Toxic survivors BUT SKILLED? MADNESS | Dead by Daylight Leatherface

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Toxic survivors that are skilled and behave toxic… while I’m doing my best to win the game as a killer. A nightmare experience honestly. I really felt this match.

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Toxic survivors BUT SKILLED? MADNESS | Dead by Daylight Leatherface

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21 thoughts on “Toxic survivors BUT SKILLED? MADNESS | Dead by Daylight Leatherface”

  1. The vault chain at the end is indisputably toxic, but only the devs can fix it, and the fix would be very simple – make a cooldown for loud notifications if they happen on the same windowpallet.

  2. Dude I rly love your content but I cant stand this complaining Community anymore.
    You f.e. tell people Not to camp and tunnel to get better with bubba. And I think this is the right approach.
    But lets stop this: so stressful, suevivor sided etc.
    Competetive Games are Stress Full. I played wc3 and Starcraft. This is pure stress and adrenaline.
    You did good. You got one, with maybe other decisions you would have killed maybe More survivors.
    Sometimes it feels like people want easy 4k all the time.

    Stay strong bro

  3. ”why you get upset when a survival clicking & teabaging & vault spamming it’s just a game… also why you camping bro camping needs no skill”

    Sadly some survivals logic

  4. this game is full of sore winners
    It doesnt matter how you play there will always be that one person who takes this game way too seriously and makes sure to show the killer that they won

  5. Most of the time, the toxic things people can do I this game are more cringe them toxic, tbh. That Haddie was more cringe them toxic, for example. Hitting people on hook because they looped you (?) is more cringe them toxic.

  6. I play both sides. One thing is true, solo q did got a bit harder, but at high MMR / versing strong swfs the game is still survivor sided. They game might be a bit killer sided but only versus casuals, I still prefer to play survivor Solo Q tho, it's less stressful.


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