This TOXIC KILLER MUST BE STOPPED!! | Dead by Daylight

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38 thoughts on “This TOXIC KILLER MUST BE STOPPED!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. 0:05 Hey at least you're honest unlike these goofy swfs that cry when they get worked "we weren't even trying, we were just chilling and goofing around. Why you gatta play like that, you're weird" but then you look at their builds.

  2. Damn, and here I was thinking just playing to win as killer was enough to ruin a survivor’s day. Nah but in all seriousness good video QK, love seeing some face camping Bubba content!! Truly never gets old! 🔥

  3. You are honestly such a fascinating youtuber to me. At first I saw your vids and thought you were some weird guy yelling at a video game but i kept watching (because it was funny). Then you kept slowly showing that behind this eccentric character is a surprisingly intelligent and wise human. I even went to see your video on brutalism and it was really fascinating. You have legitimately entertaining silly content while also having the brains to back up this brawn. Bravo, you deserve the support.

  4. At first i though because your Bubba mmr is low but nope ,typical p100 bully squad. They get carried by perks and items but when it doesnt work they fold and quit asap. Love To See It ❤


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