This NEW Perk turns Demogorgon into a MONSTROSITY! | Dead by Daylight

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This BUILD and STRATEGY is heavily synergistic likewise majestic! The new perk grants me Undetectable and 10% Haste, so I paired that with perks to block pallets per hit, an add-on to see survivors at all times if I want, and Demogorgon’s portals for traversing!

00:00 Intro & Explanation
02:28 Demodoggo Gameplay

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The new update to dbd is a go! Leprose Lichen Demogorgon is too strong In Dead by Daylight!? (Algorithm will love this)

playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead singularity and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun! (Just seeing if the algorithm will eat this up)

#dbd #dbdkiller #dbdkillergameplay #dbdnewupdate #singularity #dbdptb #dbdsingularity #demogorgon #strangerthings


20 thoughts on “This NEW Perk turns Demogorgon into a MONSTROSITY! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I can honestly see this perk being a terrifying perk to run for on blight, oni, or billy for the fun speed of it. This video is really entertaining just seeing Demo zoom by with their shred ability from the 10% ms 😂

  2. Build idea for Oni game of foot nemesis enduring and brutal strength the idea is you're chasing someone then you get stun by a pallet. A lot of good things happen. That person is oblivious and you have aure reading. Also since that person is the obsession. The other perk activates(game afoot) when you kick the pallet ( by the way, it is faster because of brutal strength) you get a 10% haste. With all them benefits is pretty easy to end a chase.

    I basically do this on oni because he has to two Chad modes

  3. This perk is pretty sweet. It honestly can close games when it procs at the right time, but the setup is… Awkward.

    I could see Rancor and builds that get stronger over time (like using fire up) being good here.
    Getting use of it like.. twice is pretty good

  4. Been watching your videos for about a month now to see if I continued to enjoy your content and I have. This video was particularly interesting! Keep up the great work. Subscribed!


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