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26 thoughts on “THIS MMR JUST PEOPLE CAMPING? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. 5 matches last night. All of them were try-hard Iridescent I killers with powerful add-ons and Mori. SBMM didn't seem to send me down the rank even if I performed poorly and constantly gave me a try-hard hell.

  2. Lots of camping? I saw him camping once but ok. Not trying to defend anyone but please stick to the truth… Didnt True say he doesn't "play nice" as killer and tunnels as well if he has to? The double standards are kinda insane lol

  3. This new MMR is ass. Me and my girlfriend are newer players, me about 120 hours and her about 40 hours and yet we went against an iri 1 hag with silent trap addon, full meta build and try hard as hell. We had multiple matches with killers of this caliber and the funniest part is all of them are also toxic af, hitting us on hook and tbagging (as ghost face) so I hate this new MMR. It makes no sense and has made the game so unfun

  4. Uugh, everything was fine on the first day, but now I'm in some kind of hell. I either get very weird baby killers who ended up here in an incomprehensible way, or/and absolutely stupid teammates who do nothing (it's still a mystery to me why I play with people who have 32 hours in the game from time to time. I don't wanna sound arrogant or smth, but it's just weird; I'm an iri rank 3). And if they do gens, then this isn't that bad, but they will still leave you to die on the hook and won't even try to save you, even if the killer was only busy with you all this time. Amazing MMR experience, what's going on here. 👌🏻

  5. MMR is a great thing in DbD, but there is a problem in the Community itself.
    Survivors use strong stuff, Killer answers in his next match with strong stuff, the Survivors he faces answer in their next match with strong stuff and so on and so on. And for many Killers there is a point, where they really have no fun anymore, up to the point of camping after 1 gen, which again ruins the fun of the Survivors there, so they´ll use stronger stuff now, so the Killer they are facing has less fun and that kinda repeats itself alot.

    Since MMR being permanent is relatively new, this could just be a short-term reaction…but it´s just a "could", not a "will".
    Let´s just hope!

  6. i hate to say it but camping is an issue in dbd and it should be taken care of by buffing camaredirie to 40 seconds while it becomes self activate, and also 10 seconds per each stage on the hook so the early campers wont be rewarded that much for their lazy game.

  7. I think the issue is something like Scott Jund said: when implimenting the SBMM offically the cleared the data used to set people's MMR in the live test. I too think this might be the case since my matches were all over the place as well in terms of skill, etc.

  8. I've been doing my best to avoid any public MMR tests and I haven't played DBD in the last 2-3 weeks (mainly because the very first public MMR test DBD had showed me all I needed to know about it). I came back tonight and I can only write a 10 page novel to describe my experiences as both survivor and killer, and how much I hate mmr, but that's just way too long so I'll shorten it a little….

    MMR is a horrible idea for an imbalanced game like Dead By Daylight, and because there's NO unranked mode. What a horrible recipe for failure. I've been playing the game consistently for a while now, I used to really like the game but these last few months/year I mainly just play been to get the rift. But these mmr games are making me seriously consider deleting DBD and not caring about the rift pass anymore. I'll probably just play for a two or three weeks to max out the rift and take a long break until the next rift pass from now on. At least I solved the dilemma of whether or not to buy Stranger Things costumes.

  9. the mmr in this game doesnt even make sense, i had more balanced matches before the change. i feel like if players could actually see their stats, it would give everyone a better understanding

  10. I know dbd people are kinda toxic but holyshit this days has been nuts, like all games dc from people getting down first other people just killing themselves in the hook and tunnel galore, I dont know if is bc of this new mmr thing but is getting quite tiresome

  11. I am sick to death of MMR already. I'm convinced it doesn't work. I'm a brand new killer player and I haven't had a single game against chill or new survivors. Nearly every game is red ranks who do all 5 gens in record speeds and when I play survivor it's just face campers galore. Not sure why it's messed things up this badly

  12. It's just sooooooo boring isn't it? Getting tired of it now this has been my survivor experience since MMR too. I play both sides and I try and go for as many hooks as poss with killer because it's fun for everyone involved and how the game is meant to be. I don't think the devs would be happy if their game slowly turns into this at all levels, this isn't how it's meant to be experienced for either side. How much fun is the killer having? Honestly, they can't be having fun if they're doing that every game. I think soon we'll start seeing survs fighting back and rushing gens because they'll wise up to it.

  13. Near ever game I play now is either camping killers or the killer will tunnel 1 survivor out of the game. I get why killers do this because the gens be going so quick sometimes but they’re doing it when there is 4 or 5 gens left, it’s insane. Hopefully we’ll get some better anti tunnelling perks soon

  14. This is what happens when you try to balance the game around competitive play without fixing and balancing the actual game itself ie, maps, RNG, etc. It's a bandaid fix. No map should be sided one way and killers are not balanced towards efficient teams. Camping and tunneling is what happens as a result. If spirit and nurse are mostly the only viable tournament killers and you need severe restrictions for it, the game is not balanced enough for comp play. Gens will always fly with a good team even in solo queue with survivors with half a brain and regular killers don't stand a chance against that.. Wasn't the devs intentions in the first place casual play? But fr how you gonna camp on midwich 😂😂 that's a good killer sided map.


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