possibly not a hot take but I personally miss the aesthetic and especially darkness of old DBD. The darkness of the maps made them more fun to make sneaky plays mid chase and helped stealth and trap killers to actually use their powers. Sure the darkness offerings may have been annoying but at least they made a meaningful change in the experience compared to the laughably bad other offerings in the game.
We have 8 parts of re we should have 8 re dlcs its only fair
DBD Hot Take:
The game will never be balanced, can never be balanced, and was never balanced. Survivor has always been the power role solely because of comms which can't be removed. The rage in DbD comes from the community and dev's obsessions with making the game a new Esport. Its not a competitive esport, its a poorly balanced mess and works best when played with friends as a fun poorly balanced mess.
Hot take 2:
Fuck Plague, plague is the most unfair bs killer. I'll die on this hill alone. Plague is a lose lose no matter what, my hatred for plague is only matched by her disturbing level of popularity. Some of you have problems
8:56 edit:
No, Adrenaline still bypasses Broken. Unless I'm misremembering
Playing twins is like playing Russian roulette with a hand grenade sometimes your game just explodes
I love these rambling videos, keep up the great work ❤🎉
1 hour video ? We eating good today ! ❤
Minutes is misspelled good sir.
How do you only have 2k subscribers your content is very consistent and every enjoyable imo
Two agrees and a disagree I can understand. I feel proud of myself.
Aa far as I know, adrenaline wakes survivors up because it's lore-accurate for the movie The Nigtmares chapter is based on.
Also, I have always hated Legion. They are massive game stallers amd I have literally never had fun with them. Playing against Legion feels so miserable I want to DC, which doesn't happen often anymore. I understand your POV really well in this regard
About nemesis zombies, the devs have said that due to hardware limitations on the server side, they cannot spawn more than two zombies without immense lag, and they've tried
This was funny lmao great video!
I've a hot take. I don't think knight is as bas as ppl say.
He's a versatile kit and he has more counters then just holding W just most are to naive or don't have the skill to counter him
My Dbd hot takes are
1. Balance landing is a bit underrated but granted it very situational and works well because many killers will not except it
2. Iron will should go back to making you completely silent but keep it will not work when exhausted.
3. I think trapper should start will all of his traps and after he sets all of them up then cap it at two
Loosely quoted: "Never include an inherent immunity to an item" (on the topic of Dredge immune to clickies) then why does Plague exist (med-kits)? I just wish she didn't delete altuism entirely. Add a limited item that you can grab from the pool to cleanse everything and everyone in a 2m AOE, but only be able to grab it while not infected, and it still gives her the pool for her power. I just hate hate hate Plague deleting 25% of the game (Altuism), it reminds me of no items/Final Destination ruining the enjoyment of Smash Bros.
100% agree on 'skill issue' where you need to teach them how to develop the skill. But I also understand if you've said the same thing 50 times, you kinda want to just point at what you previously said instead of re-explain it. On a similar note, I think when those (lacking in skill) players see (Insert Content Creator here) say "I need to camp/tunnel this guy to win", the viewer doesn't understand the nuance, and only hears the words. They then lack the full understanding as to why the person slugged (to protect the gate while No Way Out was still active but about to time out for instance), or again whatever other reasoning for the particular action.