This TOXIC Killer Main Challenged Me To A 1v1 | Dead by daylight

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This TOXIC Killer Main Challanged Me Into A 1v1 | Dead by daylight

Hellow everyone, in todays video i got challenged by a toxic killer into a 1v1, the killer decided to go after me in messages telling me that map offerings are unfair and is only used by bad survivors after the whole team escaped him and while i was playing solo q the game before, so the killer called me out, i decided to accept the challenge and loop him in a 1v1, i’m not really great in making video’s such as these but i really wanted to show how some players are toxic for the smallest things, hope you enjoyed the video
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#toxickiller #dbd #console

Dead by daylight, an asymmetrical horror game, I play at rank 1 with builds such as the zero terror radius T3 Myers or the immersed ghost face build, to trick survivors at rank 1, I love to run killers for 5 gens at rank 1 and do challenges at rank 1, like no pallets at rank 1. Dead by daylight has some toxic survivors and toxic killers who run meta builds to gain an advantage, I like to play with fun builds and less op addons, op perks or op builds. Like the all seeing eyes build, efficient survivor/killer build, the instant heal tank build and the most underrated perks in the game, I also use the infinite sprint burst and head on, builds like the vault speed build to avoid dedicated servers or bad hitboxes on windows and pallets. I use inspiration for some of my videos from other players like the jrm with his .exe videos and otzdarva with his win streaks, no0b3 with his once upon a toxic series and ayrun with the vault speed build. I usually play with nea karlsson or claudette morel. I mainly play Nurse when I play killer at rank 1 but I like to play all the killers, like the Nemesis from Resident Evil or Freddy Kreuger from Nightmare on Elm Street. Rank reset is always scary, rank 20 vs rank 1 with brand new parts and flashlights. I always upload the new chapter, new survivor and new killer when it comes out with the new update. I love using techs like the dumb tech, ayrun tech, cj tech, pretending to be a baby survivor/killer and the locker tech, enjoy the video!

#deadbydaylight #deadbydaylightsurvivor


25 thoughts on “This TOXIC Killer Main Challenged Me To A 1v1 | Dead by daylight”

  1. I think at the end he just wanted to keep playing with you and got butt hurt when you didn't want to keep playing with him πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ’” some people have just had a bad life/up bringing or just treated bad there whole life so the only way they know how to Express their emotions even when they are good ones is to be rude,mean sarcastic ect.. not taking up for him but dang man I feel bad for people that Express themselves as poorly as this guy does. I'm guilty of it sometimes but I'm conscious/self aware enough to know when to pick my battles. Great video and hope good things come your way friend 🀟

  2. Whenever I see a wholesome killer I always say something nice to him/her afterwards in the endgame chat. They are so precious and rare these days. 😭😭❀️❀️

  3. Hellooow 😁
    i would like to to the fov teq like looks like you actually spin towards him to make him m1. If i do it it looks like im just doing 360s on the same place no matter how often im trying to do it (i always get the hit :/ )

  4. Coldwind is known to be one of the most survivor sided maps, if that makes you unskillful imagine how unskillful it is for the killer to send you to the most KILLER sided map variation of Macmillan πŸ₯° just playing but I’m saying


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