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#DBD #dbdkiller
0:00 – Intro
Hey Chris. Keep up the good work!!
Pizza time 😎
Man, Chris is so awesome
The Only DBD Channel I watch in YT
Does overcharge and brine stack?
i want pyramide 3 meta build
Ghostface is the best killer to watch. Nice games!
Ghostface is my favourite killer Ty for the tips 👍
Thrilling Tremors d switch sc pain agitation lmfao build
Do you think its a good idea to hook survivors when you get a down?
The classic "sup guys its chris" lets you know its gonna be a banger
Don’t you think wearing bright purple and blue defeats the purpose of being a stealth killer?
You could get 53% regression with Jolt, Eruption, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch with Driver's License and Drop-Leg Sheath or Philly. Drop-Leg Sheath is good but Philly makes Driver's License even easier to use.
What song did you use for that first game? 👀
Overcharge and call of brine stack?!?!?!
Hopefully you get up there with Otz, Spookyloopz and some others cuz you make really great builds and content and you're hilarious! Plus the background music, editing and just overall vibes are fantastic✨️
Wow, it is so nice just to relax and watch Chris play DBD. Awesome content!!!!!
Sup guys it’s Chris!!! Wooooo!!!!! 🫡
I main ghosty thank you for this
Loved the 3 diff play styles! Great vid!
Bro deleted my comment
Hey Chris i thought of a fun idea you should make a tier list of each killers chase music.
what survivor you main?
Do you have any thoughts on Skull Merchant changes ?