What Makes A Top Tier Killer In Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “What Makes A Top Tier Killer In Dead by Daylight”

  1. dredge has good chase potential only against survivors who dont know how it works and its map pressure is easily countered by not sitting near lockers. freddy has no chase potential hes just a m1 killer the puddles might as well be cosmetic, also his teleport has a giant cooldown. demos chase power is easily dodged and gives you plenty of distance because of the failed dash animation, and his teleport needs him to be in a specific spot to activate it as well as being very obviously telegraphed.
    to say those killers have great chase and map pressure is just wrong.

  2. Killers like Nurse, Blight, Spirit and Huntress have powers that I describe as simple, but effective.
    Their power descriptions are pretty concise and straight forward. Newer killers tend to have more complex and multifacted kits with interactable items and environmental objects. With this approach to power design, you end up with lots of Jack-of-All-Trades killers like Pig, Demo, Nemi and Vecna it seems. They can do multiple things mediocrely and maybe one thing decently. The top killers tend to just do one thing spectacularly. They have great chase power and that's all they really need because it trumps things like detection and slow-down.

  3. "Isolated powers"??? Are you talking about counterplay??? The thing that every survivor main was crying for a few years prior, which is why BHVR have changed their game design philosophy in such a way that every killer that comes out now has some gimmick that counters his powers? Jeah. That's called counterplay. Top tier killers can only be countered with skill, which is why nowadays with every killer comes an arsenal of survivor items that counter their power. Not a huge fan tbh. Vecna has cool powers but is also the most gimmicky thing you can think of. I feel like this only get's worse with every killer added. Blight was the last one with "No Counterplay" and i don't think we will see another Blight anywhere soon.

  4. spirits mobility really isn't that good, you barely make more distance than actually walking (counting in the time you have to stand still). and even if you make it far, you're then hit by a hefty cooldown and have to use the amazing power of "running after a survivor as a 110% M1 killer". nurse also doesn't have the greatest mobility, however, if you add verticality that's a whole different thing

  5. What makes a top tier Killer?

    Simple: The top tiers don't really have built in counterplay. You just gotta MOVE. At least, that's really how it seems.

    I know jumping right to Nurse is a bad example, and I know it takes a good bit of skill to play her correctly, but remember, she literally breaks the game.

    As for the other top tiers, they don't really have any requirements. If you're good enough, you basically just press your power button and get a free hit. Not always, but usually.

  6. I feel singularity is the strongest killer in game. Nurse and blight just cant keep up the moment you get a top tier singularity. He has built in insane chase potential, he can instantly close gaps no matter how far. and he has insane map pressure

  7. They all have high mobility that is still highly precise and controllable. Billy has high speed but lacks the precision these three have as an example. And separating them from a killer like huntress, their power puts them where they attacked; on top of the survivor they downed or were aiming for. Allows for their only lacking area to be filled in with their perks, gen control and slow down as a pay off for downs.

  8. Spirit is not a threat anymore. The add-ones are nerfed and if you have ears and okay enough headset you know where she is at any given time. I would say she is mid or even bit below

  9. People often forget that S teir isn’t a desirable place for a character to be in a videogame, S teir implies there is no counterplay and that’s something to be avoided


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