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This New Perk Is Game Breaking – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using the new boon perk which increases our movement speed, hope you all enjoy!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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nice vid
i think if boons couldn't be put back on the same totem then they should significantly increase the time it takes for killers to put them out
I’ve gotten so much better at mind gaming and looping overall with your content; love the videos!!
How do you make your game so bright and vibrant?
I love your accent, it is the very much adorable to listen to haha
I feel dirty getting this clickbaited
use this perk with over come u be way gone b4 the killer recovers from hitting you
You are literally my favorite youtuber, your videos are so nice to watch. I'm pretty sure I've watched every single video of yours. keep the great work up my dude.
The best dbd creator
The chances that all three would be active at the same time will be extremely unlikely. In my opinion its not broken, it's way to unlikely that it will happen often enough for it to be a problem. I'd say all the aura hacks perks the killer has is broken AF!
I dont agree with your boon totem nerfs. If boons could be forever destroyed it would break the game. Thats the point of boons they take some time to activate but they reward you for that. the hex perks activate as soon as the trial starts except noed and devour but can be destroyed for that exact same reason. Since time is everything in this game you get rewarded and punished for using time or not using it in any situation. That is why hex perks arent a good way to build your skill, although i love devour because the way it functions is actually the most sensible thing in this game. Devour rewards you for doing your objective hooking, unlike no ed which rewards you for getting sh*t on/playing badly. I wish instead of being a hex perk devour could just be a normal perk, that would make more killers actually chase instead of just proxy or face camping and waiting for other survivours to be overly altruistic and getting more kills that way.
At the end, Can u add blighted serum?
I hope all is well! My day is going beyond great and I’d just like to pass my good vibes onto you. Stay motivated and keep pushing towards something new everyday. Find what your passion is do it the best of your abilities. The world is yours. Pre-Congratulations on 100k and wish you many more great memories!
Your videos I love it and keep it up.
Dark theory is Meh unless you have the other haste perks,
Favorite dbd YouTuber
havnt even got this boon in live yet and watch it get nerfed before we get it but killler perks that are op never get nerfed cuz the devs suck on the tit of killer mains who cry
I hate the RCPD map too 🥲🥲
I don’t the update I play on console that’s why ❤️
Yeah I agree if the killer takes out the boon totem the survivor's can't place a boon on that totem again also they should just give the survivor 3 tokens that's the amount of times they can place a totem
Did you happen to have blood pact active? I didnt see .. but you were zoomin
either add a cool down to the boon when it's destroyed, or whenever the survivor that set up the boon is hooked, instantly make it go out
I agree with Naymeti about what he said with boon totems. That or make it so you can't boon a hex totem would be good.
Who was the killer in the first 2 games?
What character is that?
great video as usual
Are you living in stone age who the hell still uses ISP that throttle people bandwidth connection, I think your not as a strong player as you make it to be but just cherry pick your best runs to show case your skill and the 2mb limited bandwidth is an excuse . Your videos are fun to watch but it too short for each clip.
The speed build is so niche I highly doubt it will be overpowered.
Just use it with blood pact and you will never get caught
You're honestly under rated. How do u not have at least 500k subscribers. Constant commentating so no awkward silence. Great dbd player. Simple and short gameplays. And you've help me with my looping hehe. Thx naymeti
Imagine if killer could reput hex totems slowly on dull totems, but instant on boon totems.
Love frm india ❤️
Boon totems aren't a problem lol killers just need to do bones. It's not fun being on the receiving end of that smug remark, is it killers?
I promise you 2% isn't as strong as you're making it seem. The Blight event addon gives 5% for 20 seconds yet makes no difference lol. Please stop fear mongering l
Nah keep boons as is
Look if boobs are hard for killers why not make them take longer to be placed each time you try to place it on the same totem
Nice content bro keep it up
Great video, but I do think the new survivor perks are kinda meh. The 2% is nice and in theory it makes normal killers only 0.4 m/s faster than you, so basically like getting chased by huntress instead of normal speed killers. It sounds great, but I barely notice the difference when playing. It's also hard to place totems sometimes as first you have to find one, hope your solo queue teammate hasn't broken it, and then it takes a long time to bless and the killer can snuff it in a second or two. I am a killer main and I don't think making boon totems permanently destroyed is a good thing. It would make them too weak.
When showcasing the speed it was mostly the other perks that did everything, especially since you ran out of totem range
Speed movement is crazy in dbd 2% is actually great
How does he have pink perks, my best are purple
Also it may be a good idea let the killer know which totem they are dealing with as now there are 4 of them, while the survivors always know what they are cursed with..
I’m new to the game just started playing last month. How are your perks that shiny purple color?
"game breaking perk"
Does not use once
naymeti: new boon is OP
also naymeti: can`t use it in a game even once
no offence:)
Imagine blight serum, haste from guardian (you being unhooked), haste from hope, and the speed boost from the new boon, if these things stacked that would be like 18% right? Someone double check that…