THIS Wesker MUST Be STOPPED!! | Dead by Daylight

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Cashtag: $Undressingangels to help support the channel!
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46 thoughts on “THIS Wesker MUST Be STOPPED!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. YO! I've been improving so much from your videos! I literally just got a 4K on Lery's as Trapper with NO ADD-ONS…. ON LERY'S…. AS MF TRAPPER!!!! Literally would've gotten a 1k without you. Keep it up big dawg

  2. ngl bruh the build aint looking that good. with wesker u wanna prioritise infection for reduced power cd, slow down and possible exposes on fully infected people. save is pretty horrible on him. a better build would be bamboozle, pain resonance, ultimate weopen and dead mans switch. the crank addon is pretty terrible and people use egg over it as it does its job better. unicorn medallion addon will make it easier to hit survivors with first bound. hope you take the advice fellow killer main – weskuh main


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