This Streamer Reported Me For Playing Skull Merchant

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37 thoughts on “This Streamer Reported Me For Playing Skull Merchant”

  1. finally a survivor main sees this. the accusations for tunneling where none has been done always leaves me for a loop. Thats why i just play the game how i want and dont care what anyone says, especially on the killers side
    Edit: its crazy how a killer just playing the game is "worthless" lmfao

  2. You're not a bad person, you're just playing a killer, and yoy played her smart but you chose the killer we all universal hate for justified reasons. She's not A tier, she's just insufferable. People gonna hate her, and it's justified Even i hate to say it is.

    Their comments about "holding the game hostage" was cringe though. And to complain about ruin and corrupt…. If you're bad just say so Steve. End game chat was also cringe.

  3. They're not mad because you tunneled, they're mad because you played Skull Merchant. Skull Merchant and Knight are two of the most hated killers in the game and survivor mains will literally make any excuse as to why you were "trash" and why they lost. STOP TRYING TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU DON'T OWE IT TO ANYONE!! Personally she's not my favorite killer but I don't hate her like I used to. If you so much as look at a survivor that got off the hook then you're tunneling. I'm a survivor main myself but I really feel for the killer mains who have to deal with crap like this. People don't know what tunneling is, they make STUPID choices and blame it on the killer. Killer mains literally can't do anything at all without getting crapped on and for every killer main in the comments, please keep playing how you want, keep your head up and from a survivor main to ALL of the killer mains out there, I really respect you. Play the game how YOU want and don't cater to the other side. 💜💜

  4. First off, this guy is just bad. Secondly, he's toxic as heck.
    Thirdly, he's just as salty as the salt water at the beach.
    And Jimmie bestie you didn't tunnel at all. But that guy's behavior is tunnel worthy.
    I mean, clicking and tbagging, you're just asking to get tunneled at this point!😂

  5. You did nothing wrong the other player is mad because you are the killer that he doesn't like Plus he T bagged you and you nod your head yes it's ok for that survivor to T bag you and clicking his flashlight at you but it's not ok for you to nod you didn't tunnel him like what you said you wanted to put pressure on them

  6. I like how anytime there’s a salty/toxic survivor they always have a big ego and say crap like oh of course they have this perk or of course it’s this map or killer like grow the hell up like she said it’s a video game which is something still this generation players like those people don’t get through there head.

  7. Survivors do realize that the killer's objective is to kill, right? Killers don't have to play how YOU WANT. If u genuinely think that they do, then you're just entitled. Tunneling is not toxic unless you're doing it to purposely make the survivor miserable. (Survivor main btw)

  8. Play however you want. Just don't be a d*ck and leave everything within the match.

    Dbd players for some reason feel entitled to police how others play. I personally hate Skull Merchant's power, but who am I to tell you that you cannot play a character you bought in a game you also bought however you like?

  9. Well, that’s dbd streamers for ya I played Nurse against a SWF I ain’t tunneled I ain’t used no salty plays got all 4 and was told to do some horrible things to myself… it’s just the community for ya.

  10. How does someone complain about a killer when they don't even have a basic understanding of what the killer can do. "Why am I hindered?" Because claw traps!?!?! Like wut?? How do people like this exist? Btw you played very well as SM! She is my favorite killer!

  11. ily jimmie, it made me sad to see all the hate about you on twitter from people who dont know you or your community! you did nothing wrong standing up for yourself, and everyone "tunnels" from time to time. the dbd community is just dramatic.. much love xoxo (:

  12. Classic DBD players. I get often blamed for losing a match over mistakes I didn't do. I got legit tunneled by a Chucky for half the match one time and my teammates had no gens done. They spent the first half running around like chickens when they weren't being chased and yet I was told I sucked.

  13. It's so pathetic to make a sorry video each time you receive a bad comment. You should be able to play killer without having to deal with crying baby survivors each time you hit one of them. But no : "Let's make a video to show how sorry I am. Maybe next time I will let them all escape." 😅

  14. The main issue I have with this match is how toxic the streamer was in their commentary. Not only are they not enjoying the game as they are complaining for being chased but they're doing so live essentially telling their community that it's totally acceptable to say these things in a match that could have been 100x more unfun. The way they complained it was as if they log on to do gens and get out, but that's the most boring part of the game. And maybe if they teabagged less they could have gotten more distance and extended the chase or lost the killer.


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