#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
Cashtag: $Undressingangels to help support the channel!
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Ayyy another video!! How are youuu I hope you're having an awesome day bro 😁❤️ (just platinum'd spiderman 2. It's the first game I ever got all trophies to)
YO! I've been improving so much from your videos! I literally just got a 4K on Lery's as Trapper with NO ADD-ONS…. ON LERY'S…. AS MF TRAPPER!!!! Literally would've gotten a 1k without you. Keep it up big dawg
ngl bruh the build aint looking that good. with wesker u wanna prioritise infection for reduced power cd, slow down and possible exposes on fully infected people. save is pretty horrible on him. a better build would be bamboozle, pain resonance, ultimate weopen and dead mans switch. the crank addon is pretty terrible and people use egg over it as it does its job better. unicorn medallion addon will make it easier to hit survivors with first bound. hope you take the advice fellow killer main – weskuh main
video #2 of asking for blight gameplay. lets see how long it takes. we love you quiet!
Ayyo who's thay cutie? Let me take you on a date
he-man plays dead by daylight? 🤯
man i can‘t keep an straight face with that blonde hair and screaming😂😂
QK what was that intro bro wth 😭
incredibilis video!
I'm ashamed my guy, as I've never had stromboli. Imma have to try it now.
W video 🎉
Those endurence perks man they are op
Ayyy another video!! How are youuu I hope you're having an awesome day bro 😁❤️ (just platinum'd spiderman 2. It's the first game I ever got all trophies to)
those hair are beautifull as same as you as a killer
What is the message 🤣🤣🤣😭😭
I'll translate what he said: "shitty tunneler, better go play marbles". He was salty LOL.
I don't know who you are but you ain't QuietKills, he would never say "he's just better"
YO! I've been improving so much from your videos! I literally just got a 4K on Lery's as Trapper with NO ADD-ONS…. ON LERY'S…. AS MF TRAPPER!!!! Literally would've gotten a 1k without you. Keep it up big dawg
0:12 Ain't no way to just said Wesker's a hentai tentical man when we all know it's nemesis
Ace got so mad he started speaking in area 51 language after teabagging. skill issue
The wig is the chiefs kiss 😂
I love this man's scream
Omg it’s everyone favorite waifu !!
ngl bruh the build aint looking that good. with wesker u wanna prioritise infection for reduced power cd, slow down and possible exposes on fully infected people. save is pretty horrible on him. a better build would be bamboozle, pain resonance, ultimate weopen and dead mans switch. the crank addon is pretty terrible and people use egg over it as it does its job better. unicorn medallion addon will make it easier to hit survivors with first bound. hope you take the advice fellow killer main – weskuh main
This hair with the raw masculine power lol
Hey Cherylkills can we get some top 1rank 1 freddy gameplay?
I love your content so much continue yo great work
foul quote if the day✅ PUNGENT A**HOLE?!??
Lol am I the only one who watches QuietKills for the epic commentary? 😂
That dude who messaged you pretty much said "Shit tunneler, better go play with marbles" even getting hate in different languages.
Blonde hair is here to stay. Cosplaying Wesker today!
Lets go! My favorite killer, got any tips for me?
Legend at your craft always remember to HOLD THIS
Rank 1 top 1% at it again making it look ez
The E-Gril style going hard lol 🤣
"I am terrible with Wesker."
You're going to roll these schmucks, aren't you?
You should destroy the survivors hope by playing blight 😈
He Said that u are a " shitty tunneler"
You can take away his perks, you can send him to any map, give him a killer he's trash at… it doesn't matter, QuietKills-chan is always better!
Pretty sure the first word is tunneler. No fucking clue what the rest says, or what language it is.
You should try Ultimate Weapon, Deadman's Switch, Distressing, Starstruck/Coup/Deadlock on Wesker. You'll love it.
i dont know who this man is but i love him
lmao bro that post on your insta love the hair making a cameo
most sane Wesker player
Nice video last thing got me laughing my man speaking in hydro glyph fix lol 😂 I can’t
Its spanish for “tunneler your better off playing with dice”
Hey Man, i love Wesker hahahaha
Please don't stop your videos ( sorry english)