This will KILL Dead by Daylight

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45 thoughts on “This will KILL Dead by Daylight”

  1. yeah for sure– the engine just isnt built to handle what it does anymore. There's going to come a time (if it hasnt come to pass already) where the game just wont function properly anymore at all and there will be no rolling back because its a licensed chapter.

    Def needs to a total overhaul, but I can understand their hesitation to do it

  2. If DbD dies, we lose not only a source of memes but at the same time the only ''good'' game of its kind. I hate-love the game for its flaws but I indeed fear the day it is extinguished.

    8:20 Oh my god, that must've hurt.

  3. I saw another channel, HeelvsBabyface, talk about this same thing but it was about defending Asmongold when was attacked for playing FF. He brought up the same story we have for DBD and for some reason it didn't click that history was in the making and just how similar our situations were with these greedy devs and broken game.

  4. Call me stupid or ignorant, but I really don’t think these issues on their own would kill it. I’ve been playing the game for over a year but I’ve never even heard of those bugs, and I’ve had barely any bugs ever happen. Yes, if glitches that bad keep happening it might mess things up, but tens of thousands of people still play the game regularly. My personal only issue is the grind. It’s nothing near as bad as the Final Fantasy game. I still play and enjoy DBD very much. Sure there’s some problems, but I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone is making it sound. Although apparently on last-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox one) are absolutely unplayable. Now THAT is unforgivable. During a limited timed event which is one of the best times to play the game at all (because of the cakes) leaving the game basically unplayable for a majority of the playerbase is tone deaf af. To be fair, I have been playing on PS5 since the next-generation update released. Also I still have a ton of fun in the game, I don’t really see why people say it’s not fun. Then just don’t play it? I know it’s people’s primary game but they could always make a video about the issues and temporarily switch to another game for a time.

  5. Yeah at this point I've given up on DBD, I've just moved to Fortnite STW. Even though the game isn't being worked on it's still getting new thing and support. I'm tired of the incompetence

  6. I feel that BeHaviour already stepped in shit so hard, that the game is basically unfixable unless they rewrite the whole game, just look at the messes that were chapters 18 and 20

  7. This is why I at least have more faith in singleplayer experiences. Multiplayer titles are too money-focused, and it hurts the industries. This is why I'm looking forward to FNaF Security Breach, Halo Infinite, and Elven Ring. They're made by decent developers that are at least trying to think of the players during production.

  8. As much as i want to believe that a competitor to DBD will take the playerbase away on better gameplay, less bugs and stuff alone I think its wishful thinking. DGMW i would love for DBD to get a legit scare that they need to get themselves back in gear, they've been slacking for a long time and its showing, no matter how many resources they dump into things no one cares about. Fact of the matter is any DBD competitor wont be able to surpass DBD until they get some decent and popular licenses under their belt to match the litany of horror icons you can play as and against in DBD, thats whats gonna get the majority to go to this better alternative in the same way that the majority came to DBD to play as some of their favorite horror characters (it was the saw chapter that did it in my case.)

  9. So the realm beyond could've been a solution when it comes to map design. They wanted to rework old maps. But there where only new graphic's, breakable walls and a few minor changes

  10. that new evil dead game looks pretty neat. certainly be interesting to see how the dead by daylight community reacts to it. if it has a single player mode I'll probably grab it otherwise probably just gunna skip it since it's probably going to die like every other competitor to dbd because why would people move to a new game when they already sunk god only knows how much money time and effort into dead by daylight. well maybe they might fuck off to go play identity V but only when the alt game modes are up like 2v8 or tarot.

  11. I've been saying this for years, Spacebro. So I'm glad you said it. I honestly picture DBD starting off as a shack in the woods. Then they keep adding on rooms(killers), new floors(map reworks), and just adding more shit to this Frankenstein structure… but they never reinforce the original foundation. The foundation itself was created with a tiny shack in mind, so eventually the whole building will straight up collapse into a sinkhole. Right now we're seeing the cracks in that foundation with old bugs returning and new bugs being resilient to fixes. The sinkhole is coming and there's nothing the devs can do about it without remaking the entire game.

  12. Hey space coconut I think that dbd should remove the heartbeat radius it would balance the game more and people won't be able to run from gens before the killer is there and it would add pressure and it's not op I think it will help the balance and force survivors to look around instead of just hold r1

  13. I know some people think you only post negative content about dbd regardless of whatever they are doing but this is just the truth. I have been a major dbd fan ever since i started playing in 2017 on console and ever since RE i literally haven't played once. I am done dealing with fps drops that constantly happen regardless of what side or who you play.

  14. Omg I can't do FF14 again cuz I literally don't have the self control to not play it 12 hours a day. Fantastic game though, just a can of worms for my addictive personality.

  15. I think, that either they will rebuild, or they will lose it, all my friends moved on, since twins came i came back to see and play Nemesis, but i can't because of the stutters i get everytime i try to use a whip or attack

  16. I just want to say that as someone that has played this game for 5 years. I can not count the number of bugs I have seen and experience. But I just got a new one. I can only buy one thing at a time in the bloodweb. I'm still working on what specifically makes it happen. I do believe it has to do with readying up while doing a bloodweb. This bug is better than the other one where I load into a match on ps4 but nothing properly loads, its just the ui for Characters and stores. I can got to the tome but then can not leave. Same thing with the store. I have to completely shut off the system to fix it. Ohhh or the other bug where I just don't hear zombies. Like at all. Honestly I'm so mad at them that all I do now is think how the fudge to fix this game. I feel like they need to add ruin and noed base in the game. Just 2 hex totems every killer gets. And holy shit gens aren't done in 5 minutes cause they doing totems too now. Enough of this sub 10 minute games man. I want to be immersed in a horror game not a objective game. I want to see proper rules and real punishment for harassment in this game. I want face camping to no longer be a viable option for killers. (I want to see people play the game, not just stand in a corner. Its not fun). They need to add a perk for survivors to break breakable walls to make them windows and it exhausts them and hurts them idk. But anything to add use for the stupid breakable walls. They could really use a new qa dev that takes time to play the game. Okay.. I gone on to much and I feel like I mostly ranted. I just want to play my favorite game again.

  17. I literally deleted this game yesterday couldn’t handle how bad frame drops are on console it literally ruins gameplay for me when I play either killer or survivor. It’s just so annoying. I’d rather play this game once they fix the issues in it instead of succumbing myself to torture.

  18. At this point this games future banks on this coming mid chapter patch. Console players still cannot play the game and the RPD map is still unplayable and how the game currently is Im sure most people are already deciding that the coming patch is going to do nothing but break the game even more and not fix any of the issues we currently have and are already moving on to other games.

  19. I haven’t been playing DBD lately and honestly I’ve been happier I’ve just been playing Rogue Company it’s sad to see the game I love die plus I’ve poured a lot of money and hours into dbd


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