This Survivor Says Wesker is OP (Dead by Daylight)

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After playing an, I’d argue pretty fair Wesker match, I was told wesker is op by the survivors. An interesting conversation follows.

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36 thoughts on “This Survivor Says Wesker is OP (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. I've mained nemesis since he came out and at least once a session someone calls nemesis OP or a meta killer. One guy even said he would rather go against a nurse or blight since "they have a fun chase mechanic" so people are just psychotic.

  2. LMAOOOOO, this video brought light in to my eyes, I'm glad to see the absolute entitlement of some survivors, especially the ones that are good at looping, they get so butt hurt when you don't give them attention, it's like, why would I chase you and waste time so I can cause myself to lose, I mean, anyone can be entitled in this game, it's actually so laughable seeing these people go up against others with brains xD

  3. It can be seen that the survivors can only press the space bar on the generator. Just a good game on a good killer. Wesker is the most balanced man they've ever released

  4. the other day i played a wesker game against a swf and after i won the survivors instantly said that hes an "S Tier killer whos only getting spammed"
    crazy that when a new killer comes out that doesnt suck and is from a license that people will play him. truly shocking

  5. Yea those addons kinda seem nuts when you get to see that grab movement. You should also try using the throwing addons together. Its really nuts how far they go. Gives a much higher chance of getting those long range throw damage on the survivor.

  6. Wesker is not overpowered. It's like if Demogorgion traded in ill his mobility, information, and map pressure for two charges on his shred. anyone who thinks that is overpowered is talking out of thier arse.

  7. Wesker wasnt op in this game, farmer just used the map to his advantage and focused on a 3 gen, while also ignoring one of the survivors effectively making it a 3v1. Also the "strong stucture" had no pallet and you had bamboozle, just say you wanted to tunnel Ada. And if chasing Sheva was "stupid" then why not run nurse with a sweat build every game? I think not running that when it's an option is kinda stupid.

  8. 4:29 – Once the community gets this down. Closing distance on vaults is going to be gg. You also did it before at shack 4:19
    3:32 – There is very little counterplay to this kind of distance closing.

    Also Wesker has a lot of stuff he can do with that massive terror radius. Big maps, its not so bad but the smaller ones, he is extremely oppressive. Also his power is great at getting him across the map pretty nicely. Better than Nurse or blight? Not yet but right now he's right behind them.


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