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48 thoughts on “THIS PERK IS BROKEN AS F**K BUT WILL ANYONE CARE? Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don’t know why you play this game anymore. It’s garbage. The only time I play is if I have enough friends on to have a lobby with. It’s so broken it’s really only fun to play when you have a lobby full of friends.

  2. And we can all thank Otz for diverting attention away from this perk. I can not believe someone like Otz didn't make a bigger deal about Made for this knowing how much he likes playing killer. He knows damn well how devastating Hope is and that's only 7%. Oh well, I put it on all my survivor builds. Going to use the perk until Behavior does something if they ever will. I doubt anything will happen. Most of the player base isn't going to get value from this perk. Its the advanced players that know and can utilize this perk.

  3. This is exactly what we thought it would happen. This damn perk broke the game. WTF are devs thinking giving survivors such strong perks that basically break the fundamentals of the game? OHH And keep in mind Nick Cage is coming, and I bet his perks will be broken AS FUCK as well so…. bad times……………

  4. No one will care… Sorry correction, only killers will care because they're the ones constantly having perks murdered while never getting any to the level of survivor perks. The game holds survivors hand. If you're a survivor main, sorry to say but you just aren't good. The game is too easy as a survivor, you're getting carried by the game and perks 10x more than any killer does with 4 slowdowns…

  5. It has a domino effect too. Mouse 1 killers were already in a rough spot so now it’s even more of a reason to use better Killers like Nurse, Spirit, and Wesker

  6. Killer players will care.
    But at this point killers ain't people to the devs, they clowns /Ai bots to give the survivors a "Fun" experience

    They can only keep the ultra "fun" (broken) survivor stuff till enough killers put the game down that it negatively impacts match making for survivors seeing nothing but the top tiers/and esports level killers.

    We gunna nerf dh so chases are not extended so long/as often.

    Then make a perk that extends chases passively because survivors are faster for doing your job right.
    :3 we gotchu killer homies! We listening.

  7. I played a match against a surv using Hope + Made for this and holy shit I chased him for literally HALF THE MAP to the exit gate, in pretty much a straight line, and he still managed to escape with like 5m distance from me. This is insanity.

  8. The ace was cheating. He wasn't just moving 3% faster it literally looked like you were gaining no distance in a straight line not even around a tightly hugged loop. Alot of subtle cheaters are now going even faster because they can get away with saying that it's MFT. MFT is powerful, but it doesn't let you do what this ace just did at 6:20. If I tried this even with MFT i'd be on my ass in seconds.

  9. Sad thing is i play bots now in custom games because every single game since uodate i have not gotten one kill i played about 23 games and not one was a win so guess what no more live play for me i play strickly custom games and you know what iv been winning constantly so live play is not going to be something ill be playing anymore as a killer main i feel so powerless and i feel as if devs want to hurt us they continue to hurt and punish us for no fuckin reason so now im a custom game bot player and its actually been pretty chill games are so much more fair and fun maps are still a problem and everything else ontop of that and the hand-holding devs all they will do is cause most of us killer players to just play custom games trust me every one who plays killer should just switch to custom games and play bots you will have a way better time and more fun goodbye live play dbd fuck the company and its piece of shit devs matt cote as well fuck em all and the survivor mains as well. custom games is the way to go perkless addonless bots is the way to go we killers are the garbage bags with holes in it by how we are being treated its like the house of horrors you get just enough well barely enough to survive as killer but still feel heavily malnourished anyways every killer player especially on console which is much more harder to play killer just play custom games trust me you wont regret it its so much more chill and fun

  10. No, because it's survivor and people like you will play it regardless (and create additional content promoting their product). Why would they change anything when you don't? Just being real with you, True.

  11. Killers are generally faster. Most of them teleport, run, projectile, have aoe and then perks constantly regressing gens and almost continuously revealing survivor locations. Its funny how so many good killers out there forever stay OP no matter the changes because killer has always had the upper hand and they can wipe a team out no problem.

  12. What's insane to me is Boon dark theory only buffs speed to 2% and has a limited radius to be used so no one runs it. They felt it was strong enough to limit it to a Boon totem yet 3% while injured is fine.

  13. I say this with all the love I can muster: Y'all are ridiculous if you play this game. You know EXACTLY how the devs are. You may love a baby, but if the baby dies, it's just stupid to coddle it's rotting corpse out of love of the "good old days." It is a rotting dead thing that will make you sick eventually. The only correct response is to bury it. Bury that which is dead.

  14. Its pay to win at this point. I just played with a surv that had All speed perks :/.. and killer couldnt get to him (was a clown).. He had all the speed perks and the Boon as well which he used at a house in haddonfield xD so was like 112% at some point with all the windows and shit.

  15. When you get outplayed in a loop blame it on the survivor perk. Your movement was poor that’s how Ace escaped. It feels like you e played this game too long. Always moaning!

  16. Just had a game as deathslinger, there was this survivor using mft and they kept running to this one loop where chase wouldn't start and they had a perfect view over the top so there was no mindgames. Left him a couple times and everytime he saw me he ran back to it the annoying lil shit. Ended with a 2k

  17. like always good perk for survivors. shit for killer.. than survivors cry for a shit perk wild they get good perk and startcrying about killer that camp and tunnel. well duh look that they got. again why i hate behaviour dev.. are all dumb.


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