This Subtle Cheater Drove Me Crazy (Dead by Daylight)

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This david overall didn’t have anything super suspicious going on- at first. Take a look as I deep dive into seeing what the hell was going on here.

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Dead by Daylight


29 thoughts on “This Subtle Cheater Drove Me Crazy (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. Really funny whenever lethal or any other aura perks catch cheaters. The only blatant cheater I went against was someone who got ten dead hards In one match, even with me baiting and waiting he still got it every time.

  2. Bruh got outplayed by No Mither!…I'm just kidding I hate cheaters and as someone who plays Tarkov a bit (it's got its own cheater pandemic) it's so annoying to have games you enjoy ruined by these losers

  3. And this is why despite all the fun changes and Wesker coming out, I won't be coming back to this game.
    I literally cannot do a single game without questioning if there's a cheater every single time whenever something remotely suspicious happens and it's making me crazy.

  4. The only cheaters I know I've gone against with 100% certainty are No Mither lagswitchers, but they at least have the decency to make what they're doing painfully obvious, like this is just pathetic and infuriating, even moreso because 90% of what happened literally just could be explained as the game being buggy in any other match.

  5. Know what's sad? I think the stat for number of hackers in DbD is 1 in 10. Meaning for killer, you effectively deal with an overt or probably subtle hacker every three matches or so, with a killer once every 10 matches. Most hackers are subtle, usually with aura reads or slight boosts to speed that are not very noticable unless you have frame of reference.

  6. 3:50 He also has the Anniversary Toolbox which is not possible to obtain on Epic as it launched in December of 2021, and the anniversary is in June. The 6th year toolboxes are called "Masquerade Toolbox" and the icon looks different. So this little detail is also a 100% proof it was a cheater.

  7. Aren't there ways of just hacking blood points? Why play the matches in boring mode when you could just get your points through hacks, and then play 'legit'.

  8. lots of subtle cheaters like this lately. had a meg who would sprint burst away from me whenever i found her & would conveniently disappear as soon as she was out of my line of sight. i chalked it up to lightweight & quick and quiet… turns out she had neither of these perks lmao (or sprint burst for that matter).

  9. honestly the more "can you spot the cheater" videos you and others put out, the better. Eerily fun to watch, but I'd prefer to see full matches where the cheater isn't highlighted until the end. plus it sounds like less editing.

  10. Now I'm wondering whether or not I've gone against multiple cheaters, cause I'm pretty bad at killing om average but I'd say was able keep a chase going and rarely lose survivors before the cheater spike.

  11. Hey Farmer i also was against this dude. With sadako as He was fully condemt , and i saw rhe aura right beisde me and He was not i this possition only the aura was there and move alone this dude man i swear my brain explode

  12. I went against a cheater the other day as Huntress. I was chasing a Cheryl who pulled off 3 clean dead hards (where it made the death sound even though they stayed up). I wrote it off that they got really lucky. Then as I was chasing a Dwight I threw a hatchet at them and in my peripheral I saw the same Cheryl dead hard even though they were no where near me… I confronted them in end game and they chalked it up to being scared. But the same scenario happened two to three times in the match.

  13. "Only a handful of humans truly matter. Everyone else is just so much chaff. So now I have to separate this chaff from the wheat." — Albert Wesker

    This cheater was definitely chaff.


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