TOME 12: The Best BLIGHT Story Ever | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Let’s talk about the Blight’s new Tome story “The Human Quotient” and why it’s such a banger. Honestly, I didn’t expect much from this story but it’s so damn good you guys READ IT NOW

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42 thoughts on “TOME 12: The Best BLIGHT Story Ever | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. Amazing video Pixel one of your best, Blight has always been one of my favorite killers gameplay and lore wise and him getting hands down the best tome is just the cherry on top. I’m glad I’m some small ways your opinion was swayed a little towards Blight. I wonder if Thomas will be developed further since he is SO important now

  2. We got the good writer for Blight, and the bad one for Jonah. Can't wait to see which of the two BHVR assigns to the characters for the next tome.

    Also, quick question; this video came out like 20 mins ago for me. How are some of the comments hours old?

  3. I dont hear anyone talk about it but im pretty sure he is also an homage to The Wolf Man a 1941 classic. his name Talbot Grimes is shared with the main Character Larry Talbot, im pretty sure this isn't a coincidence.

  4. I am not crazy! I know he swapped those archives. I knew it was Oni. One after Demogorgon. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at BHVR to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That adrenaline vial! Are you telling me that an addon just happens to get buffed like that? No! He orchestrated it! Talbot! He experimented on the killers! And They saved him! And They shouldn’t have. They took him into their own game! What were They thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since 2020, always the same! Couldn’t keep himself out of the meta! But not our Talbot! Couldn’t be precious Talbot! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to have another tome? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance!

  5. 19:21 “and knowledge beyond our comprehension” Oh yeah, thats referred to as M.A.D, or Metaphysical Awareness Disorder. Its obtained when a being from somewhere else gives you information that is not desired to be known. People who come down with M.A.D will go insane, want to commit suicide, and become delusional and paranoid. Though those who desire to know more about the information will not come down with M.A.D. Talbot craving to know more resulted in nothing happening to him, other than losing his empathy.

  6. I bet at least half of Tomas's notes talk about a dumb Nea bodyblocking him, a merciless Claudette awaiting his death so she can escape, and a strange ritual the survivors have where they twerk at the exit gate XD

  7. For I while now I’ve been thinking about this original killer and I want to know your thoughts. I think if Mikaela had come with a killer it should have been a KKK member, in other words a grand wizard. While some commenters said the devs should’ve made Mikaela a Salem witch killer I feel like this would’ve been even better because it could’ve been an amazing parallel to her persona as a modern witch.
    Also, the way you explain your thoughts on dbd is always interesting.

  8. My boi deserves good things. I can agree some addons need to be tweaked a bit, he doesn't deserve the Legion Treatment. But Blight is like true most "original" thing BHVR has in DBD. Only paying homage to an incredibly strange story while the rest is completely under their control. Because in my eyes, Blight is the closest thing to the Entity in a "human," form. He is practically the living embodiment of the Entity or at least the closest thing we'll get.
    They better keep treating him well and not act too harshly against him. He truly should be the second poster-boy for DBD as a whole because that's how important I feel the blight is to the game in general.
    He's also one of the few strongest killers. Not as annoying and busted as the Nurse, nowhere near as weak as Trapper, he's not as respectable as a long-range huntress shot but he's fun to play against like with the Hillbilly that gives you a second chance in-chase.
    Blight is best mad boi and should deserve nothing less. I wish more people could properly appreciate this poor addict.

  9. Can we have an evil dead the game review remaster please

    By the way each class has different damage numbers
    M = melee damage and r = ranged they are in percentage

    Support = 80 m And 80 r

    Hunter = 70 m and 150 r

    Warrior = 150 m and 50 r

    And finally leader have 100 m and 100 r.

    Also each class has different health amounts.

  10. "Bhvr loves blight"
    I mean I do too. he's better than nurse in both game play and balancing wise, is a very complex nuanced character, and unlike the shit show that is nurses presence in DBD the blight is a broken character that's actually fixable. The blight is cool and I don't even main him I main the cenobite but I definitely understand why behavior loves him. They put a lot of love into making him and when you do that it's special

  11. AWESOME video my dude!
    I have a request/suggestion, could we ever hear your thoughts on how utterly hopeless the overall plot of the game is, and your opinion on the potential for the storytelling to become jaded since "welp the entity is winning, has won and will continue to win forever. the end." seems to be the state of things

  12. PIXEL! Can we get a video from you that has you explaining your OWN chapter, with its own killer/survivor and map? I think that you of all people would make a killer everyone would want, and I'm sure you would be able to make a connection between the killer/survivor like how most others do 🙂

  13. I’m very skeptical about Tomas having actually escaped the entity. It doesn’t make sense that someone who was mentally destroyed by his experiences to escape.

    this story implies that the entity is already ‘forging’ killers before they get taken. And Tomas having escaped just so happened to be a key motivator for Talbot to explore the Bleed. I think the entity let Tomas go to make sure Talbot comes to the Bleed.

  14. I really wanna see henry jekyll and talbot grimes just sit down and talk science things together.
    And then theres hyde and blight, who are probably having a screaming match at each other, lmao

  15. Hi Pixel, just wondering if you plan to make a short video on the new Artist lore we got in the second entry of the Observer tome in the most recent one. It mentions a ton of important things about her backstory that adds a lot to her.

  16. While I agree with a lot of things you say, I don't feel very comfortable with how you equate a lack of empathy directly with morality. It might not be 'that deep' because these are fictional characters, and we know that Talbot truly is a very questionable guy, but it still comes off as a little ableist.

    A lack of empathy does not make people cruel, it just makes them lack an understanding that many people have by nature. People without empathy can still be compassionate, and there's even learned sympathy. ( Saying this as someone who lacks empathy myself. )


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