This TTV Thinks I'm FILTHY – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜

I TUNNEL BECAUSE I’M DOO DOO AT THE GAME 🙂 0:00 intro 2:09 gameplay 5:35 SALT more salt –


44 thoughts on “This TTV Thinks I'm FILTHY – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I got tunneled and camped by a nurse, which I find weird since she's already a strong killer, I got salty for 5 minutes then my match was over and I just moved on to the next match. I don't like being tunneled and camped, but I move on immediately.

  2. Drums for a whole minute and they still complain! Every time I think I won't be surprised by entitled survivors' attitude- somehow I'm sadly mistaken. Also, Ghostface, in Red Forest? Wooo scary. Way too oppressive for survivors. A SWF no less (I do assume there's a duo at the very least according to the comms).
    Anyway do enjoy the videos. Please keep them rolling!

  3. I live for salty ttvs but I thrive for wholesome ttvs who understand it is just a game, also thank you for being a wholesome dude who changed my views on a lot of stuff regarding DBD! 💖

  4. its quite hilarious getting survivors in games that dont ever play killer side and dont understand why we do what we do. like i main both, but in all honesty, killer is more fun and enjoyable. stress free when all you have to do is worry about yourself and your actions. GG man. gameplay was fair to me.

  5. Drum solos for a minute. Do you know how many gens that could have been done in that minute. All of them if that survivor team didn't make dumb plays. Noed isn't even that toxic. If you run into a totem cleanse it if you're that worried. Doing those 5 totems will make the perk useless. All survivors care about is gen rushing, get mad when a killer has to tunnel to catch up in a game or be around a hook when they know a survivor is around or going for the save like in this game. Survivor mains don't understand much about the situational gameplay when playing the killer. It's a lot more stressful playing killer than a survivor (in my opinion since there is no kwf for playing killer). Survivors have 16 perks in total among the 4 players. Killers only have 4 perks. I really don't understand salty survivors like this.

  6. I can see why survivors would get salty over stuff like this but as a survivor main myself u just gotta respect when a killer outplays you, especially if they’re playing the drums mid game. Survivors just need to learn to lose and just move on to the next game

  7. Hahahahahahahahahaha I’m on my way to MO and this is what I needed. Thank you!! I hope you and your family are doing great! I promise I will catch your streams soon! Thank you for everything!

  8. I'm a survivor main and it baffles me how many entitled survivors there are. People don't realize not everyone has to play how they feel is best and some people just want to have fun and play without it being so serious. Not to mention most of these survivors who get mad like this are the most hypocritical people. Just let people play how they want and if you don't like it then move on

  9. two people in the basement, yeah i'll just go all the way to the other side of the map cause durrrrrrrr
    Also with no ed i feel like it stops newer killers from actually learning how to play without but its not fucking toxic lmfao.


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