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This Survivor Perk Got COMPLETELY REWORKED – Dead By Daylight
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The new version wasn't out yet, so I tried my best to recreate the way it works using other perks =p
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keeps you around the basement, keeps the killer near the basement. Very good for controlling the map for the other survivors late game or even early
major improvement if they kept the old version it would become useless because Vigil exists
Do u still see the killer if u unhooked from a normal hook and not basement? Because it seems 2 different effects on the same perk
Like it
thats FIREEEE what the hellll
better! time will tell if better enough
It should make you broken after unhooking yourself like deliverance. Cause no requirement to activate and a very long aura time is incredibly good. Obviously the broken should be shorter than deliverance but just enough so you can’t immediately heal yourself with self care 2.0.
I think it should also heal you immediately after unhooking yourself since it works only in basement and only in first hook, but its still weak tbh, or just change that completely, here's my idea:
When the killer enters the basement and your wiggle progress is above 15% your wiggle progress will immediately go up to 70% and a hard skill check will trigger and if you succeed you will escape from the killer's grasp and you will stun him for 2/3/4 seconds.
This perk gets desactivated if:
-All gens have been repaired.
-The killer picked you up in the basement.
-You succeeded/failed the hard skill check regardless if the killer dropped you or not.
The reason for the wiggle progress to go up to 70% is in case the killer drops you and picks you up again you gain 25% and after 1 second you'll wiggle off, unless they have iron grasp or agitation then the perk gets countered bc they will reach the hook in time. I think it's balanced since it only works in basement and not a lot of people hook there, and if you are playing agaisn't someone using a basement build it only works one time and it could even not work at all if the killer is smart and has iron grasp or agitation and drops the survivor as he enters the basement to cancel it, and the 15% wiggle progress requirement is to avoid giving advantage to survivors that commited a mistake and died literally in the basement entrace.
Basement Bubbas just got nerfed
This seems actually really strong, and maybe a tad overpowered. With deliverance, you cant be the first guy to get chased and already unhook yourself. People will just loop main or shack until the killer hates their lives, and hooks them in basement, when they will just unhook themselves. It IS a good combination to her other perks tho. Youll probably always want to run two of them, as they have unparalleled synergy
Okay can we just go over the 6 perks for this update, specifically two. The one where you kick gens as killer is just another "Trail of Torment" and "Wicked" is not just a guaranteed "Deliverence" with paperwork
At least it's basement only
It sounds strong but at the same time its kind of a worse version of deliverance, tho still good on its own way
This would be great with off the record
Seems pointless. Your first hook, most of the time, is going to be on a Scourge hook anyway.
New perk is insanely broken it’s basically babysitter on crack
Here’s my version of how “Wicked” should be 😂
Wicked— When more than 2 Survivors are in the Basement, yourself included and all of you are either Injured State, Dying State or Hooked. You gain Endurance and 16% Unhooking Speed after you 100% Self Unhook
And before someone says it’s too OP, well my point here is to prevent the Match from ending too quickly, cuz of 4 Person hooked at the Basement
Honestly a situationally very strong perk.
Good balancing I'd say
honestly i really like this. it makes her adept more cohesive
That looks good since there are basement camper killers
Should have kept both old and new
And the magic circle perk should give the survivor Exposed instead of Broken status, this way it will be harder to notice who used the perk and survivor won't give away position by being permanently injured, it will also be a two sided thing for killer since the killer can use m1 and oneshot or use ability attacks and get the user down in two hits
yo this is such a good perk its totalty not a weaker and worser version of a perk we already have….. WAIT A MINUTE
That’s a great change
idk about this perk its very situational
this peerk is just a trapper nerf
Pros, Can unhook self
Cons, only in Basement
Deliverance is better overall…. however everyone knows that perk is cursed and if you run it you will be hooked first, I prefer this one. loop them in the shack then when you are about to go down go down near the hooks in the basement and wait and put boil over jic they wana go outside.
Oh great but another band aid fix to camping in the form of a perk and not a base game mechanic
forcing basement hook will be great now 😂😂