This Update PROMOTES Slugging! | Dead By Daylight PTB

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It’s finally time for us to see how the new Finishing Mori and Unbreakable changes will affect the game in the new Dead By Daylight PTB! And, well, it seems to me that the major effect is that the update promotes slugging in order to obtain the Finishing Mori!

But let me know what you think in the comments below! And if you enjoyed the video, remember to leave a like and subscribe for more DBD content!

Catch me playing the PTB live on my stream this week:

0:00 What Changes Are In The PTB?
2:03 First Game Featuring Dowsey
7:21 Second Game (The Longest One Ever)
15:33 My Thoughts On The PTB So Far

Check me out on:

Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #dbdcheats #dbdhacks


31 thoughts on “This Update PROMOTES Slugging! | Dead By Daylight PTB”

  1. Hard to promote something that predominant anyways, ding dong. However this is amazing to see because ALL killers have to do to prevent back and forth slugging is, and this might sound like a hard concept to follow but, JUST PUT PEOPLE ON HOOKS

  2. I don't know what smooth brain at BHVR thought this update would counter slugging or tunneling. Entitled survivors are going to mald like there's no tomorrow over this when it goes live.

  3. What I found in the PTB today is that the game neearly always has 2 stages ….. with the first stage being the Killer aggresively tunneling 2 survivors out which is crap for them ….. so the Killer can play the second new mori slugging phase…. which can go on for ages … this is really crap for SWF as if you are one of the players to get tunnelled out you have to wait ages to play again. Although I love the idea of base kit unbreakable to prevent being slugged for 4 minutes ….. I am not a fan of this PTB test at all.

  4. I must have misunderstood. Cause when I heard them mention the finisher Mori on that one stream, I thought it would only apply if the other 3 were DEAD. Not just Dying State/Hook.

    All they gotta do is just make the Yellow Mori basekit. That way you get the choice of either Killing or giving hatch/escape.

  5. See the weird thing is, with the way I play as a wraith main these changes don't affect me at all on killer side. I can see as a survivor that this can be either a blessing or a curse depending on the killer and whether you're in a swf situation that can coordinate well when a killer gets two kills. I also imagine circle of healing and spine chill seeing some increased usage if these changes go live as-is in the master build

  6. "Unobstructed" I thought you'd censored the first mori for a moment, that was terrible.
    My first thoughts is this is actually going to encourage camping and any other sort of killer activity that forces the survivors to group up. Why chase one survivor when you can camp, expose and down multiples?

  7. You guys say that this finishing update promotes slugging… are you forgetting what else was added? Survivors now have unbreakable Basekit. Slugging is effectively gone, which is dumb. Now swfs can just circle you for a bit stopping the killer from picking you up and boom, you can get away

  8. Was hoping for better more satisfying Moris to watch with this update. Looks like there all the same. -_- I hoped for too much. Oh well perhaps in the future maybe. Considering it’s gonna be a while before this is implemented. I can still hope.


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