This Skull Merchant Build Is INSANE! | Dead by Daylight

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28 thoughts on “This Skull Merchant Build Is INSANE! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Undetectable/oblivious plus Aura reading and tracking when you have expose perks is super deadly! I think we may just have the new Queen of exposure perks now that Nurse is unable to use them.

    I'd be super curious to see how she would do in a full expose perk build.

  2. Sup chris. It’s Guys.

    You’re the only content creator whose being positive about this killer lol, all I’ve seen is negative after negative, can’t use her myself to form an opinion due to console so glad that someone’s actually bothering to showcase builds and strats with her!

  3. A good thing about totem builds with this killer is you can protect them with your drones. They either have to take your drone out first and alert you that they are there.. or go for the totem and get themselves exposed

  4. I like where they went with her design, maybe execution could be better. I feel like in high mmrs she will get destroyed and her power will be negated by good teams. Def needs some QoL improvements. Her add ons create variance in play which is nice. Maybe some add ons to change up the Mini Game the survivors play. Maybe doing it backwards, or random squares rather then in order. Maybe some buffs to her drones. Up longer, larger radius etc. Will be interesting to see how they change her 🙂

  5. Thanks for the content, can’t find that many videos of gameplay without someone crying that they didn’t transformers from BHVR for Xmas.😂 appreciate you not taking the game so seriously, and simply enjoying what you enjoy, instead of being some miserable person.💯😙👍🏽❤️

  6. I really dig this killer. Totems with her are amazing.
    Consider Face the Darkness, thrill of the hunt, sloppy, and last perk (another totem maybe)
    Abuse your drone zones to get screams to interrupt progress, including on your drones, heals, totems, etc!

  7. The popular streamer echo chamber seems ready to throw her in the scrap pile already. I have faith that with some of the wrinkles smoothed out she'll do pretty well, even in high MMR. As someone who enjoys the killers with complexity and versatility in their kit, I'm perfectly fine with not having an easy m2-to-down power. I'll take macro-play any day. I can't wait for her to go live.

  8. I think her mechanics are cool but hopefully release some scary cosmetics because her power and looks like saber from spiderman 4…. I'm suppose to be scared of her not wanna ask her on a date lol 🤣

  9. Regarding 5:20 – the optimal play would be to hold W and take the hit, rather than stick around. Unlike Knight, who would guarantee a hit in a corner, Skull Merchant is pretty weak rn with her power. Hope they buff her a ton of she's gonna be forgotten in a week or two post launch.

  10. I hate everything about this chapter, the survivors perks are overcheat, they nerfed eruption so now the game is even more survivor side, the killer power and perks are bad af, the new killer don't looks scary, she is a woman (no misogyny), AND WHO ADDED FUCKING GLITTER ON HER MASK?!??! WHO?!?!?!?!?!?!? The only cool things is the claws and the map rework


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