#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
Cashtag: $Undressingangels to help support the channel!
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nah man two knight uploads in a week youre spoiling us (spoil us more)
nah really though since finding your channel ive been really enjoying watching your content, youve become a small but very anticipated part of my daily life and i enjoy not just the silliness and high energy, but also the philosophical edge you bring to your content
You are the reason why I still play killer in dbd. When I get destroyed in a match by sweaty survivors. I know you’ll avenge me. Gives me motivation to keep playing
nah man two knight uploads in a week youre spoiling us (spoil us more)
nah really though since finding your channel ive been really enjoying watching your content, youve become a small but very anticipated part of my daily life and i enjoy not just the silliness and high energy, but also the philosophical edge you bring to your content
keep up the hard work man, GET THOSE 4Ks
Sheer stupidity. My favorite survivor perk 😂😂😂
To be fair knight has counterplay but most survivors just don’t know it due to not giving a shit or having room temperature iq
How do you carry survivors to the hook in a straight line I be walking into walls and shit
Those flaky survs done fucked up again.
1:45–1:49 😂
I saw on your ig story you play Overwatch ?! I'm a big overwatch player and I would LOVE some overwatch videos ( on Lucio 💚 )
Like always great thumbnail!
Trust me sheer stupidity perk is my favourite when playing survivor
Noed collecting spiderwebs.
You are the hero of all us killer mains! Whenever I get genrushed and clicked at by meta swf squads, I come here. It’s therapy
It's always like that ! It's a chill match until a survivor tbags and click THEN I LOCK IN !
You are the reason why I still play killer in dbd. When I get destroyed in a match by sweaty survivors. I know you’ll avenge me. Gives me motivation to keep playing
If there is a Yun Jin or a Thalita in my killer games I'm tunneling them simply for the view GOD DAMN THEY'RE THICK
Grim Embrace BITCH 😂
Wraith video when ? ❤ ( you gotta try him with coup de grâce that shit is so fun )
2:47 😂 you really weren't lying. You said it last time, they always QUIT against your knight!
Drinking my coffee while watching you honoring the Knight.
Bro is living inside of dead by daylight