Toolboxes are WORSE than you thought | Dead by Daylight

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Here are my reasons on why toolboxes are too strong, and are unhealthy in their current state.
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14 thoughts on “Toolboxes are WORSE than you thought | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The way I see it is that even though Toolboxes do save time, it is generally one time use, plus then survivors are giving up the ability to heal themselves. I must say I rarely see people bringing those over other items.

    I would say that even though flashy saves can be a true annoyance, most survivors are just plain bad with them.

    If tool boxes are nerfed, then there really are not truly useful and reliable items for survivors besides Medkits😅

  2. If I see a lobby with multiple toolboxes, I want to leave but I'm not such a Killer. Instead I use Spinning Top or Franklin's (depends on the Killer). Spinning top won't take charges away but survivors have to walk back to the item, which will waste time. I don't get why multiple survivors are using perks and strong items to decrease the gen tìme to a point it isn't funny anymore. I like to play against medkits and flashlights more than against toolboxes.

  3. the drawback to toolboxes is that you aren't bringing a medkit or a flashlight (..or a key or map or sabo toolbox, I guess). Those items can save time too, it's just not as easy to quantify it as it is with toolboxes. A flashlight save can deny a hook, which means anyone working on gens has a bit of extra time as the killer is now chasing for longer. Similarly with medkits, healing up so that you now go down in two hits rather than one, along with being harder to track, that gives other survivors working on gens more time to finish it.

    plus items are just part of a survivor's loadout in the same sense that addons are part of a killer's. of course a team without any items is gonna do worse than one with items. It's the same for killers too – artist without her tar/carrion addons is going to have a harder time securing downs on survivors, making chases take longer, meaning survivors get more progress on gens vs an artist who can efficiently down, hook, rotate to harass the remaining survivors off of their gens.
    also killers got the advantage of being able to see directly what items are being brought into the match, whereas survivors have no idea what addons are in play. Some are obvious, but other times you can only really guess or need to pay close attention. Does the myers have longer tier 3 or are they just struggling to get their stalk up? Does the wraith have the aura-reading addon or are they just great at mindgames? Meanwhile if I load into a lobby and see the Jane has a toolbox, I know that I should be scouting for her with lethal. If I don't find her early and hear a gen pop off in the distance during my first chase, I can rest assured that was likely a toolbox dumped into a corner gen that I had very little hope of patrolling. The Jane now has no item, I have time to start setting up my three-gen.

    all that being said there's definitely a psychological aspect to toolboxes/'''gen rushing'''. Other killers seem to give up so easily if the first gen pops before their first hook, or start acting as if their scummy playstyle is now justified. I love the 12 hook 5 gens left games too, but a lot of my matches I can afford to let them all rush the first gen they spawn next to. In that time I am setting up the rest of the map, the fourth survivor running around throwing pallets at me to break. Who cares if ormond's shack gen gets rushed at the start, I can hold main and two outdoor north ones super easily. But if you hear that first gen pop and immediately go 'welp, they're genrushing me' you're setting yourself up for failure.

    also, all those disagreements aside, great video! even if I disagree with a lot of it, it was well edited. hope the fact I spent so long writing this comment shows I found it engaging.

  4. They blatantly aren't too good. You can waste a toolbox just by scaring a survivor off, and it only really works on speedrunning the first gen at the cost of no survivability. It's a good time save but that's all they'll be, p balanced imo.

  5. I disagree. There has been enough nerfs on toolboxes already. you barely save any time and if you really want to "gen rush" you need to commit your whole build to it. So saying its free isnt true as there are drawbacks if you want toolboxes to really be worth it. also killers can just aswell bring addons which make them stronger so why would toolboxes be an issue. I feel like the game is almost the most balanced its ever been right now

  6. Use ''Pop Goes The Weasel'' on a gen which a survivor wasted his toolbox on and then the gen is back to 0 and that survivor have no item/charges left while the killer have his bonuses from add-ons the entire game compared to a survivor which remains only with his perks, also other gen perks from killer can reprogress the gen to where it was

  7. Tool boxes are an issue but IMO perks like PTS are much worse since they are usuable the entire trail. Even with PTS in it's nerfed state, you can do a generator in sub 40s using only PTS. Combo'd with perks like Deja Vu that now for some reason gives you not only permanent gen speed increase the entire trail, but actively make you more efficient by highlighting the generators.
    These perks combo'd with toolboxes and the fact the only good gen regression requires you to get hooks means a SWF or decent solo's can easily get 2-3 gens done before you've even gotten your first hook. You can LITERALLY get a generator completed before a Killer has time to walk to a generator to pressure it with lethal pursuer off spawn.

  8. i mean considering killers can run pop the weasel, pain res, deadmans, overcharge, call of brian, merciless storm plus many other combinations of gen regression perks simultaneously i really dont think tool boxes are THAT insane. An entire stock tool box can easily be countered by one pop kick and a scourge hook. BNP's are strong but killers also have very strong add-ons that they can bring at will to shift the game in their favor.


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